# Translation of Plugins - Event Tickets - Stable (latest release) in German
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Event Tickets - Stable (latest release) package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-09 12:27:46+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
"Language: de\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Event Tickets - Stable (latest release)\n"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/actions/rsvp/not-going.php:43
msgctxt "Label for the RSVP \"can't go\" version of the not going button"
msgid "Can't go"
msgstr "Kann nicht teilnehmen"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/details/attendance.php:29
msgctxt "Label below the attendance number"
msgid "Going"
msgstr "Teilnehmer"
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/status/going.php:25
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/actions/rsvp/going.php:28
msgctxt "Label for the RSVP going button"
msgid "Going"
msgstr "Teilnehmen"
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/status/not-going.php:44
msgctxt "Label for the RSVP not going button"
msgid "Not going"
msgstr "Nehme nicht teil"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:206
msgid "Your email"
msgstr "Deine E-Mail-Adresse"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:203
msgid "Keep this list of links on hand and stay subscribed to receive tips and tricks about The Events Calendar products."
msgstr "Halte diese Liste mit Links bereit und nutze das Abonnement, um Tipps und Tricks zu den Produkten des Event Calendars zu erhalten."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:202
msgid "Want this emailed to you?"
msgstr "Möchtest Du das per E-Mail erhalten?"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:196
msgid "Add WooCommerce integration, advanced registration, and more."
msgstr "Füge WooCommerce-Integration, erweiterte Registrierung und mehr hinzu."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:194
msgid "Illustration of a hand holding a ticket and the WooCommerce logo"
msgstr "Illustration einer Hand, die ein Ticket hält, und das WooCommerce-Logo"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:174
msgid "Add The Events Calendar (it's free!) to enhance Event Tickets."
msgstr "Füge The Events Calendar hinzu (kostenlos!), um Event-Tickets zu erweitern."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:172
msgid "Illustration of a calendar"
msgstr "Illustration eines Kalenders"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:165
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:187
msgid "Check out our suite of add-ons"
msgstr "Informiere Dich über unsere Add-on-Suite"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:164
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:186
msgid "Want to take your events to the next level?"
msgstr "Willst Du Deine Veranstaltungen auf die nächste Ebene bringen?"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:154
msgid "Browse our library of free extensions for Event Tickets."
msgstr "Durchsuche unsere Bibliothek mit kostenlosen Erweiterungen für Veranstaltungstickets."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:152
msgid "Illustration of a power plug and gears"
msgstr "Abbildung eines Netzsteckers und eines Getriebes"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:144
msgid "Get started with online events"
msgstr "Mit Online-Events durchstarten"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:143
msgid "Tips and tools to help with planning online events, webinars, and more on WordPress and beyond."
msgstr "Tipps und Tools zur Planung von Online-Veranstaltungen, Webinaren und mehr in WordPress und darüber hinaus."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:142
msgid "Virtual Event Resources"
msgstr "Quellen für virtuelle Veranstaltungen"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:140
msgid "Illustration of a phone screen with a person's face"
msgstr "Illustration eines Telefonbildschirms mit dem Gesicht einer Person"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:133
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:155
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:175
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Mehr erfahren"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:132
msgid "Need a language other than English? We've got you covered here."
msgstr "Benötigest Du eine andere Sprache als Englisch? Wir haben diese hier abgedeckt."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:131
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Übersetzungen"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:129
msgid "Illustration of characters being translated"
msgstr "Illustration von Zeichen, die übersetzt werden"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:123
msgid "Dig deeper"
msgstr "Tiefer eintauchen"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:122
msgid "Ready to dig deeper? Our Knowledgebase can help you get the most out of The Events Calendar suite."
msgstr "Bereit tiefer einzusteigen? Mit unserer Knowledgebase kannst Du die Events Calendar-Suite optimal nutzen."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:119
msgid "Illustration of a thought lightbulb coming from a book"
msgstr "Illustration einer Gedankenglühbirne aus einem Buch"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:113
msgid "Check out the guide"
msgstr "Schau dir unser Benutzerhandbuch an"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:112
msgid "New to Event Tickets? Here's everything you need to get started."
msgstr "Neu im Events Calendar? Hier findet Du alles, was Du brauchst, um loszulegen."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:111
msgid "Getting Started Guide"
msgstr "Erste Schritte"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:109
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:162
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:184
msgid "Illustration of a book with The Events Calendar logo"
msgstr "Illustration eines Buches mit dem The Events Calendar-Logo"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:94
msgid "Helpful Resources"
msgstr "Hilfreiche Ressourcen"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:85
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:89
msgid "Setup PayPal"
msgstr "Setup PayPal"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:81
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:88
msgid "Install The Events Calendar"
msgstr "Installiere den Events Calendar"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:76
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:80
msgid "Install WooCommerce"
msgstr "Installiere WooCommerce"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:75
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:79
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:83
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:87
msgid "Configure Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen konfigurieren"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:72
msgid "Quick Links:"
msgstr "Quick Links:"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:66
msgid "Thanks for installing Event Tickets! Here are some handy resources for getting started with our plugins."
msgstr "Vielen Dank für die Installation des Events Calendars! Hier sind einige nützliche Ressourcen für den Einstieg in unsere Plugins."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:64
msgid "Thanks for installing Event Tickets Plus! Here are some handy resources for getting started with our plugins."
msgstr "Vielen Dank für die Installation des Events Calendars! Hier sind einige nützliche Ressourcen für den Einstieg in unsere Plugins."
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:51
msgid "Event Tickets logo"
msgstr "Event Tickets Logo"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:29
msgid "You're the proud owner of Event Tickets Plus! Let's get started…"
msgstr "Du bist ein stolzer Besitzer von Event Tickets Plus! Lass uns loslegen!"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:29
msgctxt "short expression of excitement"
msgid "WOOHOO!"
msgstr "WOOHOO!"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:27
msgid "The Events Calendar product suite logo"
msgstr "Die Events Calendar Produktsuite Logo"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:40
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:102
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:160
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:38
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:44
msgid "Shapes and lines for visual interest"
msgstr "Formen und Linien für visuelles Interesse"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:24
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:221
msgid "The Events Calendar brand logo"
msgstr "Events Calendar Pro Logo"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:59
msgid "Events Calendar Pro"
msgstr "Events Calendar Pro"
#. Translators: %s: The RSVP label.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/details/availability/days-to-rsvp.php:38
msgctxt "Last day to RSVP"
msgid "Last day to %s"
msgstr "Letzter Tag bis %s"
#. Translators: 1 the guest number.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/guest-list/guest-template.php:36
msgctxt "RSVP attendee registration sidebar guest button"
msgid "Guest %1$s"
msgstr "Gast %1$s"
#. Translators: 1 the guest number.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/template/title.php:17
msgctxt "RSVP attendee registration form title"
msgid "Guest %1$s"
msgstr "Gast %1$s"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/error.php:21
msgid "Please fill in required information before proceeding"
msgstr "Bitte alle erforderlichen Informationen ausfüllen, um fortzufahren"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/buttons.php:30
msgid "Next guest"
msgstr "Nächster Gast"
#. Translators: %1$s: RSVP label.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/messages/success/not-going.php:35
msgctxt "blocks rsvp messages success"
msgid "Your %1$s response has been received."
msgstr "Deine %1$s Antwort ist eingegangen."
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/messages/success/not-going.php:28
msgid "Thank you for confirming!"
msgstr "Danke für dein Abonnement!"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/name.php:44
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/name.php:43
msgid "Your Name"
msgstr "Dein Name"
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:809
msgid "Unable to process your request, invalid content resource."
msgstr "Deine Anfrage konnte nicht bearbeitet werden, ungültiger Inhalt."
#. translators: %s is the attendee field name.
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:778
msgid "Attendee field \"%s\" is empty."
msgstr "Teilnehmerfeld \"%s\" ist leer."
#. translators: %s is the attendee field name.
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:772
msgid "Attendee field \"%s\" is not set."
msgstr "Teilnehmerfeld \"%s\" ist nicht gesetzt."
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:517
msgid "Unable to verify your opt-in request, please try again."
msgstr "Deine Anfrage konnte nicht verifiziert werden, versuche es bitte erneut."
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:480
msgid "Your RSVP was unsuccessful, please try again."
msgstr "Deine Reservierung war nicht erfolgreich, bitte versuche es erneut."
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:261
msgid "Something happened here."
msgstr "Irgendetwas ist passiert."
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/actions/success/tooltip.php:26
msgid "Enabling this allows your gravatar and name to be present for other attendees to see."
msgstr "Wenn du diese Option aktivierst, ist dein Gravatar und dein Name für andere Teilnehmer sichtbar."
#. Translators: 1: opening span. 2: Closing span.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/actions/success/toggle.php:55
msgctxt "Toggle for RSVP attendee list."
msgid "Show me on public %1$sattendee list%2$s"
msgstr "Zeige mich auf der öffentlichen %1$sattendee list%2$s"
#: src/views/registration-js/attendees/fields/birth.php:87
msgctxt "birthdate field"
msgid " Year"
msgstr "Jahr"
#: src/views/registration-js/attendees/fields/birth.php:67
msgctxt "birthdate field"
msgid " Day"
msgstr " Tag"
#: src/views/registration-js/attendees/fields/birth.php:47
msgctxt "birthdate field"
msgid " Month"
msgstr "Monat"
#: src/admin-views/rsvp-metabox-not-going.php:27
msgid "Enable \"Can't Go\" responses"
msgstr "Aktiviere \"Kann nicht teilnehmen\"-Antworten"
#: src/admin-views/rsvp-metabox-not-going.php:17
msgid "Can't Go:"
msgstr "Kann nicht teilnehmen:"
#: src/Tribe/Editor/Blocks/Rsvp.php:261
msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel?"
msgstr "Bist du sicher, dass du absagen möchtest?"
#: common/src/Tribe/Promoter/Auth.php:41
msgid "Promoter Key"
msgstr "Promoter Schlüssel"
#. Translators: %s Guest label for RSVP attendee registration sidebar title.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/quantity.php:22
msgid "Total %s"
msgstr "Gesamt %s"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/quantity/plus.php:23
msgid "Plus"
msgstr "Plus"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/quantity/minus.php:23
msgid "Minus"
msgstr "Minus"
#. Translators: %s Guest label for RSVP attendee registration sidebar.
#. Translators: %s Guest label for RSVP attendee registration form title.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/guest-list/guest.php:34
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/title.php:21
msgid "Main %s"
msgstr "Haupt-%s"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/actions/rsvp.php:22
msgid "RSVP Here"
msgstr "Ich reserviere"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/actions/success/title.php:17
msgid "Can't go"
msgstr "Kann nicht teilnehmen"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/actions/success/title.php:17
msgid "You are going"
msgstr "Ich nehme teil"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/actions/full.php:22
msgid "RSVP Closed"
msgstr "Geschlossen"
#. Translators: %1$s: RSVP label.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/messages/success/going.php:43
msgctxt "blocks rsvp messages success"
msgid "Check your email for %1$s confirmation."
msgstr "Überprüfe deine E-Mails für die %1$s Bestätigung."
#. Translators: %1$s: RSVP label.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/messages/success/going.php:32
msgctxt "blocks rsvp messages success"
msgid "Your %1$s has been received! "
msgstr "Deine %1$s ist eingegangen! "
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/messages/must-login.php:46
msgid "Log in here"
msgstr "Hier einloggen"
#. Translators: 1: RSVP label.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/messages/must-login.php:36
msgctxt "rsvp must login"
msgid "You must be logged in to %1$s."
msgstr "Du musst bei %1$s angemeldet sein."
#. Translators: 1: opening span. 2: the number of remaining days to RSVP. 3:
#. Closing span. 4: The RSVP label.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/details/availability/days-to-rsvp.php:23
msgctxt "Days to RSVP"
msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s day left to %4$s"
msgid_plural "%1$s %2$s %3$s days left to %4$s"
msgstr[0] ""
"%1$s %2$s %3$s Tag bis %4$s"
msgstr[1] ""
"%1$s %2$s %3$s Tage bis %4$s"
#. Translators: 1: opening span. 2: the number of remaining tickets to RSVP. 3:
#. Closing span.
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/details/availability/remaining.php:30
msgctxt "Remaining RSVP quantity"
msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s remaining"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s verbleibend"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/details/availability/full.php:22
msgid "Currently full"
msgstr "Derzeit voll"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/going/title.php:20
msgid "Please submit your RSVP information, including the total number of guests."
msgstr "Bitte reiche deine Teilnahmeinfos ein, einschließlich der Gästeanzahl."
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/not-going/title.php:20
msgid "Please submit your information even if you are unable to attend."
msgstr "Bitte reiche Deine Informationen auch ein, wenn Du nicht teilnimmst."
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/quantity.php:18
msgid "Number of Guests Not Attending"
msgstr "Anzahl der nicht teilnehmenden Gäste"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/quantity.php:18
msgid "Number of Guests"
msgstr "Anzahl der Gäste"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/submit.php:23
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/buttons.php:38
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Abschließen"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/email.php:44
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/email.php:43
msgid "your@email.com"
msgstr "deine@email.de"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/quantity.php:25
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/name.php:34
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/email.php:34
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/name.php:33
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/email.php:33
msgid "required"
msgstr "erforderlich"
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/name.php:34
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/name.php:33
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"
#: src/views/shortcodes/my-attendance-list.php:40
msgid "View Tickets"
msgstr "Karten anzeigen"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1695
msgctxt "lowercase plural label for Guest"
msgid "guests"
msgstr "gäste"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1671
msgctxt "plural label for Guest"
msgid "Guests"
msgstr "Gäste"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1647
msgctxt "lowercase singular label for Guest"
msgid "guest"
msgstr "gast"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1623
msgctxt "singular label for Guest"
msgid "Guest"
msgstr "Gast"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-display.php:26
msgid "This setting will render the new front-end designs (styling) and user-flow for the RSVP experience."
msgstr "Neues Reservierungs Design ermöglichen"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-display.php:25
msgid "Enable New RSVP Experience"
msgstr "Neues Reservierungs Design ermöglichen"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-display.php:21
msgid "The settings below control the display of your RSVPs."
msgstr "Die folgenden Einstellungen steuern die Anzeige Deiner Reservierungen."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-display.php:17
msgid "RSVP Display Settings"
msgstr "Reservierungs Anzeige Einstellungen"
#. translators: %1$s: RSVP singular text, %2$s: Link to settings page.
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Notices.php:95
msgid ""
"With this new version, we've introduced newly redesigned %1$s frontend views. If you have customized the %1$s section, this update will likely impact your customizations.\n"
"\t\t\tTo upgrade to the new frontend views, please enable them in the %2$s."
msgstr ""
"Mit dieser neuen Version haben wir neu gestaltete %1$s-Frontend-Ansichten eingeführt. Wenn Du den Abschnitt %1$s angepasst hast, wird sich diese Aktualisierung wahrscheinlich auf Deine Anpassungen auswirken.\n"
"Um auf die neuen Frontend-Ansichten zu wechseln, aktiviere diese bitte im Abschnitt %2$s."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Notices.php:86
msgctxt "Admin notice link text"
msgid "RSVP Display Settings"
msgstr "Anzeige-Einstellungen"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:183
msgid "Browse Extensions"
msgstr "Erweiterungen durchsuchen"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:179
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Download"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:165
msgid "Extensions are quick solutions our team came up with to solve specific issues you may need. (Note - extensions are not covered by our support team.)"
msgstr "Erweiterungen sind schnelle Lösungen, die unser Team entwickelt hat, um bestimmte Probleme zu lösen, die Du möglicherweise benötigst. (Nur eine Anmerkung - Erweiterungen werden von unserem Support-Team nicht abgedeckt.)"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:164
msgid "Free extensions to power up your plugins"
msgstr "Kostenlose Erweiterungen, um Ihre Plugins zu verbessern"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:125
msgid "Includes"
msgstr "Enhält"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:119
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:146
msgid "Save With A Bundle"
msgstr "Mit einem Paket sparen"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:107
msgid "We've packaged our most popular plugins into bundles jam-packed with value."
msgstr "Wir haben unsere beliebtesten Plugins in Pakete gepackt, die vollgepackt sind mit nützlichen Funktionen."
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:106
msgid "The plugins you need at one discounted price"
msgstr "Die Plugins, die du benötigst, zu einem ermäßigten Preis"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:88
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "Mehr erfahren"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:86
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Verwalten"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:61
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:170
msgid "FREE"
msgstr "KOSTENLOS"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:59
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktiv"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:49
msgid "Already Installed"
msgstr "Bereits installiert"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:47
msgid "Calendars, ticketing, and powerful WordPress tools to manage your events from start to finish."
msgstr "Kalender, Ticketing und leistungsstarke WordPress-Tools zur Verwaltung deiner Veranstaltungen."
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:46
msgid "One calendar. Countless ways to make it your own."
msgstr "Ein Kalender. Unzählige Möglichkeiten, ihn zu deinem zu machen."
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:31
msgid "Extensions"
msgstr "Erweiterungen"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:30
msgid "Save with Bundles"
msgstr "Im Paket Geld sparen"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:29
msgid "All Solutions"
msgstr "Alle Lösungen"
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:55
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:112
#: common/src/admin-views/app-shop.php:134
msgid "TEC Logo"
msgstr "TEC Logo"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:221
msgid "Embed livestreams and videos"
msgstr "Livestreams und Videos einbetten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:220
msgid "Status control for canceled or postponed events"
msgstr "Statuskontrolle für stornierte oder verschobene Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:219
msgid "Virtual event labels"
msgstr "Beschriftungen für virtuelle Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:216
msgid "Features to optimize your calendar for virtual events."
msgstr "Funktionen zur Optimierung deines Kalenders für virtuelle Veranstaltungen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:213
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:255
msgid "Virtual Events"
msgstr "Virtuelle Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:204
msgid "Random Images"
msgstr "Zufällige Bilder"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:203
msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr "Slideshow"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:202
msgid "Lightbox"
msgstr "Lightbox"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:201
msgid "Multi-Image Support"
msgstr "Multi-Bilder-Unterstützung"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:199
msgid "Beautiful display options for your favorite photos."
msgstr "Schöne Anzeigeoptionen für deine Lieblingsfotos."
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:187
msgid "Automatically import your events"
msgstr "Veranstaltungen automatisch importieren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:186
msgid "Integrated with your events on Eventbrite"
msgstr "Integriert in Ihre Veranstaltungen auf Eventbrite"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:185
msgid "Ticket availability automatically updates"
msgstr "Kartenverfügbarkeit wird automatisch aktualisiert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:184
msgid "Manage tickets from WordPress"
msgstr "Karten von WordPress aus verwalten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:182
msgid "Unite the power of TEC with the ticketing of Eventbrite"
msgstr "Vereine die Macht des TEC mit dem Ticketing von Eventbrite"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:169
msgid "Sales reporting"
msgstr "Verkaufsberichte"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:168
msgid "No admin access required"
msgstr "Kein Administrator Zugriff benötigt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:167
msgid "Split commission with users"
msgstr "Kommission mit Benutzern teilen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:166
msgid "Users submit events and sell tickets"
msgstr "Benutzer reichen Veranstaltungen ein und verkaufen Karten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:164
msgid "Run your own events marketplace"
msgstr "Betreibe Deinen eigenen Veranstaltungsmarktplatz"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:152
msgid "Email notifications"
msgstr "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:151
msgid "Registered User Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen für registrierte Nutzer"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:150
msgid "Event Submission Form"
msgstr "Formular zur Einreichung von Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:149
msgid "Publishing Control"
msgstr "Veröffentlichungskontrolle"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:147
msgid "Users submit events to your calendar"
msgstr "Benutzer tragen Veranstaltungen in deinen Kalender ein"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:135
msgid "Filter distance (for Events Calendar Pro)"
msgstr "Entfernung filtern (für Events Calendar Pro)"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:134
msgid "Filter category, price, and more"
msgstr "Kategorie, Preis und mehr filtern"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:133
msgid "Horizontal or vertical"
msgstr "Horizontal oder vertikal"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:132
msgid "Configurable set of filters"
msgstr "Konfigurierbarer Filtersatz"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:130
msgid "Help users find exactly the right event"
msgstr "Helfe Benutzern, genau die richtige Veranstaltung zu finden"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:118
msgid "Segment your attendee lists"
msgstr "Segmentiere deine Teilnehmerlisten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:117
msgid "Streamline your email process"
msgstr "Optimiere deinen E-Mail-Prozess"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:116
msgid "Customize email templates"
msgstr "E-Mail-Templates anpassen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:115
msgid "Automate email touchpoints"
msgstr "E-Mail-Kontaktpunkte automatisieren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:113
msgid "An email marketing solution for events and the people running them"
msgstr "Eine E-Mail-Marketinglösung für Veranstaltungen und Menschen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:101
msgid "Custom attendee registration fields"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Teilnehmer-Registrierungsfelder"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:100
msgid "Ticket scanning with mobile app"
msgstr "Karten-Scannen mit mobiler App"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:99
msgid "WooCommerce compatibility"
msgstr "WooCommerce-Kompatibilität"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:98
msgid "Custom registration fields"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Registrierungsfelder"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:96
msgid "Monetize your events"
msgstr "Verdiene Geld mit deinen Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:84
msgid "Customizable ticket template"
msgstr "Anpassbare Kartenvorlage"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:83
msgid "Attendee reports"
msgstr "Teilnehmerberichte"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:82
msgid "Paypal integration"
msgstr "Paypal Integration"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:81
msgid "Add tickets and RSVP to any post"
msgstr "Hinzufügen von Karten und RSVP zu jedem Beitrag"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:79
msgid "Manage ticketing and RSVPs"
msgstr "Verwalten von Ticketing und RSVPs"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:67
msgid "Shortcodes"
msgstr "Shortcodes"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:66
msgid "Additional views"
msgstr "Zusätzliche Ansichten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:65
msgid "Recurring events"
msgstr "Wiederkehrende Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:64
msgid "Premium support"
msgstr "Premium-Support"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:62
msgid "Power up your calendar with Pro"
msgstr "Erweitere deinen Kalender mit dem Pro Plugin"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:50
msgid "Refine by date, location, or keyword"
msgstr "Verfeinern nach Datum, Ort oder Schlüsselwort"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:49
msgid "Works with Google Calendar, Meetup, and more"
msgstr "Arbeitet mit Google Kalender, Meetup und anderen zusammen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:47
msgid "Schedule automated imports"
msgstr "Planen automatisierter Importe"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:45
msgid "Automated imports for your calendar"
msgstr "Automatisierte Importe für deinen Kalender"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:33
msgid "Multiple views"
msgstr "Mehrfache Ansichten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:32
msgid "Timezone support"
msgstr "Zeitzonenunterstützung"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:31
msgid "Import & export events"
msgstr "Importiere und exportiere Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:30 common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:48
msgid "Customizable"
msgstr "Anpassbar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:28
msgid "Our flagship free calendar"
msgstr "Unser Kostenloser Flaggschiff-Kalender"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:285
msgid "From registration to attendance history, view every step of the event lifecycle with this HubSpot integration."
msgstr "Mit der HubSpot-Integration kannst du jeden Schritt des Veranstaltungslebensszyklus von der Registrierung bis zum Anwesenheitsverlauf anzeigen."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:282
msgid "Reach Attendees"
msgstr "Teilnehmer erreichen"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:279
msgid "Change \"Events\" to \"Webinars,\" or \"Venues\" to \"Livestream,\" or \"Organizers\" to \"Hosts.\" Tailor your calendar for virtual events and meetings."
msgstr "Ändere \"Veranstaltungen\" in \"Webinare\" oder \"Veranstaltungsorte\" in \"Livestream\" oder \"Organisatoren\" in \"Hosts\". Passe deinen Kalender an virtuelle Veranstaltungen und Besprechungen an."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:276
msgid "Adjust Label"
msgstr "Textlabel anpassen"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:273
msgid "Turn the venue name for your event into a clickable URL — a great way to link directly to a venue’s website or a virtual meeting."
msgstr "Verwandele den Namen des Veranstaltungsortes für deine Veranstaltung in eine anklickbare URL - eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, direkt auf die Website eines Veranstaltungsortes oder ein virtuelles Meeting zu verlinken."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:270
msgid "Custom Venue Links"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Links zum Veranstaltungsort"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:267
msgid "Use this shortcode to display events that are currently in progress, like webinars and livestreams."
msgstr "Verwende diesen Shortcode, um Veranstaltungen anzuzeigen, die gerade ausgeführt werden, z. B. Webinare und Livestreams."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:264
msgid "Events Happening Now"
msgstr "Jetzt stattfindende Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:261
msgid "When users click on the event title, they’ll be taken right to the source of your event, offering a direct route to join."
msgstr "Wenn Benutzer auf den Veranstaltungstitel klicken, werden sie direkt zur Quelle der Veranstaltung weitergeleitet mit einer direkten Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:258
msgid "Link Directly to Webinar"
msgstr "Verlinke direkt zum Webinar"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:255
msgid "Create a strong call-to-action for attendees to \"Join Webinar\" instead of only sharing a website address."
msgstr "Erstelle eine starke Handlungsaufforderung für die Teilnehmer, an einem Webinar teilzunehmen, anstatt nur eine Website-Adresse zu teilen."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:252
msgid "Website URL CTA"
msgstr "URL Handlungsaufruf "
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:225
msgid "All of our premium events management plugins at a deep discount."
msgstr "Alle unsere Premium-Events-Management-Plugins mit einem satten Rabatt."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:221
msgid "Ultimate Bundle"
msgstr "Das ultimative Paket"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:212
msgid "Handle event submissions with ticket sales and everything you need to build a robust community."
msgstr "Behandle Einreichungen von Veranstaltungen mit Kartenverkäufen und allem, was du zum Aufbau einer Community benötigst."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:208
msgid "Community Manager Bundle"
msgstr "Community Manager Paket"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:204
msgid "Add recurring events"
msgstr "Terminserien hinzufügen"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:203
msgid "Automated emails optimized for virtual events"
msgstr "Automatisierte E-Mails, optimiert für virtuelle Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:218 common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:202
msgid "Zoom integration"
msgstr "Zoom-Integration"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:201
msgid "Sell tickets and earn revenue for online events"
msgstr "Verkaufe Kartzen und erziele Einnahmen mit Online-Events"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:193
msgid "Streamline your online events and increase revenue."
msgstr "Optimiere deine Online-Veranstaltungen und steigere den Umsatz."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:189
msgid "Virtual Events Marketing Bundle"
msgstr "Marketing Paket für virtuelle Veranstaltungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:181
msgid "Fill your calendar with events from across the web, including Google Calendar, Meetup, and more."
msgstr "Fülle deinen Kalender mit Veranstaltungen aus dem gesamten Internet, einschließlich Google Kalender, Meetup und mehr."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:180
msgid "Save over 25%"
msgstr "Spare mehr als 25%"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:177
msgid "Event Importer Bundle"
msgstr "Event-Importer-Paket"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:169
msgid "Ticket sales, attendee management, and email marketing for your events"
msgstr "Kartenverkauf, Teilnehmerverwaltung und E-Mail-Marketing für deine Veranstaltungen."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:168 common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:192
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:211 common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:224
msgid "Save over 20%"
msgstr "Spare mehr als 20%"
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:165
msgid "Events Marketing Bundle"
msgstr "Events Marketing Paket"
#. translators: %1$s: Number of stock, %2$s: Ticket label, %3$s: Tickets label
#: src/Tribe/Events/Views/V2/Models/Tickets.php:192
msgid "%1$s %2$s left"
msgid_plural "%1$s %3$s left"
msgstr[0] "%1$s %2$s verfügbar"
msgstr[1] "%1$s %3$s verfügbar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins.php:147
msgid "Using this function before \"plugins_loaded\" action has fired can return unreliable results."
msgstr "Die Verwendung dieser Funktion vor dem Auslösen der Aktion \"plugins_loaded\" kann zu unzuverlässigen Ergebnissen führen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Extension.php:421
msgctxt "extension disallowed"
msgid "This extension has been programmatically disallowed. The most common reason is due to another Modern Tribe plugin having absorbed or replaced this extension's functionality. This extension plugin has been deactivated, and you should likely delete it."
msgstr "Diese Erweiterung wurde programmgesteuert nicht zugelassen. Der häufigste Grund ist, dass ein anderes Modern Tribe Plugin die Funktionalität dieser Erweiterung absorbiert oder ersetzt hat. Diese Erweiterung Plugin wurde deaktiviert, und du solltest es wahrscheinlich löschen."
#: src/views/registration-js/attendees/fields/birth.php:95
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Jahr"
#: src/views/registration-js/attendees/fields/birth.php:75
msgid "Day"
msgstr "Tag"
#: src/views/registration-js/attendees/fields/birth.php:55
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Monat"
#. translators: %s: Tickets label
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/content-inactive.php:19
msgid "%s are no longer available"
msgstr "%s sind nicht länger verfügbar"
#. translators: %s: Tickets label
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/submit-button-modal.php:27
msgctxt "Get Tickets button."
msgid "Get %s"
msgstr "%s kaufen"
#. translators: %1$s: Event name, %2$s: Tickets label
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/submit-button-modal.php:24
msgctxt "Tickets modal title."
msgid "%1$s %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
#. translators: %s: Tickets label
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/submit-button.php:59
msgctxt "Add tickets to cart."
msgid "Get %s"
msgstr "%s kaufen"
#: src/views/blocks/attendees/view-link.php:40
#: src/views/tickets/orders-pp-tickets.php:32
#: src/views/tickets/view-link.php:50 src/views/tickets/orders.php:76
#: src/views/tickets/orders-rsvp.php:30
msgctxt "fallback post type singular name"
msgid "Post"
msgstr "Beitrag"
#. Translators: %1$s: the post/event title, %2$d: the post/event ID.
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Orders_Tabbed_View.php:36
#: src/admin-views/attendees.php:33
msgctxt "attendees report screen heading"
msgid "Attendees for: %1$s [#%2$d]"
msgstr "Teilnehmer für: %1$s [#%2$d]"
#. translators: %1$s: Number of stock
#: src/Tribe/Events/Views/V2/Models/Tickets.php:189
msgid "%1$s spot left"
msgid_plural "%1$s spots left"
msgstr[0] "%1$s Platz verfügbar"
msgstr[1] "%1$s Plätze verfügbar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Json_Ld.php:21
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Json_Ld.php:40
msgid "Modern Tribe JSON-LD Data"
msgstr "Modern Tribe JSON-LD Data"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:334
msgctxt "The US state Georgia"
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Georgia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:138
msgctxt "The country"
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Georgien"
#. translators: %s: ticket name.
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/quantity-remove.php:26
msgctxt "Decrease ticket quantity button title"
msgid "Decrease ticket quantity for %s"
msgstr "Verringern der Kartenanzahl für %s"
#: src/views/tickets/orders.php:65
msgctxt "notice if user does not have rsvps"
msgid "You don't have %s for this event"
msgstr "Du hast keine %s für dieses Event"
#: src/admin-views/tpp-orders.php:150
msgid "Total %s Ordered"
msgstr "Insgesamt %s bestellt"
#: src/admin-views/tpp-orders.php:132
msgid "Total %s Sales"
msgstr "Insgesamt %s verkauft"
#: src/admin-views/tpp-orders.php:107
msgid "Sales by %s Type"
msgstr "Verkäufe nach %s Typ"
#: src/admin-views/tpp-metabox-sku.php:33
msgid "A unique identifying code for each %s type you're selling"
msgstr "Ein eindeutiger Code, der jeden von dir verkauften %s Typ identifiziert"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/settings-provider.php:38
msgid "Sell %s using:"
msgstr "Verkaufe %s über:"
#: src/Tribe/Integrations/Freemius.php:355
msgid "Powered by"
msgstr "Unterstützt von"
#: src/Tribe/Integrations/Freemius.php:351
msgid "And if you skip this, that's okay! %1$s will still work just fine."
msgstr "Du kannst diesen Punkt auch problemlos überspringen! %1$s wird immer noch funktionieren."
#: src/Tribe/Integrations/Freemius.php:347
msgid "Hi, %1$s! This is an invitation to help our %2$s community. If you opt-in, some data about your usage of %2$s will be shared with our teams (so they can work their butts off to improve). We will also share some helpful info on events management, WordPress, and our products from time to time."
msgstr "Hallo, %1$s! Dies ist eine Einladung, der %2$s Community zu helfen. Wenn du dich anmeldest, werden einige Daten über deine Nutzung von %2$s an unsere Teams weitergegeben (damit sie daran arbeiten können, um besser zu werden). Wir werden auch einige hilfreiche Informationen über Events-Management, WordPress und unsere Produkte von Zeit zu Zeit weitergeben."
#: src/Tribe/Integrations/Freemius.php:342
msgid "We hope you love %1$s"
msgstr "Wir hoffen, du liebst %1$s"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:36
msgid "Event Tickets Plus must be loaded to get Attendee data."
msgstr "Event Tickets Plus muss geladen sein, um Teilnehmerdaten zu erhalten."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:91
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Attendee.php:90
msgid "Sorry, Event Tickets Plus must be active to use this endpoint."
msgstr "Sorry, Event Tickets Plus muss aktiv sein, um dies zu nutzen."
#: src/Tribe/Events/Views/V2/Models/Tickets.php:149
msgctxt "events stock sold out (v2)"
msgid "Sold Out"
msgstr "Ausverkauft"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:44
msgid "Allow use of my attendee data publicly on this site."
msgstr "Erlaube die Nutzung meiner Teilnehmerdaten ausschließlich auf dieser Website."
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:43
msgid "Hide my attendee data from public view."
msgstr "Verstecke meine Teilnehmerdaten in der öffentlichen Ansicht."
#. Translators: %s RSVP singular or plural.
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:282
msgctxt "list view rsvp now ticket button"
msgid "%s Now!"
msgstr "%s Jetzt!"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-display.php:37
msgid "Select the date format used for elements with minimal space, such as in datepickers."
msgstr "Bestimme das Datumsformat, welches für Elemente mit geringem Platz wie z.B. der Datumsauswahl genutzt wird."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-display.php:36
msgid "Compact Date Format"
msgstr "Kompaktes Datumsformat"
#: common/src/Tribe/Dialog/View.php:369
msgid "Close this dialog window"
msgstr "Dieses Dialogfenster schließen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Dialog/View.php:355
msgid "Open the dialog window"
msgstr "Dieses Dialogfenster öffnen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Dialog/View.php:288
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: common/src/Tribe/Dialog/View.php:223
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Bestätigen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Dialog/View.php:154
msgid "Close this modal window"
msgstr "Dieses Dialogfenster schließen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Dialog/View.php:153
msgid "Open the modal window"
msgstr "Dieses Dialogfenster öffnen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log/Action_Logger.php:84
msgid "The Action Logger will dispatch any logging message using the \"tribe_log\" action writing, by default, to the PHP error log."
msgstr "Der Action Logger sendet jede Logging-Meldung mit der Aktion \"tribe_log\", die standardmäßig in das PHP-Fehlerprotokoll geschrieben wird."
#: common/src/Tribe/Log/Action_Logger.php:39
msgid "Action-based Logger"
msgstr "Action-based Logger"
#: common/src/Tribe/Repository.php:2467
msgid "Could not delete post with ID "
msgstr "Konnte Beitrag nicht löschen - ID"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:217
msgid "North Macedonia"
msgstr "Nord Mazedonien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:91
msgid "State"
msgstr "Status"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:65
msgid "Writes"
msgstr "Schreibt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:64
msgid "Reads"
msgstr "Liest"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:63
msgid "ORM arg"
msgstr "ORM arg"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:62
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:61
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Schlüssel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:53
msgid "PHP Render Context"
msgstr "PHP Render Kontext"
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:22
#: common/src/Tribe/Debug_Bar/Panels/Context.php:50
msgid "Modern Tribe Context"
msgstr "Modern Tribe Kontext"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:263
msgid "%s must be a valid URL."
msgstr "%s muss eine gültige URL sein"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Update_Prevention.php:184
msgid "Your update failed due to an incompatibility between the version (%1$s) of the %2$s you tried to update to and the version of %3$s that you are using. %4$s"
msgstr "Dein Update ist aufgrund einer Inkompatibilität zwischen der Version (%1$s) der %2$s, auf die du zu aktualisieren versucht hast, und der Version von %3$s, die du verwendest, fehlgeschlagen. %4$s"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Plugin_Download.php:125
msgid "There’s a new version of %1$s available, but your license is expired. You’ll need to renew your license to get access to the latest version. If you plan to continue using your current version of the plugin(s), be sure to use a compatible version of The Events Calendar. %2$s"
msgstr "Es gibt eine neue Version von %1$s, aber deine Lizenz ist abgelaufen. Du musst deine Lizenz verlängern, um Zugriff auf die neueste Version zu erhalten. Wenn du planst, deine aktuelle Version der Plugins weiterhin zu verwenden, stelle sicher, dass du eine kompatible Version von The Events Calendar verwendest. %2$s"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Plugin_Download.php:124
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Update_Prevention.php:181
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Weiterlesen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Plugin_Download.php:122
msgid "To begin using %2$s, please install and activate %3$s."
msgstr "Um mit der Verwendung von %2$s zu beginnen, installiere und aktiviere bitte %3$s."
#: common/src/functions/template-tags/html.php:101
msgctxt "The associated field is required."
msgid "(required)"
msgstr "(erforderlich)"
#: src/admin-views/order-pending-completion.php:7
msgid "Pending order completion counts tickets from orders with the following statuses:"
msgstr "Die ausstehende Auftragsabwicklung zählt Karten aus Aufträgen mit folgendem Status:"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:338
msgctxt "tickets fields settings paypal email subject"
msgid "You have %s!"
msgstr "Du hast %s!"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:336
msgctxt "tickets fields settings paypal email subject"
msgid "Subject of the confirmation email sent to customers when confirming a %s purchase."
msgstr "Betreff der Bestätigungsmail, die bei Bestätigung eines %s Kaufs gesendet wird."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:327
msgctxt "tickets fields settings paypal email sender"
msgid "Sender name of the confirmation email sent to customers when confirming a %s purchase."
msgstr "Absendername der Bestätigungsmail, welche bei Bestätigung des Kaufs von %s an den Kunden gesendet wird."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:318
msgctxt "tickets fields settings paypal confirmation email"
msgid "Email address PayPal %s customers will receive confirmation from. Leave empty to use the default WordPress site email address."
msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse über welche Paypal %s Käufer Bestätigungen erhalten. Leer lassen, um die standard WordPress E-Mail-Adresse zu nutzen."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:286
msgctxt "tickets fields settings paypal stock handling"
msgid "When a customer purchases a %s, PayPal might flag the order as Pending. The order will be Complete once payment is confirmed by PayPal."
msgstr "Wenn ein Kunde ein %s kauft, könnte PayPal die Bestellung als ausstehend markieren. Die Bestellung wird abgeschlossen, sobald die Bezahlung von PayPal bestätigt wurde."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:182
msgctxt "tickets fields settings PayPal setup"
msgid "In order to use Tribe Commerce to sell %1$s, you must configure your PayPal account to communicate with your WordPress site. If you need help getting set up, follow %2$s"
msgstr "Um Tribe Commerce für den Verkauf von %1$s zu nutzen, musst du deinen PayPal Account so konfigurieren, dass er mit der WordPress Seite kommuniziert. Falls du Hilfe bei der Einrichtung benötigst, folge %2$s"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:125
msgctxt "ticket authentication requirements"
msgid "You can require that users log into your site before they are able to %1$s (or buy %2$s). Please review your WordPress Membership option (via the %3$sGeneral Settings admin screen%4$s) before adjusting this setting."
msgstr "Du kannst verlangen, dass sich Benutzer auf deiner Website anmelden, bevor sie %1$s (oder %2$s kaufen können). Bitte überprüfen deine WordPress-Mitgliedsoptionen (über Einstellungen%3$sAllgemein%4$s), bevor du diese Einstellungen anpasst."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:107
msgctxt "tickets remaining threshold label"
msgid "Display # %s left threshold"
msgstr "Schwelle zum Anzeigen der Anzahl verbleibender %s"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:89
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:98
msgctxt "form location setting"
msgid "Location of %s form"
msgstr "Position des %s Formulares"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:63
msgctxt "tickets fields settings enabled post types"
msgid "Post types that can have %s"
msgstr "Inhaltstypen, die eine %s haben können"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:59
msgctxt "tickets fields settings title"
msgid "%s Settings"
msgstr "%s Einstellungen"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:48
msgctxt "login requirement setting"
msgid "Require users to log in before they purchase %s"
msgstr "Benutzer müssen sich anmelden, bevor sie %s kaufen"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:47
msgctxt "login requirement setting"
msgid "Require users to log in before they %s"
msgstr "Verpflichte Benutzer sich anzumelden, bevor sie %s"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/settings.php:67
msgctxt "ticket image upload label description"
msgid "Select an image from your Media Library to display on emailed %s. For best results, use a .jpg, .png, or .gif at least 1160px wide."
msgstr "Wähle ein Bild aus der Mediathek, dass in per Mail gesendeten %s angezeigt wird. Für das beste Ergebnis, nutze ein .jpg, .png oder ein .gif mit mindestens 1160px Breite."
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/settings.php:58
msgctxt "ticket image upload label"
msgid "%s header image:"
msgstr "%s Header-Bild:"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/settings.php:20
msgctxt "meta box ticket form heading"
msgid "%s Settings"
msgstr "%s Einstellungen"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/list.php:93
msgctxt "RSVP form toggle button text"
msgid "New %s"
msgstr "Neu %s"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/list.php:88
msgctxt "RSVP form toggle button label"
msgid "Add a new %s"
msgstr "Neue %s hinzufügen"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/list.php:79
msgctxt "admin editor panel list button label"
msgid "New %s"
msgstr "Neues %s"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:246
msgctxt "RSVP form save value"
msgid "Save %s"
msgstr "Speichern %s"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:237
msgctxt "meta box ticket form button text"
msgid "Save %s"
msgstr "Speichern %s"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:135
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:148
msgctxt "admin edit ticket panel note"
msgid "%1$s type name shows on the front end and emailed %2$s"
msgstr "Der Typ-Name der %1$s wird im Frontend und per E-Mail versendeten %2$s angezeigt"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:126
msgctxt "admin edit ticket panel error"
msgid "%s type is a required field"
msgstr "%s Typ ist ein Pflichtfeld"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:75
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:109
msgctxt "admin edit ticket panel heading"
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "%s bearbeiten"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:62
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:95
msgctxt "admin add new ticket panel heading"
msgid "Add new %s"
msgstr "Neues %s hinzufügen"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/price.php:27
msgctxt "price description"
msgid "Leave blank for free %s"
msgstr "Frei lassen für kostenlose %s"
#. Translators: %s: singular version of the Ticket label.
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/price.php:9
msgctxt "ticket price validation error"
msgid "%s price must be greater than zero."
msgstr "Der %s Preis muss größer als Null sein."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:168
msgid "If you do not set an end sale date, %s will be available forever."
msgstr "Falls du kein Enddatum für den Verkauf festlegst, werden %s für immer verfügbar sein."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:148
msgid "%s end date"
msgstr "%s Enddatum"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:115
msgid "If you do not set a start sale date, %s will be available immediately."
msgstr "Falls du kein Startdatum für den Verkauf festlegst, werden die %s sofort verfügbar sein."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:106
msgid "%s start date"
msgstr "%s Startdatum"
#: src/admin-views/editor/list-row.php:108
msgctxt "ticket ID title attribute"
msgid "%s ID: %d"
msgstr "%s ID: %d"
#: src/admin-views/editor/list-row.php:43
msgctxt "ticket type label"
msgid "%s Type:"
msgstr "%s Typ:"
#: src/admin-views/order-available.php:13
msgid "Learn more about how Availability is calculated."
msgstr "Erfahre mehr darüber, wie die Verfügbarkeit berechnet wird."
#: src/admin-views/order-available.php:8
msgid "Availability for this ticket type is counted using"
msgstr "Die Verfügbarkeit dieses Kartentyps wird wie folgt bestimmt:"
#: src/admin-views/ticket-type-history.php:13
msgctxt "ticket type history"
msgid "%s history:"
msgstr "%s Historie"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:303
msgctxt "meta box form save button"
msgid "Save this %s"
msgstr "Dieses %s speichern"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:208
msgctxt "meta box ticket form"
msgid "%s Description:"
msgstr "%s Beschreibung:"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:188
msgctxt "meta box ticket form"
msgid "%s Name:"
msgstr "%s Name:"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:143
msgctxt "meta box ticket form toggle"
msgid "Add new %s"
msgstr "Neues %s hinzufügen"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:52
msgctxt "meta box ticket form image"
msgid "Upload image for the %s header."
msgstr "Bild für den %s-Header hochladen."
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:34
msgctxt "meta box ticket form CE warning"
msgid "This event was created using Community Events. Are you sure you want to sell %s for it?"
msgstr "Das Event wurde mit Community Events erstellt. Sind sie sicher, dass sie %s verkaufen möchten?"
#: src/admin-views/tpp-orders.php:32
msgid "Orders Report"
msgstr "Bestellbericht"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:46
msgid "%1$s information (%2$s and %3$s): name, email address, and %4$s number/SKU (via check-in page)"
msgstr "%1$s Information (%2$s und %3$s): Name, E-Mail-Adresse und %4$s Nummer/SKU (über die Check-In-Seite)"
#: src/Tribe/Assets.php:70
msgid "Set as %s header"
msgstr "Als %s-Header festlegen"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:2497
msgid "%s will be available on "
msgstr "%s wird verfügbar sein am"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:486
msgid "Move %s"
msgstr "Verschiebe %s"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:404
msgctxt "delete link"
msgid "Delete %s"
msgstr "%s löschen"
#: src/Tribe/Abstract_Attendance_Totals.php:82
msgctxt "total complete tooltip"
msgid "Includes ticketed attendees with orders marked Completed."
msgstr "Beinhaltet Teilnehmer mit Bestellungen, die als abgeschlossen markiert sind."
#: src/Tribe/Abstract_Attendance_Totals.php:65
msgctxt "total sold tooltip"
msgid "Includes all ticketed attendees regardless of order status."
msgstr "Beinhaltet alle Teilnehmer mit Karten unabhängig von dem Bestellstatus."
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:1315
msgid "Your %1$s from %2$s"
msgstr "Deine %1$s von %2$s"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:631
msgctxt "help feature box section"
msgid "We are committed to helping you sell %1$s for your event. Check out our handy %2$s to get started."
msgstr "Wir wollen dir helfen %1$s für dein Event zu verkaufen. Starte mit unseren praktischen %2$s."
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:145
msgctxt "provider_plugin_name"
msgid "Tickets"
msgstr "Karten"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Capacity_Details_Definition_Provider.php:36
msgid "The %s pending count"
msgstr "Die Menge wartender %s"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Capacity_Details_Definition_Provider.php:32
msgid "The %s sale count"
msgstr "Die Anzahl verkaufter %s"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Capacity_Details_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The %s max capacity"
msgstr "Die maximale %s Kapazität"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:30
msgid "The ticket \"%s\" does not have that many available for purchase."
msgstr "Die Karte \"%s\" ist in der Menge nicht für den Kauf verfügbar."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:29
msgid "The ticket #%d does not exist."
msgstr "Die Karte #%d existiert nicht."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:277
msgid "List of meta for each ticket to be saved for Attendee Registration"
msgstr "Liste der Metainformationen für jede Karte, die bei der Teilnehmerregistrierung gespeichert werden"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:271
msgid "List of tickets with their ID and quantity"
msgstr "Liste der Karten mit ihrer ID und Anzahl"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:265
msgid "The cart provider"
msgstr "Der Warenkorb Anbieter"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:199
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:282
msgid "The post ID"
msgstr "Die Beitrags-ID"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:101
msgid "The post ID is invalid."
msgstr "Die Beitrags-ID ist ungültig."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:73
msgid "Returns the updated list of tickets in the cart and cart details"
msgstr "Gibt die aktualisierte Liste der Karten aus dem Warenkorb und Warenkorbdetails zurück"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:64
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:111
msgid "The post does not have any tickets"
msgstr "Der Beitrag hat keine Karten"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:56
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:93
msgid "The provider checkout URL"
msgstr "Die Kassen-URL des Anbieters"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:52
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:89
msgid "The provider cart URL"
msgstr "Die Warenkorb-URL des Anbieters"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:48
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:85
msgid "The list of meta for each ticket item in the cart"
msgstr "Die Liste der Metadaten für jede Karte im Warenkorb"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:44
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:81
msgid "The list of tickets and their quantities in the cart"
msgstr "Die Liste der Karten und der Kartenanzahl im Warenkorb"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:36
msgid "Returns the list of tickets in the cart"
msgstr "Gibt die Liste der Karte im Warenkorb zurück"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:43
msgid "%s Capacity"
msgstr "%s Kapazität"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:42
msgid "%s Stock"
msgstr "%s Bestand"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:41
msgid "%s End Sale Time"
msgstr "%s Verkaufsenddatum"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:40
msgid "%s End Sale Date"
msgstr "%s End-Verkaufsdatum"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:39
msgid "%s Start Sale Time"
msgstr "%s Start-Verkaufszeit"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:38
msgid "%s Start Sale Date"
msgstr "%s Start Verkaufsdatum"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:37
msgid "%s Show Description"
msgstr "%s Beschreibung anzeigen"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:36
msgid "%s Description"
msgstr "%s Beschreibung"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:35
msgid "%s Name"
msgstr "%s Name"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Attendance_Totals.php:79
msgctxt "attendee summary"
msgid "Cancelled:"
msgstr "Abgesagt:"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Errors.php:31
msgid "You can't add more %1$s than the total remaining %1$s."
msgstr "Du kannst nicht mehr als %1$s hinzufügen, als die verbleibenden %1$s."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Errors.php:27
msgid "%s quantity is 0"
msgstr "%s Menge ist 0"
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:330
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventar"
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:176
msgid "SKU"
msgstr "SKU"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:3282 src/Tribe/Editor/Blocks/Tickets.php:330
msgctxt "The %s will change based on the error produced."
msgid "You have %s ticket(s) with a field that requires information."
msgstr "Es gibt %s Karte(n) mit einem Feld, dass weitere Informationen benötigt."
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:3281 src/Tribe/Editor/Blocks/Tickets.php:329
msgid "Whoops!"
msgstr "Ups!"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:3280 src/Tribe/Editor/Blocks/Tickets.php:328
msgid "The ticket for this event has sold out and has been removed from your cart."
msgstr "Die Karte für diese Veranstaltung ist ausverkauft und wurde aus deinem Warenkorb entfernt."
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:3279 src/Tribe/Editor/Blocks/Tickets.php:327
msgid "Refresh this page or wait a few minutes before trying again. If this happens repeatedly, please contact the Site Admin."
msgstr "Aktualisiere diese Seite oder warte einige Minuten, bevor Du es erneut versuchst. Wenn dies wiederholt geschieht, wende Dich bitte an den Website-Administrator."
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:3278 src/Tribe/Editor/Blocks/Tickets.php:326
msgctxt "Error message title, will be followed by the error code."
msgid "API Error"
msgstr "API-Fehler"
#: src/Tribe/Events/Views/V2/Models/Tickets.php:205
msgctxt "list view buy now ticket button"
msgid "Get %s"
msgstr "%s kaufen"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:501
msgctxt "attendee export"
msgid "%s ID"
msgstr "%s ID"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:480
msgid "%1$d attendee for %2$s was successfully %3$s. By default, we adjust capacity and stock, however, we recommend reviewing each as needed to ensure numbers are correct. This attendee will receive an email notifying them of the change."
msgid_plural "%1$d attendees for %2$s were successfully %3$s. By default, we adjust capacity and stock, however, we recommend reviewing each as needed to ensure numbers are correct. These attendees will receive an email notifying them of the change."
msgstr[0] "%1$d Teilnehmer für %2$s war erfolgreich %3$s. Standardmäßig passen wir die Kapazität und den Bestand an, wir empfehlen jedoch, jede einzelne nach Bedarf zu überprüfen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Zahlen korrekt sind. Dieser Teilnehmer erhält eine E-Mail, die ihn über die Änderung informiert."
msgstr[1] "%1$d Teilnehmer für %2$s waren erfolgreich %3$s. Standardmäßig passen wir die Kapazität und den Bestand an, wir empfehlen jedoch, jeden einzelnen nach Bedarf zu überprüfen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Angaben korrekt sind. Die Teilnehmer erhalten eine E-Mail, die sie über die Änderung informiert."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Ticket_Types.php:28
msgid "Move %s Types"
msgstr "%s Typen verschieben"
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:272 src/Tribe/Metabox.php:316
msgid "Invalid %s"
msgstr "Ungültiges %s"
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:238
msgid "Failed to add the %s"
msgstr "%s konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden."
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:1003
msgctxt "Attendees Table search options"
msgid "Search by Product ID"
msgstr "Suchen mit Produkt-ID"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:1002
msgctxt "Attendees Table search options"
msgid "Search by %s ID"
msgstr "Suchen mit %s-ID"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:1001
msgctxt "Attendees Table search options"
msgid "Search by Security Code"
msgstr "Suchen nach Security Code"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:1000
msgctxt "Attendees Table search options"
msgid "Search by Order ID"
msgstr "Suchen nach Order ID"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:999
msgctxt "Attendees Table search options"
msgid "Search by Order Status"
msgstr "Suchen nach Bestellstatus"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:998
msgctxt "Attendees Table search options"
msgid "Search by User ID"
msgstr "Suche nach User ID"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:997
msgctxt "Attendees Table search options"
msgid "Search by Purchaser Email"
msgstr "Suchen nach Käufermail"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:996
msgctxt "Attendees Table search options"
msgid "Search by Purchaser Name"
msgstr "Suchen nach Käufernamen"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/submit-login.php:21
msgctxt "login required before purchase"
msgid "Log in to purchase"
msgstr "Anmelden zum Kaufen"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/quantity-unavailable.php:23
msgctxt "Tickets are sold out."
msgid "Sold Out"
msgstr "Ausverkauft"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/content-description.php:48
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/extra.php:67
msgctxt "Closes the ticket description"
msgid "Less"
msgstr "Weniger"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/content-description.php:47
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/extra.php:66
msgid "Close the ticket description."
msgstr "Schließe die Kartenbeschreibung."
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/content-description.php:39
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/extra.php:58
msgctxt "Opens the ticket description"
msgid "More"
msgstr "Mehr"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/content-description.php:38
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/extra.php:57
msgid "Open the ticket description."
msgstr "Öffne die Kartenbeschreibung."
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/quantity-add.php:36
msgctxt "A plus sign, add ticket."
msgid "+"
msgstr "+"
#. translators: %s: ticket name.
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/quantity-add.php:26
msgctxt "%s: ticket name."
msgid "Increase ticket quantity for %s"
msgstr "Erhöhe die Kartenanzahl für %s"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/title.php:26
msgid "%s Registration"
msgstr "%s Registrierung"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/submit.php:24
msgctxt "Save attendee meta and proceed to checkout."
msgid "Save & Checkout"
msgstr "Speichern & Bezahlen"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/quantity-remove.php:36
msgctxt "A minus sign, remove ticket."
msgid "-"
msgstr "-"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/footer-total.php:34
msgctxt "Total selected tickets price."
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Summe:"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/footer-quantity.php:20
msgctxt "Total selected tickets count."
msgid "Quantity:"
msgstr "Anzahl"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets.php:92
msgid "The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking \"Get Tickets\" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities."
msgstr "Die unten stehende Nummer beinhaltet Karten für diese Veranstaltung aus dem Warenkorb. Durch einen Klick auf \"Karten kaufen\" können vorhandene Teilnehmerinformationen bearbeitet sowie die Kartenanzahl verändert werden."
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/messages/success.php:25
msgctxt "blocks rsvp messages success"
msgid "Your %1$s has been received! Check your email for your %1$s confirmation."
msgstr "Deine %1$s wurde erfolgreich empfangen. Eine %1$s Bestätigung wurde Dir per E-Mail zugesendet."
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/form/submit-button.php:29
msgctxt "blocks rsvp form submit button"
msgid "Submit %s"
msgstr "Übermittle %s"
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/content-inactive.php:21
msgctxt "RSVP block inactive content"
msgid "%s are not yet available"
msgstr "%s sind noch nicht verfügbar"
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/content-inactive.php:20
msgctxt "RSVP block inactive content in the past"
msgid "%s are no longer available"
msgstr "%s sind nicht mehr verfügbar"
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/status/full.php:19
msgctxt "blocks rsvp status full"
msgid "%s Full"
msgstr "%s Voll"
#: src/views/tickets/orders.php:60
msgctxt "notice if user does not have tickets"
msgid "You don't have %s for this event"
msgstr "Du hast keine %s für dieses Event"
#. Translators: 1: plural RSVP label, 2: post type label.
#: src/views/tickets/orders-pp-tickets.php:40
#: src/views/tickets/orders-rsvp.php:39
msgid "My %1$s for this %2$s"
msgstr "Meine %1$s für dieses %2$s"
#: src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:292
msgctxt "tickets process button text"
msgid "Confirm %s"
msgstr "%s bestätigen"
#: src/Tribe/Assets.php:69 src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:99
msgid "%s header image"
msgstr "%s Kopfzeilen-Bild"
#: src/views/tickets/email.php:413
msgctxt "ticket type email heading"
msgid "%s Type"
msgstr "%s Art"
#. Translators: 1: number of RSVPs and/or Tickets with accompanying ticket type
#. text, 2: post type label
#. Translators: 1: number of RSVPs and/or Tickets with accompanying ticket type
#. text, 2: post type label.
#: src/Tribe/Tickets_View.php:852 src/views/blocks/attendees/view-link.php:68
#: src/views/tickets/view-link.php:78
msgctxt "separator if there are both RSVPs and Tickets"
msgid " and "
msgstr "und"
#. Translators: 1: the plural number of Tickets, 2: plural Ticket label.
#: src/views/blocks/attendees/view-link.php:58
#: src/views/tickets/view-link.php:68
msgctxt "Ticket count plural"
msgid "%1$d %2$s"
msgstr "%1$d %2$s"
#. Translators: 1: the number one, 2: singular Ticket label.
#: src/views/blocks/attendees/view-link.php:55
#: src/views/tickets/view-link.php:65
msgctxt "Ticket count singular"
msgid "%1$d %2$s"
msgstr "%1$d %2$s"
#. Translators: 1: the plural number of RSVPs, 2: plural RSVP label.
#: src/views/blocks/attendees/view-link.php:50
#: src/views/tickets/view-link.php:60
msgctxt "RSVP count plural"
msgid "%1$d %2$s"
msgstr "%1$d %2$s"
#. Translators: 1: the number one, 2: singular RSVP label.
#: src/views/blocks/attendees/view-link.php:47
#: src/views/tickets/view-link.php:57
msgctxt "RSVP count singular"
msgid "%1$d %2$s"
msgstr "%1$d %2$s"
#: src/views/components/loader.php:16
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Laden..."
#: src/views/modal/registration-js.php:128
msgid "Checkout Now"
msgstr "Jetzt zur Kasse"
#: src/views/modal/registration-js.php:120
msgid "Save and View Cart"
msgstr "Speichern und Warenkorb anzeigen"
#: src/views/modal/registration-js.php:35 src/views/modal/registration.php:23
msgid "Attendee Details"
msgstr "Teilnehmerdetails"
#: src/views/modal/cart.php:58
msgid "One Moment..."
msgstr "Ein Moment..."
#: src/views/registration-js/mini-cart.php:47
msgctxt "Attendee registration mini-cart/ticket summary title."
msgid "Ticket Summary"
msgstr "Karten Zusammenfassung"
#: src/views/registration-js/content.php:191
#: src/views/modal/registration-js.php:93
msgctxt "Note that there are more tickets in the cart, %s is the html-wrapped number."
msgid "There are %s other tickets in your cart that do not require attendee information."
msgstr "Es sind %s weitere Karten im Warenkorb, die keine Teilnehmerinformationen benötigen."
#: src/views/registration-js/content.php:91
#: src/views/modal/registration-js.php:45
msgctxt "Note about missing required fields, %s is the html-wrapped number of tickets."
msgid "You have %s ticket(s) with a field that requires information."
msgstr "Du besitzt %s Karte(n) mit einem Feld, das ausgefüllt werden muss."
#: src/views/registration-js/content.php:170
#: src/views/modal/registration-js.php:112 src/views/modal/registration.php:35
#: src/views/registration/content.php:106
msgid "Save and Checkout"
msgstr "Speichern und zur Kasse"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1480
msgctxt "lowercase plural label for Tickets"
msgid "tickets"
msgstr "Karten"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1456
msgctxt "plural label for Tickets"
msgid "Tickets"
msgstr "Karten"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1432
msgctxt "lowercase singular label for Ticket"
msgid "ticket"
msgstr "Karte"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1408
msgctxt "singular label for Ticket"
msgid "Ticket"
msgstr "Karte"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1384
msgctxt "lowercase plural label for RSVPs"
msgid "rsvps"
msgstr "rsvps"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1360
msgctxt "plural label for RSVPs"
msgid "RSVPs"
msgstr "RSVPs"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1336
msgctxt "lowercase singular label for RSVP"
msgid "rsvp"
msgstr "rsvp"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:1312
msgctxt "singular label for RSVP"
msgid "RSVP"
msgstr "RSVP"
#. translators: %1$s: formatted quantity remaining
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:535
msgctxt "unlimited remaining stock message"
msgid "%1$s available"
msgstr "%1$s verfügbar"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:528
msgctxt "RSVPs going"
msgid "%s'd going"
msgstr "%s die kommen"
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:81
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen"
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:80
msgid "and"
msgstr "und"
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:79
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Datenschutz"
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:78
msgid "Promoter All rights reserved."
msgstr "Promoter Alle Rechte vorbehalten."
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:65
msgid "Authorize Promoter"
msgstr "Promoter autorisieren"
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:57
msgid "Please authorize to continue onboarding."
msgstr "Bitte autorisieren, um mit dem Onboarding fortzufahren."
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:55
msgid "Sorry, unable to authenticate your site. Please contact Promoter support."
msgstr "Wir können die Seite nicht authentifizieren. Bitte kontaktiere den Promoter Support."
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:49
msgid "Please log out and log back in as an admin account"
msgstr "Bitte abmelden und als Administrator wieder anmelden"
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:47
msgid "You do not have access to authenticate this site."
msgstr "Du hast nicht die erforderlichen Zugangsrechte um diese Bereich zu betreten."
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:42
msgid "Please log in to continue"
msgstr "Bitte einloggen, um fortzufahren."
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:35
msgid "Promoter would like to sync with your site"
msgstr "Promoter möchte sich mit deiner Website synchronisieren"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:43
msgid "Licenses for Multisites"
msgstr "Lizenzen für Multisites"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:37
msgid "Expired license keys and subscriptions"
msgstr "Abgelaufene Lizenzschlüssel und -abos"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:34
msgid "Moving your license keys"
msgstr "Verschiebe deinen Lizenzschlüssel"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:31
msgid "View and manage your license keys"
msgstr "Lizenzschlüssel anzeigen und verwalten"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:28
msgid "Why am I being told my license key is out of installs?"
msgstr "Warum wird mir gesagt, dass mein Lizenzschlüssel nicht mehr installierbar ist?"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:23
msgid "Helpful Links:"
msgstr "Hilfreiche Links:"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:10
msgid "In order to register a plugin license, you'll first need to %1$sdownload and install%2$s the plugin you purchased. You can download the latest version of your plugin(s) from %3$syour account's downloads page%4$s. Once the plugin is installed and activated on this site, the license key field will appear below."
msgstr "Um eine Plugin-Lizenz zu registrieren, musst du zuerst %1$sdownloaden und das Plugin installieren%2$s, das du gekauft hast. Du kannst die neueste Version deines Plugins von %3$sdeiner Konto-Downloadseite%4$s herunterladen. Sobald das Plugin installiert und auf dieser Website aktiviert ist, erscheint unten das Feld Lizenzschlüssel."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:5
msgid "If you've purchased a premium add-on, you'll need to enter your license key here in order to have access to automatic updates when new versions are available."
msgstr "Wenn du ein Premium-Add-On gekauft hast, musst du hier deinen Lizenzschlüssel eingeben, um auf automatische Updates zugreifen zu können, wenn neue Versionen verfügbar sind."
#: common/src/Tribe/Promoter/PUE.php:28 common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:110
#: common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:30 common/src/views/promoter/auth.php:74
msgid "Promoter"
msgstr "Promoter"
#. translators: %s: Tickets label
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:2506 src/views/blocks/tickets/content-inactive.php:19
msgid "%s are not yet available"
msgstr "%s sind nicht verfügbar"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:2509
msgid "%s are no longer available."
msgstr "%s sind nicht länger verfügbar."
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/form/submit-login.php:25
msgid "Log in to RSVP"
msgstr "Mit RSVP anmelden"
#: src/views/registration/attendees/success.php:15
msgid "Attendee information has been saved."
msgstr "Die Teilnehmerinformationen wurden gespeichert."
#: src/views/registration/attendees/error.php:19
msgid "An error occurred while saving, please try again."
msgstr "Beim Speichern ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, bitte versuche es erneut."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:108
msgctxt "tickets remaining threshold tooltip"
msgid "If this number is less than the number of %1$s left for sale on your event, this will prevent the \"# of %1$s left\" text from showing on your website. You can leave this blank if you would like to always show the text."
msgstr "Falls diese Zahl kleiner ist als die Anzahl für den Kauf verfügbarer %1$s, wir der \"# an %1$s übrig\" Text nicht auf der Website angezeigt. Du kannst dies leer lassen, wenn du den Text immer anzeigen möchtest."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:90
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:99
msgid "This setting only impacts events made with the classic editor."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung wirkt sich nur auf Veranstaltungen aus, die mit dem klassischen Editor erstellt wurden."
#: src/Tribe/Assets.php:236
msgid "There is unsaved attendee information. Are you sure you want to continue?"
msgstr "Es gibt nicht gespeicherte Teilnehmerinformationen. Bist du sicher, dass du weitermachen willst?"
#: src/Tribe/Editor/Attendee_Registration.php:146
msgid "Back to Editor"
msgstr "Zurück zum Editor"
#: src/Tribe/Editor/Attendee_Registration.php:119
msgid "Attendee Registration fields saved. Make additional changes or %1$s"
msgstr "Teilnehmer-Registrierungsfelder gespeichert. Weitere Änderungen oder %1$s"
#: src/Tribe/Editor/Attendee_Registration.php:117
msgid "return to the content editor"
msgstr "zurück zum Inhaltseditor"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:483
msgid "Sorry, Event Tickets requires PHP %s or higher. Talk to your Web host about moving you to a newer version of PHP."
msgstr "Entschuldigung, Events Tickets benötigt PHP %s oder höher. Spreche mit deinem Webhoster über den Wechsel zu einer neueren Version von PHP."
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:479
msgid "Sorry, Event Tickets requires WordPress %s or higher. Please upgrade your WordPress install."
msgstr "Entschuldigung, Event Tickets erfordert WordPress %s oder höher. Bitte aktualisiere deine WordPress-Installation."
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:282
msgid "Total Ordered counts tickets from orders of any status, including pending and refunded."
msgstr "Die Gesamtzahl der bestellten Karten aus Bestellungen mit beliebigem Status, einschließlich ausstehend und erstattet."
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:266
msgid "Total Sales counts %s from all completed orders."
msgstr "Der Gesamtverkauf zählt %s Karten aus allen abgeschlossenen Bestellungen."
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:246
msgid "Sold counts tickets from completed orders only."
msgstr "Verkauft zählt nur Karten aus abgeschlossenen Bestellungen."
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:224
msgid "pending order completion"
msgstr "ausstehende Bestellungen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:311
msgid "Russian Ruble (RUB)"
msgstr "Russischer Rubel (RUB)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:263
msgid "Indian Rupee (INR)"
msgstr "Indischer Rupee (INR)"
#: src/functions/php-min-version.php:76
msgid "Contact your Host or your system administrator and ask to upgrade to the latest version of PHP."
msgstr "Wende dich an deinen Webhoster oder deinen Systemadministrator und bitte ihn um ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von PHP."
#: src/functions/php-min-version.php:74
msgid "To allow better control over dates, advanced security improvements and performance gain."
msgstr "Um eine bessere Kontrolle über Daten, erweiterte Sicherheitsverbesserungen und Leistungssteigerung zu ermöglichen."
#: src/functions/php-min-version.php:64
msgid "%1$s requires PHP %2$s or higher."
msgid_plural "%1$s require PHP %2$s or higher."
msgstr[0] "%1$s benötigt PHP %2$s oder höher."
msgstr[1] "%1$s benötigt PHP %2$s oder höher."
#: src/functions/php-min-version.php:52
msgctxt "Plugin A\",\" Plugin B"
msgid ", "
msgstr ","
#: src/functions/php-min-version.php:51
msgctxt "Plugin A \"and\" Plugin B"
msgid " and "
msgstr "und"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin
msgid "http://m.tri.be/1acb"
msgstr "http://m.tri.be/1acb"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:77
#: src/modules/blocks/ticket/dashboard/template.js:21
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:47476
msgid "Create Ticket"
msgstr "Karte erstellen"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:84
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:42971
msgid "Create RSVP"
msgstr "RSVP erstellen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Configuration.php:97
msgid "F j"
msgstr "j. F"
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Configuration.php:96
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Configuration.php:98
msgid "F j, Y"
msgstr "j. F Y"
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Configuration.php:95
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Configuration.php:98
msgid "g:i a"
msgstr "G:i"
#. translators: %s: duration
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Configuration.php:91
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "vor %s"
#. translators: %s: duration
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Configuration.php:89
msgid "%s from now"
msgstr "%s jetzt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Blocks/Abstract.php:127
msgid "Problem loading the block, please remove this block to restart."
msgstr "Problem beim Laden des Blocks, bitte entferne diesen Block, um neu zu starten."
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Meta.php:123
msgid "Text Array"
msgstr "Text Array"
#: common/src/Tribe/Editor/Meta.php:105
msgid "Numeric Array"
msgstr "Numerisches Array"
#: src/Tribe/Editor.php:208
msgid "Tickets Blocks"
msgstr "Karten-Blocks"
#: src/Tribe/Attendee_Registration/Template.php:379
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/sidebar/title.php:15
msgid "Attendee Registration"
msgstr "Teilnehmer Registration"
#: src/Tribe/Editor/Attendee_Registration.php:167
msgid "Are you sure you want to leave this page?"
msgstr "Sind sie sicher, dass sie die Seite verlassen möchten?"
#: src/Tribe/Editor/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:280
msgid "%s was not able to be updated"
msgstr "%s konnte nicht aktualisiert werden."
#: src/Tribe/Editor/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:56
#: src/Tribe/Editor/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:230
msgid "Invalid nonce"
msgstr "Ungültige Nonce"
#: src/Tribe/Editor/Blocks/Attendees.php:27
msgid "Who's coming?"
msgstr "Wer nimmt teil?"
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:217
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/extra-available-quantity.php:31
msgid "available"
msgstr "verfügbar"
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/description.php:10
msgid "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor."
msgstr "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor."
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/registration/summary/ticket-quantity.php:19
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"
#: src/views/blocks/attendees/description.php:25
msgid "One person is attending %2$s"
msgid_plural "%d people are attending %s"
msgstr[0] "Eine Person nimmt an %2$s teil"
msgstr[1] "%d Personen nehmen an %s teil"
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/form/error.php:24
msgid "Please fill in the %s confirmation name and email fields."
msgstr "Bitte fülle den %s Bestätigungsnamen und die E-Mail Felder aus."
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/details/availability.php:59
msgid "remaining"
msgstr "verbleibend"
#: src/views/registration-js/attendees/fields.php:19
#: src/views/registration/attendees/fields.php:15
msgid "Attendee"
msgstr "Teilnehmer"
#: src/views/registration/attendees/error.php:16
msgid "Please fill in all required fields."
msgstr "Bitte fülle alle Pflichtfelder aus."
#: src/views/registration-js/attendees/fields/select.php:41
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/registration/attendee/fields/select.php:47
#: src/views/registration/attendees/fields/select.php:40
msgid "Select an option"
msgstr "Option auswählen"
#: src/views/registration/summary/tickets-header.php:16
msgid "Ticket summary"
msgstr "Kartenübersicht"
#: src/views/registration/button-checkout.php:31
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "Kasse"
#: src/views/modal/registration.php:37 src/views/registration/content.php:108
msgid "Save Attendee Info"
msgstr "Teilnehmerinformationen speichern"
#: src/views/registration/cart-empty.php:26
msgid "Find events to attend on %1$s"
msgstr "Finde Veranstaltungen am %1$s"
#: src/views/registration/cart-empty.php:23
msgid "the calendar"
msgstr "der Kalender"
#: src/views/registration/cart-empty.php:15
msgid "You currently have no events awaiting registration"
msgstr "Du hast derzeit keine Veranstaltungen, die auf eine Anmeldung warten."
#: src/views/registration/button-cart.php:37
msgid "Back to cart"
msgstr "Zurück zum Warenkorb"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:526
msgid "issued"
msgstr "ausgestellt"
#: src/admin-views/attendees.php:101
msgctxt "attendee screen summary"
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Übersicht"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:2503
msgid " at "
msgstr "um"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Post_Repository.php:168
msgid "An error happened while building the response: "
msgstr "Beim Aufbau der Antwort ist ein Fehler passiert:"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:35
msgid "The page number requested is larger than the number of pages available."
msgstr "Die angeforderte Seitennummer ist größer als die verfügbare Anzahl von Seiten."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:33
msgid "There was a problem while fetching the requested attendee post"
msgstr "Es gab ein Problem beim Abholen des gewünschten Teilnehmer-Posts"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:32
msgid "There was a problem while fetching the requested ticket post"
msgstr "Es gab ein Problem beim Abholen der gewünschten Karten-Posts"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:28
msgid "The ticket global id could not be generated"
msgstr "Die globale Karten-ID konnte nicht generiert werden"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:26
msgid "The requested ticket object could not be built or found"
msgstr "Das angeforderte Karten-Objekt konnte nicht erstellt oder gefunden werden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:25
msgid "The post associated with the requested ticket was not found"
msgstr "Der mit der angeforderten Karte verknüpfte Beitrag wurde nicht gefunden"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:24
msgid "The ticket provider for the requested ticket is not available"
msgstr "Der Kartenanbieter für die angeforderte Karte ist nicht verfügbar"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:23
msgid "The requested ticket post could not be found"
msgstr "Der gewünschte Kartenbeitrag konnte nicht gefunden werden"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:21
msgid "The requested attendee is not accessible"
msgstr "Der gewünschte Teilnehmer ist nicht erreichbar"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:446
msgid "Limit results to tickets that provide attendees the possibility to fill in additional information or not; requires ET+."
msgstr "Beschränkung der Ergebnisse auf Karten, die den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit geben, zusätzliche Informationen einzugeben oder nicht; erfordert ET+."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:436
msgid "Limit results to tickets priced in one of the 3-letter currency codes specified in the CSV list or array."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die mit einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen ISO-Währungscode spezifiziert wurden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:425
msgid "Limit results to tickets that are in one of post statuses specified in the CSV list or array; defaults to publish."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die sich in einem der Poststatus befinden, die in der CSV-Liste oder im CSV-Array angegeben sind; Standardeinstellung für die Veröffentlichung."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:414
msgid "Limit results to tickets assigned to posts that are in one of the post statuses specified in the CSV list or array; defaults to publish."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die Beiträgen zugewiesen wurden, die sich in einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen Beitragsstatus befinden; standardmäßig wird veröffentlicht."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:408
msgid "Limit results to tickets that will be available up to the specified UTC date (parseable by strtotime) or timestamp."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die bis zum angegebenen UTC-Datum (geparst mittels strtotime) oder Zeitstempel verfügbar sein werden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:402
msgid "Limit results to tickets that will be available at or after the specified UTC date (parseable by strtotime) or timestamp."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die am oder nach dem angegebenen UTC-Datum ( geparst mittels Strtotime) oder Zeitstempel verfügbar sein werden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:396
msgid "Limit results to tickets that have at most this capacity."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die höchstens diese Kapazität haben."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:390
msgid "Limit results to tickets that have at least this capacity."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die mindestens diese Kapazität haben."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:384
msgid "Limit results to tickets that have at least this number of checked-in attendees."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die mindestens diese Anzahl von angemeldeten Teilnehmern haben."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:378
msgid "Limit results to tickets that have at most this number of checked-in attendee."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die höchstens diese Anzahl von angemeldeten Teilnehmern aufweisen."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:372
msgid "Limit results to tickets that have at most this number of attendees."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die höchstens diese Anzahl von Teilnehmern haben."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:366
msgid "Limit results to tickets that have at least this number or attendees."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die wenigstens diese Anzahl von Teilnehmern haben."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:353
msgid "Limit results to tickets that are not assigned to any of the posts specified in the CSV list or array."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die keinem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen Beitrag zugeordnet sind."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:340
msgid "Limit results to tickets that are assigned to one of the posts specified in the CSV list or array."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen Beitrag zugeordnet sind."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:327
msgid "Exclude a specific CSV list or array of ticket IDs from the results."
msgstr "Schließe eine bestimmte CSV-Liste oder ein Array von Karten-IDs von den Ergebnissen aus."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:308
msgid "Limit results to tickets created before or on the specified UTC date or timestamp."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die vor oder am angegebenen UTC-Datum oder Zeitstempel erstellt wurden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:302
msgid "Limit results to tickets created after or on the specified UTC date or timestamp."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die nach oder am angegebenen UTC-Datum oder Zeitstempel erstellt wurden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Cart.php:177
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:291
msgid "Limit results to tickets provided by one of the providers specified in the CSV list or array; defaults to all available."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die von einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen Anbieter bereitgestellt werden; standardmäßig auf alle verfügbaren."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:286
msgid "Limit results to tickets that have or do not have capacity currently available."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die entweder über die aktuell verfügbare Kapazität verfügen oder nicht."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:275
msgid "Order the results by one of date, relevance, id, include, title, or slug; defaults to title."
msgstr "Ordne die Ergebnisse nach Datum, Relevanz, ID, Include, Titel oder Titelform; standardmäßig nach Titel."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:254
msgid "Limit results to tickets containing the specified string in the title or description."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Karten, die die angegebene Zeichenfolge im Titel oder in der Beschreibung enthalten."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:246
msgid "How many tickets to return per results page; defaults to posts_per_page."
msgstr "Wie viele Karten pro Ergebnisseite zurückzugeben werden; Standardwert ist posts_per_page."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:26
msgid "Returns all the tickets matching the search criteria"
msgstr "Liefert alle Karten, die den Suchkriterien entsprechen."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:72
#: src/Tribe/Editor/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:17
#: src/Tribe/Editor/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:135
msgid "The ticket post ID"
msgstr "Die Karten Beitrags-ID"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:50
msgid "A ticket with the specified ID does not exist."
msgstr "Eine Karte mit der angegebenen ID existiert nicht."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:40
msgid "The ticket with the specified ID is not accessible."
msgstr "Die Karte mit der angegebenen ID ist nicht verfügbar."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:30
msgid "The ticket post ID is invalid."
msgstr "Die Karten Beitrags-ID ist ungültig."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:20
msgid "Returns the data of the ticket with the specified post ID"
msgstr "Liefert die Daten der Karte mit der angegebenen Beitrags-ID."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:16
msgid "Returns a single ticket data"
msgstr "Liefert einzelne Kartendaten zurück"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Attendee.php:71
msgid "The attendee post ID"
msgstr "Die Beitrags-ID des Teilnehmers"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Attendee.php:49
msgid "An attendee with the specified ID does not exist."
msgstr "Ein Teilnehmer mit der entsprechenden ID existiert nicht."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Attendee.php:39
msgid "The attendee with the specified ID is not accessible."
msgstr "Der Teilnehmer mit der angegebenen ID ist nicht verfügbar."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Attendee.php:29
msgid "The attendee post ID is invalid."
msgstr "Die Teilnehmer-Beitrags-ID ist ungültig."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Attendee.php:19
msgid "Returns the data of the attendee with the specified post ID"
msgstr "Liefert die Daten des Teilnehmers mit der angegebenen Beitrags-ID."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:429
msgid "Limit results to attendees for tickets that provide attendees the possibility to fill in additional information or not; requires ET+."
msgstr "Beschränkung der Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer für Karten, die den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit geben, zusätzliche Informationen einzugeben oder nicht; erfordert ET+."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:418
msgid "Limit results to RSVP Attendees that have one of the RSVP Going status specified in the CSV list or array."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf RSVP-Teilnehmer, die einen der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen RSVP Going-Status haben."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:413
msgid "Limit results to attendees that are or not checked-in."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, die eingecheckt sind oder nicht."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:402
msgid "Limit results to attendees whose order status is in one of post statuses specified in the CSV list or array; defaults to public."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, deren Auftragsstatus sich in einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen Beitragsstatus befindet; Standardwert ist öffentlich."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:391
msgid "Limit results to attendees that are in one of post statuses specified in the CSV list or array; defaults to publish."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, die sich in einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen Beitragsstatus befinden; standardmäßig wird die Veröffentlichung durchgeführt."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:380
msgid "Limit results to attendees for posts that are in one of the post statuses specified in the CSV list or array; defaults to publish."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer für Beiträge, die sich in einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen Beitragsstatus befinden; standardmäßig veröffentlichen."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:368
msgid "Exclude a specific CSV list or array of ticket IDs."
msgstr "Schließe eine bestimmte CSV-Liste oder ein Array von Karten-IDs aus."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:356
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:314
msgid "Limit results to a specific CSV list or array of ticket IDs."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf eine bestimmte CSV-Liste oder ein Array von Karten-IDs."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:343
msgid "Limit results to attendees whose tickets is not assigned to any of the posts specified in the CSV list or array.."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, deren Karten keinem der in der CSV-Liste oder im Array angegebenen Beiträge zugeordnet sind.."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:330
msgid "Limit results to attendees whose ticket is assigned to one of the posts specified in the CSV list or array."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, deren Karten einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im CSV-Array angegebenen Beiträge zugeordnet ist."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:324
msgid "Limit results to attendees that paid tickets a price equal or above the specified value; if not specified no minimum price limit will be used."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, die Karten bezahlt haben, deren Preis gleich oder höher als der angegebene Wert ist; wenn nicht angegeben, wird kein Mindestpreislimit verwendet."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:318
msgid "Limit results to attendees that paid tickets a price equal or below the specified value; if not specified no maximum price limit will be used."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, die Karten bezahlt haben, deren Preis gleich oder niedriger als der angegebene Wert ist; wenn nicht angegeben, wird kein maximales Preislimit verwendet."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:305
msgid "Exclude a specific CSV list or array of attendee IDs from the results."
msgstr "Schließe eine bestimmte CSV-Liste oder ein Array von Teilnehmer-IDs von den Ergebnissen aus."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:292
msgid "Limit results to a specific CSV list or array of attendee IDs."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf eine bestimmte CSV-Liste oder ein Array von Teilnehmer-IDs."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:286
msgid "Limit results to attendees created before or on the specified UTC date or timestamp."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, die vor oder am angegebenen UTC-Datum oder Zeitstempel erstellt wurden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:280
msgid "Limit results to attendees created after or on the specified UTC date or timestamp."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, die nache oder am angegebenen UTC-Datum oder Zeitstempel erstellt wurden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:274
msgid "Limit results to attendees associated with a ticket."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, die mit einer Karte verbunden sind."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:268
msgid "Limit results to attendees by post the ticket is associated with."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf die Teilnehmer per Beitrag, mit dem die Karte verknüpft ist."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:256
msgid "Order the results by one of date, relevance, id, include, title or slug. Defaults to id."
msgstr "Ordne die Ergebnisse nach Datum, Relevanz, id, Include, Titel oder Titelform (Slug). Standardmäßig ist id voreingestellt."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:247
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:266
msgid "Sort results in ASC or DESC order. Defaults to ASC."
msgstr "Sortiere Ergebnisse in ASC- oder DESC-Reihenfolge. Standardmäßig ist ASC voreingestellt."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:241
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:260
msgid "Offset the results by a specific number of items."
msgstr "Verrechnung der Ergebnisse um eine bestimmte Anzahl von Elementen."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:235
msgid "Limit results to attendees containing the specified string in the title or description."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, die die angegebene Zeichenfolge im Titel oder in der Beschreibung enthalten."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:222
msgid "Limit results to attendees whose ticket is provided by one of the providers specified in the CSV list or array; defaults to all the available."
msgstr "Beschränke die Ergebnisse auf Teilnehmer, deren Karten von einem der in der CSV-Liste oder im CSV-Array angegebenen Anbieter bereitgestellt wird; standardmäßig sind alle verfügbar."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:213
msgid "How many attendees to return per results page; defaults to posts_per_page."
msgstr "Wie viele Teilnehmer pro Ergebnisseite zurückgegeben werden sollen; Standardwert ist posts_per_page."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:205
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:239
msgid "The page of results to return; defaults to 1"
msgstr "Die Seite der Ergebnisse, die zurückgegeben werden soll; Standardwert ist 1"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:65
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:65
msgid "The requested page was not found."
msgstr "Die angeforderte Seite wurde nicht gefunden."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:55
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:55
msgid "One or more of the specified query variables has a bad format"
msgstr "Eine oder mehrere der angegebenen Abfragevariablen haben ein schlechtes Format."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:43
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:43
msgid "The total number of result pages matching the search criteria"
msgstr "Die Gesamtzahl der Ergebnisseiten, die den Suchkriterien entsprechen"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:39
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:39
msgid "The total number of results across all pages"
msgstr "Die Gesamtzahl der Ergebnisse über alle Seiten hinweg."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:35
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Ticket_Archive.php:35
msgid "This results page REST URL"
msgstr "Dies ergibt die Seite REST URL"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Attendee_Archive.php:26
msgid "Returns all the attendees matching the search criteria"
msgstr "Liefert alle Teilnehmer zurück, die den Suchkriterien entsprechen"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:137
msgid "A list of attendee information fields supported/required by the ticket in the format [ : label, required, type, extra ]"
msgstr "Eine Liste von den verfügbaren und unterstützten Teilnehmerinformationsfeldern [: Beschriftung, erforderlich, Typ, extra]"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:133
msgid "Whether the ticket requires at least one attendee information field, ET+ required"
msgstr "Ob die Karte mindestens ein Teilnehmerinformationsfeld erfordert; ET+ ist erforderlich."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:129
msgid "Whether the ticket supports at least one attendee information field, ET+ required"
msgstr "Ob die Karte mindestens ein Teilnehmerinformationsfeld unterstützt; ET+ ist erforderlich."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:125
msgid "A list of attendees for the ticket, "
msgstr "Eine Liste von Teilnehmenden für diese Karte,"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:115
msgid "The formatted cost string"
msgstr "Die formatierte Kosten-Zeichenfolge"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:111
msgid "Whether the ticket is currently available or not due to capacity or date constraints"
msgstr "Ob die Karte derzeit verfügbar ist oder nicht, aufgrund von Kapazitäts- oder Terminengpässen"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:104
msgid "The formatted ticket current capacity"
msgstr "Die aktuelle Kapazität des formatierten Karten"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:89
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:97
msgid "The date the ticket will be available"
msgstr "Das Datum, an dem die Karte verfügbar sein wird."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:81
msgid "The ticket description"
msgstr "Die Kartenbeschreibung"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:77
msgid "The ticket title"
msgstr "Der Kartentitel"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:68
msgid "The ticket ET REST API URL"
msgstr "Die Karten-ET-REST-API-URL"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:63
msgid "The ticket modification UTC date"
msgstr "Die Kartenänderungs-UTC-Datum"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:58
msgid "The ticket modification date"
msgstr "Das Änderungsdatum der Karte"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:53
msgid "The ticket creation UTC date"
msgstr "Das UTC-Datum der Kartenerstellung"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:48
msgid "The ticket creation date"
msgstr "Das Erstellungsdatum der Karte"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:43
msgid "The ticket post status"
msgstr "Der Karten Beitragsstatus"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:39
msgid "The ticket post author ID"
msgstr "Die ID des Karten-Beitrags-Autors"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:35
msgid "The ticket global ID lineage"
msgstr "Die globale ID-Linie der Karte"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The ticket global ID"
msgstr "Die globale Karten-ID"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The ID of the post the ticket is associated to"
msgstr "Die ID des Beitrags, dem die Karte zugeordnet ist"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/RSVP_Report_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "How many attendees are \"Not going\""
msgstr "Wie viele Teilnehmer werden nicht teilnehmen können?"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/RSVP_Report_Definition_Provider.php:20
msgid "How many attendees are \"Going\""
msgstr "Wie viele Teilnehmer nehmen teil?"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Payment_Details_Definition_Provider.php:33
msgid "The payment date"
msgstr "Das Zahlungsdatum"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Payment_Details_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The currency used by the attendee to pay"
msgstr "Die Währung, in der der Teilnehmer bezahlt hat"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Payment_Details_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The price paid by the attendee when he/she purchased the ticket"
msgstr "Der Preis, den der Teilnehmer beim Kauf der Karte bezahlt hat."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Payment_Details_Definition_Provider.php:20
msgid "The payment provider/gateway"
msgstr "Der Zahlungsanbieter/Gateway"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Checkin_Report_Definition_Provider.php:32
msgid "The number of unchecked-in attendee"
msgstr "Die Anzahl der nicht angemeldeten Teilnehmer"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Checkin_Report_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The percentage of checked-in attendees"
msgstr "Der Prozentsatz der eingecheckten Teilnehmer"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Checkin_Report_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The number of unchecked-in attendees"
msgstr "Die Anzahl der nicht eingecheckten Teilnehmer"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Checkin_Report_Definition_Provider.php:20
msgid "The number of checked-in attendees"
msgstr "Die Anzahl der eingecheckten Teilnehmer"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Checkin_Details_Definition_Provider.php:31
msgid "The ID or identifying string of the site user or operator that checked in the attendee"
msgstr "Die ID oder Identifizierungszeichenkette des Webseitenbenutzers oder Betreibers, der den Teilnehmer eingecheckt hat"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Checkin_Details_Definition_Provider.php:27
msgid "The check-in source for the attendee; e.g. \"kiosk\" or \"site\""
msgstr "Die Eincheckquelle für den Teilnehmer; z.B. \"Kiosk\" oder \"Ort\"."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Checkin_Details_Definition_Provider.php:20
msgid "The time the attendee checked in"
msgstr "Die Uhrzeit, zu der der Teilnehmer eingecheckt hat."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Capacity_Details_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The %s current available capacity"
msgstr "Die aktuelle %s-Kapazität"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Capacity_Details_Definition_Provider.php:20
msgid "The %s available capacity percentage"
msgstr "Der Prozentsatz der verfügbaren %s-Kapazität"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:112
msgid "The attendee information; requires ET+"
msgstr "Die Teilnehmerinformationen; erfordert ET+"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:105
msgid "If the attendee is for an RSVP ticket, this will be set to true if he/she is \"Going\", false otherwise"
msgstr "Wenn ein Teilnehmer eine Karte wünscht, wird dies auf \"wahr\" gesetzt falls er oder sie teilnimmt, andernfalls auf \"falsch\"."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:98
msgid "Whether the attendee is checked-in or not"
msgstr "Ob der Teilnehmer eingecheckt ist oder nicht"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:94
msgid "The attendee email address"
msgstr "Die Teilnehmer E-Mail Adresse"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:89
msgid "The attendee title or name"
msgstr "Der Teilnehmer Titel oder Name"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:85
msgid "The attendee ticket SKU"
msgstr "Die Teilnehmerkarte SKU"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:81
msgid "The order number, or identifier, of the ticket purchase that generated the attendee"
msgstr "Die Bestellnummer oder der Identifikator des Kartenkaufs, der den Teilnehmer generiert hat"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:76
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:72
msgid "The ticket commerce provider"
msgstr "Der Anbieter für den Kartenhandel"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:72
msgid "The attendee ET REST API URL"
msgstr "Die Teilnehmer-ET-REST-API-URL"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:67
msgid "The attendee modification UTC date"
msgstr "Das UTC-Datum der Teilnehmeränderung"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:62
msgid "The attendee modification date"
msgstr "Das Änderungsdatum des Teilnehmers"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:57
msgid "The attendee creation UTC date"
msgstr "Das UTC-Datum der Teilnehmererstellung"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:52
msgid "The attendee creation date"
msgstr "Das Erstellungsdatum des Teilnehmers"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:47
msgid "The attendee post status"
msgstr "Der Beitragsstatus des Teilnehmers"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:43
msgid "The attendee post author ID"
msgstr "Die Beitrags-Autor-ID des Teilnehmers"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:39
msgid "The attendee global ID lineage"
msgstr "Die globale ID-Linie des Teilnehmers"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:32
msgid "The attendee global ID"
msgstr "Die globale ID des Teilnehmers"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The ID of the ticket the attendee is associated with"
msgstr "Die ID der Karte, dem der Teilnehmer zugeordnet ist"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The ID of the post the attendee is associated to"
msgstr "Die ID des Beitrags, dem der Teilnehmer zugeordnet ist"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Attendee_Definition_Provider.php:20
msgid "The attendee WordPress post ID"
msgstr "Die Teilnehmer-WordPress-Beitrags-ID"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:561
msgid "Billing Address"
msgstr "Rechnungsadresse"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:544
msgid "Order Number"
msgstr "Bestellnummer"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:539
msgid "Event Tickets TribeCommerce Order Data"
msgstr "Event Tickets TribeCommerce Bestelldaten"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:406
msgid "TribeCommerce order information was not removed. A database error may have occurred during deletion."
msgstr "TribeCommerce-Bestellinformationen wurden nicht entfernt. Beim Löschen kann ein Datenbankfehler aufgetreten sein."
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:337
msgid "TribeCommerce attendee information was not removed. A database error may have occurred during deletion."
msgstr "TribeCommerce-Teilnehmerinformationen wurden nicht entfernt. Beim Löschen kann ein Datenbankfehler aufgetreten sein."
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:273
msgid "RSVP information was not removed. A database error may have occurred during deletion."
msgstr "RSVP-Informationen wurden nicht entfernt. Beim Löschen kann ein Datenbankfehler aufgetreten sein."
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:106 src/Tribe/Privacy.php:133
msgid "Event Tickets TribeCommerce Order"
msgstr "Event Tickets TribeCommerce-Bestellung"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:1034
msgid "When Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus are both activated, Event Tickets Plus must be running version %1$s or greater. Please %2$smanually update now%3$s."
msgstr "Wenn sowohl Event Tickets als auch Event Tickets Plus aktiviert sind, muss Event Tickets Plus die Version %1$s oder höher aufweisen. Bitte aktualisiere jetzt %2$smanuell%3$s."
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:426
msgid "%s - Attendee list"
msgstr "%s - Teilnehmerliste"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:352
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:306
msgid "After a successful PayPal order users will be redirected to this page; use the %s shortcode to display the order confirmation to the user in the page content."
msgstr "Nach einer erfolgreichen PayPal Bestellung werden die Benutzer zu dieser Seite weitergeleitet; verwende den Shortcode %s um die Seite Bestellbestätigung für den Benutzer anzuzeigen."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:100
msgid "If you have extended our plugin(s) to send data to a third-party service such as Eventbrite, Google Maps, or PayPal, user information may be passed to these external services. These services may be located abroad."
msgstr "Wenn Du unsere Plugins so erweitert hast, dass sie Daten an einen Drittanbieter-Service wie Eventbrite, Google Maps oder PayPal senden, können Benutzerinformationen an diese externen Services weitergegeben werden. Diese Dienste können sich im Ausland befinden."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:98
msgid "Modern Tribe does not send any user data outside of your website by default."
msgstr "Modern Tribe sendet standardmäßig keine Benutzerdaten zu externen Servern."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:96
msgid "Where We Send Your Data"
msgstr "Wohin wir deine Daten senden"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:94
msgid "Certain data may be exported or removed upon users request via the existing Exporter or Eraser. Please note, however, that several \"edge cases\" exist in which we are unable to perfect the gathering and export of all data for your end users. We suggest running a search in your local database, as well as within the WordPress Dashboard, in order to identify all data collected and stored for your specific user requests."
msgstr "Bestimmte Daten können auf Benutzerwunsch über den vorhandenen Exporter oder Eraser exportiert oder entfernt werden. Bitte beachte jedoch, dass es mehrere Fälle gibt, in denen wir nicht in der Lage sind, die Erfassung und den Export aller Daten für den Benutzer zu perfektionieren. Wir schlagen vor, eine Suche in Ihrer lokalen Datenbank sowie im WordPress Dashboard durchzuführen, um alle Daten zu identifizieren, die für Ihre spezifischen Benutzeranforderungen gesammelt und gespeichert wurden."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:92
msgid "All information (data) is retained in the local database indefinitely, unless otherwise deleted."
msgstr "Alle Informationen (Daten) bleiben auf unbestimmte Zeit in der lokalen Datenbank erhalten, sofern sie nicht anderweitig gelöscht werden."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:90
msgid "How Long You Retain this Data"
msgstr "Wie lange die Daten aufbewahrt werden"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:88
msgid "These API keys may include the following third party services: Google Maps and PayPal."
msgstr "Diese API-Schlüssel können die folgenden Dienste von Drittanbietern enthalten: Google Maps und PayPal."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:86
msgid "We make use of certain API keys, in order to provide specific features."
msgstr "Wir verwenden bestimmte API-Schlüssel, um bestimmte Funktionen bereitzustellen."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:82
msgid "Event Tickets suite offers the use of third-party API keys. The primary functions are to enhance the features we've built in, some of which use Google Maps and PayPal. These API keys are not supplied by Modern Tribe."
msgstr "Der Veranstaltungskalender Suite erlaubt die Verwendung von Google Maps, PayPal, Eventbrite und Meetup Drittanbieter API-Schlüsseln zur Verbesserung der Funktionalität. Diese API-Schlüssel werden von Google Maps, PayPal, Eventbrite, und Meetup und nicht von Modern Tribe zur Verfügung gestellt."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:80
msgid "API Keys"
msgstr "API Schlüssel"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:74
msgid "Please note: The website owner can collect nearly any Attendee Information requested from %s buyers by creating a custom registration form."
msgstr "Bitte beachte: Der Eigentümer der Website kann nahezu alle von %s-Käufern angeforderten Teilnehmerinformationen sammeln, indem er ein benutzerdefiniertes Registrierungsformular erstellt."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:64
msgid "%s purchaser billing address, which is collected through the use of WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or PayPal"
msgstr "Die Rechnungsadresse des %skäufers, die durch die Verwendung von WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads oder PayPal gesammelt wird"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:56
msgid "%s purchaser information: name and email address"
msgstr "%s Käuferinformationen: Name und E-Mail Adresse"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:39
msgid "Attendees information (%1$s and %2$s): name and email address"
msgstr "Teilnehmerinformationen (%1$s und %2$s): Name und E-Mail-Adresse"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:29
msgid "If you create, submit, import, save, or publish event %1$s information, as well as obtain %2$s or purchase %3$s to events, such information is retained in the local database:"
msgstr "Wenn du Informationen zur Veranstaltung %1$s erstellst, veröffentlichst, importierst, oder sowie %2$s erhalten oder %3$s zu Veranstaltungen kaufst, werden diese Informationen in der lokalen Datenbank gespeichert:"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:26 src/admin-views/privacy.php:84
msgid "Suggested text:"
msgstr "Vorgeschlagener Text:"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:25
msgid "Through the usage of Event Tickets, Event Tickets Plus, and Community Tickets, information may be collected and stored within your website’s database."
msgstr "Durch die Verwendung von Event Tickets, Event Tickets Plus und Community Tickets weiden Informationen gesammelt und in der Datenbank der Website gespeichert."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:23
msgid "Event, Attendee, and Ticket Purchaser Information"
msgstr "Informationen über Veranstaltung, Teilnehmer und Kartenkäufer"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:21
msgid "What personal data we collect and why we collect it"
msgstr "Welche persönlichen Daten sammeln wir und warum sammeln wir sie?"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:19
msgid "This information is only for guidance and not to be considered as legal advice."
msgstr "Diese Informationen dienen nur zur Orientierung und sind nicht als Rechtsberatung zu verstehen."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:19
msgid "Disclaimer:"
msgstr "Haftungsausschluss:"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:18
msgid "You should include the information below in the correct sections of you privacy policy."
msgstr "Du solltest deshalb die folgenden Informationen in deine Datenschutzerklärung aufnehmen"
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:17
msgid "This information serves as a guide on what sections need to be modified due to usage of Event Tickets and its Add-ons."
msgstr "Diese Informationen dienen als Richtlinie, welche Abschnitte aufgrund der Verwendung von Veranstaltungskarten und Add-Ons geändert werden müssen."
#: src/admin-views/privacy.php:16
msgid "Hello,"
msgstr "Hallo,"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:22
msgid "The requested attendee check in is not available"
msgstr "Der angeforderte Teilnehmer-Check-in ist nicht verfügbar"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:27
msgid "The requested ticket is not accessible"
msgstr "Die angeforderte Karte ist nicht zugänglich"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:20
msgid "The requested post ID does not exist or is not an attendee"
msgstr "Die angeforderte Beitrags-ID existiert nicht oder ist kein Teilnehmer"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Messages.php:19
msgid "The attendee ID is missing from the request"
msgstr "Die Teilnehmer-ID fehlt in der Anfrage"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Swagger_Documentation.php:160
msgid "Returns the documentation for Event Tickets REST API in Swagger consumable format."
msgstr "Gibt die Dokumentation für die REST-API für Veranstaltungstickets im Swagger-Verbrauchsmaterialformat zurück."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Swagger_Documentation.php:109
msgid "Event Tickets REST API allows accessing ticket information easily and conveniently."
msgstr "Event Tickets REST API ermöglicht den einfachen und bequemen Zugriff auf Ticketinformationen."
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Swagger_Documentation.php:108
msgid "Event Tickets REST API"
msgstr "Event Tickets REST API"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Endpoints/Base.php:77
msgid "No description provided"
msgstr "Keine Beschreibung verfügbar"
#: src/Tribe/REST/V1/Documentation/Ticket_Definition_Provider.php:20
msgid "The ticket WordPress post ID"
msgstr "Die Karten WordPress Post ID"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:460
msgid "Order Title"
msgstr "Titel Bestellung"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:455
msgid "Event Tickets TribeCommerce Attendee Data"
msgstr "Event Tickets TribeCommerce Teilnehmerdaten"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:179
#: src/modules/blocks/rsvp/container-header/template.js:47
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:41670
msgid "RSVP Title"
msgstr "RSVP Titel"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:174
msgid "Event Tickets RSVP Attendee Data"
msgstr "Event Tickets RSVP Teilnehmerdaten"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:101 src/Tribe/Privacy.php:128
msgid "Event Tickets TribeCommerce Attendee"
msgstr "Event Tickets TribeCommerce Teilnehmer"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:96 src/Tribe/Privacy.php:123
msgid "Event Tickets RSVP Attendee"
msgstr "Event Tickets RSVP Teilnehmer"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:261
msgid "For help creating and configuring your account, call PayPal at 1-844-720-4038 (USA)"
msgstr "Falls du Hilfe beim Erstellen und Konfigurieren deines PayPal Kontos benötigst, rufe PayPal unter 0800 7234500 in Deutschland an."
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Php_Version.php:101
msgid "Starting March 2019, %1$s will no longer work with versions prior to PHP 5.4. Currently your site is using PHP version %2$s. For best results, we recommend using PHP 5.6 or above."
msgstr "Seit März 2019 funktioniert %1$s nicht mehr mit PHP 5.4. Derzeit verwendet Deine Website die PHP-Version %2$s. Für beste Ergebnisse empfehlen wir die Verwendung von PHP 5.6 oder höher."
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Php_Version.php:98
msgid "Starting March 2019, %1$s will no longer support versions prior to PHP 5.6. Your site is currently using PHP version %2$s which will no longer be supported by %1$s. For best results, we recommend using PHP 5.6 or above."
msgstr "Ab März 2019 wird %1$s keine Version vor PHP 5.6 mehr unterstützt. Deine Webseite verwendet derzeit die PHP-Version %2$s, die von %1$s nicht mehr unterstützt wird. Für beste Ergebnisse empfehlen wir die Verwendung von PHP 5.6 oder höher."
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/footer.php:39
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-return-to-cart.php:6
msgid "Return to Cart"
msgstr "Zurück zum Einkaufswagen"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:155
msgctxt "about Tribe Commerce"
msgid "Tribe Commerce is a light implementation of a commerce gateway using PayPal and simplified stock handling. If you need more advanced features, take a look at %1$s. In addition to integrating with your favorite ecommerce provider, Event Tickets Plus includes options to collect custom information for attendees, check users in via QR codes, and share stock between %2$s. %3$s"
msgstr "Tribe Commerce ist eine leichte Implementierung eines Handelsportals mit PayPal und vereinfachter Lagerhaltung. Wenn Du fortgeschrittenere Funktionen benötigst, wirf einen Blick auf %1$s. Zusätzlich zur Integration mit Deinem bevorzugten E-Commerce-Anbieter enthält Event Tickets Plus Optionen zum Erfassen benutzerdefinierter Informationen für Teilnehmer, zum Einchecken von Benutzern über QR-Codes und zum Teilen von Aktien zwischen %2$s. %3$s"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:151
msgid "Check it out!"
msgstr "Jetzt ausprobieren!"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/price.php:114
msgid "Current sale or member price. This can be managed via the product editor."
msgstr "Aktueller Verkaufs-oder Mitgliedspreis. Dies kann über den Produkt-Editor verwaltet werden."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/price.php:113
msgid "Sale/Member Price:"
msgstr "Verkauf/Mitglieder-Preis:"
#: src/admin-views/attendees.php:152
msgid "Search attendees"
msgstr "Teilnehmer durchsuchen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Process/Queue.php:1024
msgid "Every %d Minutes"
msgstr "Jede %d Minute(n)"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:33
msgid "Search our support help desk"
msgstr "Jetzt unser Support-Forum durchsuchen"
#. Description of the plugin
msgid "Event Tickets allows you to sell basic tickets and collect RSVPs from any post, page, or event."
msgstr "Event Tickets ermöglicht den Verkauf von einfachen Karten und erlaubt Buchung von Seiten, Beiträgen oder Veranstaltungen aus. "
#: src/views/tickets/tpp.php:143 src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:157
msgid "%1$s available"
msgstr "%1$s verfügbar"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp.php:83
msgid "Please fill in the ticket confirmation name and email fields."
msgstr "Bitte fülle Name und E-Mail-Felder aus."
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:549 src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:138
msgid "Order Total"
msgstr "Bestellungen total"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:84
msgctxt "Success page tickets table header"
msgid "Subtotal"
msgstr "Zwischenmenge"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:83
msgctxt "Success page tickets table header"
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "Menge"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:82
msgctxt "Success page tickets table header"
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Preis"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:69
msgid "Thank you for your purchase! You will receive your receipt and tickets via email."
msgstr "Vielen Dank für den Kauf! Du erhältst Quittung und Karte per E-Mail."
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:60
msgid "Your order (#%s) is currently processing. Once completed, you'll receive your ticket(s) in an email."
msgstr "Deine Bestellung wird bearbeitet. Sobald sie abgeschlossen ist erhältst du deine %s(s) in einer E-Mail."
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:52
msgid "Whoops! It looks like there was a problem with your order. Please contact the site owner for assistance."
msgstr "Hoppla! Schaut so aus als ob es Probleme mit ihrer Bestellung gibt. Bitte den Verantwortlichen dieser Webseite für weitere Hilfe kontaktieren."
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:46
msgid "No order confirmation is available because no purchase was made."
msgstr "Bestellbestätigung nicht verfügbar, da kein Kauf erfolgte."
#: src/views/tickets/orders-pp-tickets.php:84
msgctxt "order status label"
msgid "Payment status: "
msgstr "Zahlungstatus:"
#: src/views/tickets/orders-pp-tickets.php:54
msgid "Purchased by %1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "Gekauft von %1$s (%2$s)"
#: src/views/login-to-purchase.php:16
msgid "Log in to purchase"
msgstr "Anmelden, um den Kauf durchzuführen"
#: src/views/login-before-purchase.php:24
msgctxt "Registration link on Tribe Commerce checkout page, shown as an alternative the login link"
msgid "create an account"
msgstr "Erstelle einen Account"
#: src/views/login-before-purchase.php:23
msgctxt "Login link on Tribe Commerce checkout page, shown as an alternative to the registration link"
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "Anmelden"
#: src/views/login-before-purchase.php:21
msgctxt "Login link on Tribe Commerce checkout page"
msgid "Log in before purchasing"
msgstr "Vor dem Kauf anmelden"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:197
msgid "Check out Event Tickets Plus"
msgstr "Jetzt Events Tickets Plus ausprobieren"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:362
msgid "Override the default IPN notify URL with this value. This value must be the same set in PayPal IPN Notifications settings area (%s)."
msgstr "Überschreibe die Standard-IPN-Benachrichtigungs-URL mit diesem Wert. Dieser Wert muss derselbe sein, der im Einstellungsbereich für PayPal-IPN-Benachrichtigungen eingestellt ist (%s)."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:360
msgid "IPN Notify URL"
msgstr "IPN Benachrichtigungs URL"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:350
msgid "You can see and manage your IPN Notifications history from the IPN Notifications settings area (%s)."
msgstr "Du kannst die IPN Benachrichtigungshistorie über den Einstellungsbereich für IPN Benachrichtigungen (%s) einsehen und verwalten."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:271
msgid "Enables PayPal Sandbox mode for testing."
msgstr "PayPal Sandbox Modus zum Testen freischalten."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:270
msgid "PayPal Sandbox"
msgstr "PayPal Sandbox"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:335
msgid "Confirmation email subject"
msgstr "Betreff für E-Mail Bestätigung"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:326
msgid "Confirmation email sender name"
msgstr "Name Versender für E-Mail Bestätigung"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:317
msgid "Confirmation email sender address"
msgstr "Absender Adresse für Bestätigungs-E-Mails"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:303
msgid "Success page"
msgstr "Erfolgsseite"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:295
msgid "Only decrease available %s stock if an order is confirmed as Completed by PayPal."
msgstr "Verringert den verfügbaren %s Bestand nur, wenn eine Bestellung von PayPal als abgeschlossen bestätigt wird."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:291
msgid "Decrease available %s stock as soon as a Pending order is created."
msgstr "Verringert den verfügbaren %sbestand, sobald ein ausstehender Auftrag erstellt wird."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:285
msgid "Stock Handling"
msgstr "Lagerhaltung"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:278
msgid "The currency that will be used for Tribe Commerce transactions."
msgstr "Die Währung, welche für Tribe Commerce Transaktionen verwendet wird."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:277
msgid "Currency Code"
msgstr "Währungscode"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:258
msgid "PayPal configuration status:"
msgstr "PayPal Konfiguration Status:"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:235
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:247
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:232
msgid "Have you enabled instant payment notifications (IPN) in your PayPal account's Selling Tools?"
msgstr "Hast du Sofortzahlungsbenachrichtigungen (IPN) im PayPal-Konto aktiviert?"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:224
msgid "PayPal email to receive payments:"
msgstr "PayPal E-Mail um Zahlungen zu erhalten:"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:218
msgid "Configure PayPal:"
msgstr "PayPal konfigurieren:"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:188
msgid "Your site address is: %s"
msgstr "Die Seitenadresse lautet: %s"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:186
msgid "Have you entered this site's address in the Notification URL field in IPN Settings?"
msgstr "Hast du deine Webseite im IPN Benachrichtigungs-URL Feld deines Paypal Kontos definiert?"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:181
msgid "these instructions"
msgstr "diese Instruktionen"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:205
msgid "Check this box if you wish to turn on Tribe Commerce functionality."
msgstr "Aktivieren dieses Kontrollkästchen um die Tribe-Commerce-Funktionalität einzuschalten."
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:204
msgid "Enable Tribe Commerce "
msgstr "Tribe Commerce aktivieren"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:196
msgid "Tribe Commerce"
msgstr "Tribe Commerce"
#: src/admin-views/tpp-orders.php:62
msgctxt "post type details"
msgid "%s Details"
msgstr "%s Details"
#: src/admin-views/tpp-metabox-sku.php:20
msgid "SKU:"
msgstr "Einheiten:"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/list.php:14
msgid "No commerce providers available"
msgstr "Keine Zahlungsdienstleiter verfügbar"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/list.php:13
msgid "Add a new ticket"
msgstr "Neue Karte hinzufügen"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/settings-provider.php:51
msgid "Note: adjusting this setting will only impact new %1$s. Existing %1$s will not change. We highly recommend that all %1$s for one event use the same ecommerce plugin."
msgstr "Hinweis: das Anpassen dieser Einstellung wirkt sich nur auf neue %1$s aus. Bestehende %1$s werden nicht geändert. Wir empfehlen dringend, dass alle %1$s für eine Veranstaltung das gleiche eCommerce-Plugin verwenden."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/settings-provider.php:45
msgid "It looks like you have multiple ecommerce plugins active. We recommend running only one at a time. However, if you need to run multiple, please select which one to use to sell %s for this event."
msgstr "Es sieht so aus, als ob du mehrere E-Commerce-Plugins aktiviert hast. Wir empfehlen, immer nur eines auf einmal auszuführen. Wenn Du jedoch mehrere ausführen möchtest, wählen bitte aus, welches du für den Verkauf von %s für diese Veranstaltung verwenden möchtest."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/price.php:110
msgid "Current sale price. This can be managed via the product editor."
msgstr "Aktueller Verkaufspreis - er kann über den Produkteditor verwaltet werden."
#: src/admin-views/editor/column-head-price.php:1
#: src/views/registration/summary/tickets-header.php:19
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Preis"
#: src/admin-views/editor/button-view-orders.php:38
msgid "View Orders"
msgstr "Bestellungen ansehen"
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:359 src/Tribe/Metabox.php:397
msgid "The attendee ID is missing from the request parameters."
msgstr "Die Teilnehmer-ID fehlt in den Anforderungsparametern."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Tickets_View.php:137
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "nicht verfügbar"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Tickets_View.php:106
msgid "This ticket is no longer active."
msgstr "Diese Karte ist nicht mehr länger aktiv."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/Sell_Available.php:47
msgid "Sell only available"
msgstr "Nur verfügbare verkaufen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/Sell_All.php:46
msgid "Oversell all requested"
msgstr "Über den vorhandenen Bestand hinaus verkaufen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/No_Oversell.php:46
msgid "Do not oversell"
msgstr "Nicht mehr als den vorhandenen Bestand verkaufen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/Admin_Notice_Decorator.php:246
msgid "Process order"
msgstr "Auftrag verabeiten"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/Admin_Notice_Decorator.php:228
msgid "Delete all attendees for this order and do not email tickets. You may also want to refund the order %1$sin your PayPal account%2$s."
msgstr "Lösche alle Teilnehmer dieser Bestellung und sende keine Karten per E-Mail. Möglicherweise möchtest du auch die Bestellung %1$sin Ihrem PayPal-Konto%2$s zurückerstatten."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/Admin_Notice_Decorator.php:221
msgid "Create attendee records and send emails for all tickets in this order (overselling the event)."
msgstr "Erstelle Teilnehmerdatensätze und sende E-Mails für alle Karten in dieser Reihenfolge (Überwachung der Veranstaltung)."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/Admin_Notice_Decorator.php:125
msgid "%1$s is oversold: there are more %2$s sold than the available capacity. This can occur when the PayPal transaction is not completed immediately, delaying the decrease in %3$s availability. Order %4$s includes %5$s %3$s(s). There are only %6$s %3$s(s) left. %7$s emails have not yet been sent for this order. Choose how to process this order from the options below."
msgstr "%1$s wurde zu oft verkauft: es wurden mehr %2$s verkauft als die verfügbare Kapazität. Dies kann auftreten, wenn die PayPal-Transaktion nicht sofort abgeschlossen wird, wodurch sich der Rückgang der Verfügbarkeit von %3$s verzögert. Die Bestellung %4$s umfasst %5$s %3$s(s). Es sind nur noch %6$s %3$s(s) verfügbar. Für diese Bestellung wurden %7$s-E-Mails noch nicht versandt. Wähle aus den folgenden Optionen aus, wie diese Bestellung bearbeitet werden soll."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/Admin_Notice_Decorator.php:123
msgid "in your PayPal account"
msgstr "in deinem PayPal-Konto"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Oversell/Admin_Notice_Decorator.php:111
msgid "An event"
msgstr "Eine Veranstaltung"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:274
msgid "No matching orders found."
msgstr "Keine passenden Bestellungen gefunden."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:184
msgid "Refunded with %s"
msgstr "Rückerstattet mit %s"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:177
msgid "%1$s"
msgstr "%1$s"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:106
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Gesamt"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:103
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:194 src/Tribe/Privacy.php:475
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:571 src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:102
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:101
msgid "Purchased"
msgstr "Gekauft"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:98
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Bestellung"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:42
msgid "Number of orders per page:"
msgstr "Anzahl der Bestellungen pro Seite:"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Sales.php:262
msgid "Not completed"
msgstr "Nicht abgeschlossen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Sales.php:258
#: src/admin-views/tpp-orders.php:173
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Abgeschlossen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Report.php:321
msgid "Search Orders"
msgstr "Bestellungen suchen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Report.php:216
msgctxt "Browser title"
msgid "%s - PayPal Orders"
msgstr "%s - PayPal Bestellungen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Tab.php:33
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Report.php:108
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Report.php:157
msgid "PayPal Orders"
msgstr "PayPal Bestellungen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Report.php:106
msgid "See PayPal purchases for this %s"
msgstr "Zeige PayPal Käufe für %s"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Notices.php:45
msgid "set it here"
msgstr "hier eintragen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Notices.php:43
msgid "PayPal is using PDT data but you have not set the PDT identity token"
msgstr "PayPal verwendet PDT-Daten, aber du hast das PDT-Identitäts-Token nicht definiert."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1768
msgid "Report"
msgstr "Report"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1742
msgid "Sales report"
msgstr "Verkaufsreport"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:461
#: src/modules/blocks/tickets/action-buttons/orders/template.js:25
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:44224
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "Bestellungen"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:436
msgid "Tribe Commerce Ticket"
msgstr "Tribe Commerce Karte"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:435
msgid "Tribe Commerce Tickets"
msgstr "Tribe Commerce Karten"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:181
msgctxt "ticket provider"
msgid "Tribe Commerce"
msgstr "Tribe Commerce"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Links.php:56
msgid "Profile and Settings > My selling tools > Instant Payment Notification > Update"
msgstr "Profil und Einstellungen > Meine Verkaufstools > Sofortige Zahlungsbenachrichtigung > Aktualisierung"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Links.php:29
msgid "Profile and Settings > My selling tools > Instant Payment Notification > IPN History Page"
msgstr "Profil und Einstellungen > Meine Verkaufstools > Sofortige Zahlungsbenachrichtigung > IPN History-Seite"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Handler/PDT.php:136
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Handler/IPN.php:147
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Handler/Invalid_PDT.php:74
msgctxt "a PayPal configuration status"
msgid "incomplete"
msgstr "unvollständig"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Handler/IPN.php:143
msgctxt "a PayPal configuration status"
msgid "complete"
msgstr "vollständig"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Frontend/Tickets_Form.php:75
msgid "Your PayPal %1$s has been received! Check your email for your PayPal %1$s confirmation."
msgstr "Dein PayPal %1$s ist eingegangen! Überprüfe deine E-Mails für die PayPal %1$s Bestätigung."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Errors.php:35
msgid "Your order is currently processing. Once completed, you'll receive your %s(s) in an email."
msgstr "Deine Bestellung wird bearbeitet. Sobald sie abgeschlossen ist erhältst du deine %s(s) in einer E-Mail."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Errors.php:32
msgid "You should add at least one %s."
msgstr "Du solltest mindestens ein %s hinzufügen."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Errors.php:30
msgid "In order to purchase %s, you must enter your name and a valid email address."
msgstr "Um %s kaufen zu können, musst du mindestens deinen Namen und eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse eingeben"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Errors.php:26
msgid "Trying to oversell a %s but the current oversell policy does not allow it"
msgstr "Du versuchst für dieses %s mehr zu verkaufen als Verfügbar, doch die Richtlinie erlaubt dies nicht"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Errors.php:25
msgid "Attendee email and/or full name is missing"
msgstr "Teilnehmeremail und/oder vollständiger Name fehlt"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Errors.php:24
msgid "There was an error"
msgstr "Es gab einen Fehler"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Endpoints/Success_Template.php:99
msgid "pending"
msgstr "anstehend"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Attendance_Totals.php:78
msgctxt "attendee summary"
msgid "Complete:"
msgstr "Abgeschlossen:"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:341
msgid "U.S. Dollar (USD)"
msgstr "U.S. Dollar (USD)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:335
msgid "Taiwan New Dollar (TWD)"
msgstr "Taiwan New Dollar (TWD)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:329
msgid "Thai Baht (THB)"
msgstr "Thai Baht (THB)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:323
msgid "Singapore Dollar (SGD)"
msgstr "Singapore Dollar (SGD)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:317
msgid "Swedish Krona (SEK)"
msgstr "Schwedische Krone (SEK)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:305
msgid "Polish Zloty (PLN)"
msgstr "Polish Zloty (PLN)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:299
msgid "Philippine Peso (PHP)"
msgstr "Philippine Peso (PHP)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:293
msgid "New Zealand Dollar (NZD)"
msgstr "New Zealand Dollar (NZD)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:287
msgid "Norwegian Krone (NOK)"
msgstr "Norwegische Krone (NOK)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:281
msgid "Mexican Peso (MXN)"
msgstr "Mexican Peso (MXN)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:275
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)"
msgstr "Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:269
msgid "Japanese Yen (JPY)"
msgstr "Japanese Yen (JPY)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:257
msgid "Israeli New Sheqel (ILS)"
msgstr "Israeli New Sheqel (ILS)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:251
msgid "Hungarian Forint (HUF)"
msgstr "Hungarian Forint (HUF)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:245
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)"
msgstr "Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:239
msgid "Pound Sterling (GBP)"
msgstr "Pfund Sterling (GBP)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:233
msgid "Euro (EUR)"
msgstr "Euro (EUR)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:227
msgid "Danish Krone (DKK)"
msgstr "Dänische Krone (DKK)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:220
msgid "Czech Koruna (CZK)"
msgstr "Tschechische Krone (CZK)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:214
msgid "Swiss Franc (CHF)"
msgstr "Schweizer Franken (CHF)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:208
msgid "Canadian Dollar (CAD)"
msgstr "Canadian Dollar (CAD)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:202
msgid "Brazilian Real (BRL)"
msgstr "Brazilian Real (BRL)"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/Currency.php:196
msgid "Australian Dollar (AUD)"
msgstr "Australian Dollar (AUD)"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:982
msgid "No matching attendees found."
msgstr "Keine passenden Teilnehmer gefunden."
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:65
msgid "Number of attendees per page:"
msgstr "Anzahl der Teilnehmer pro Seite:"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Notices.php:154
msgid "Event Tickets does not support ticket sales via third party ecommerce plugins. If you want to sell tickets with %1$s, please purchase a license for %2$s."
msgstr "Event Tickets unterstützt keinen Kartenverkauf über E-Commerce-Plugins von Drittanbietern. Wenn du Karten mit %1$s verkaufen möchtest, erwirb bitte eine Lizenz für %2$s."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:174
msgid "%s must not be empty"
msgstr "%s darf nicht leer sein"
#. translators: %1$s: formatted quantity remaining
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:545
msgctxt "ticket shared capacity message (remaining stock)"
msgid "%1$s available of shared capacity"
msgstr "%1$s verbleibende gemeinsame Kapazität"
#: src/admin-views/rsvp-metabox-capacity.php:19
#: src/admin-views/tpp-metabox-capacity.php:25
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:46329
msgid "Leave blank for unlimited"
msgstr "Leer lassen für unlimitiert"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:117
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/settings.php:111
msgid "Save settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen speichern"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/list.php:48
msgid "View Attendees"
msgstr "Teilnehmer anzeigen"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/list.php:20
msgid "You have unsaved changes to your tickets. Discard those changes?"
msgstr "Es gibt ungespeicherte Änderungen an den Karten. Diese Änderungen verwerfen?"
#: src/admin-views/editor/list-table.php:39
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Verfügbar"
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:332
#: src/admin-views/editor/list-table.php:38
#: src/modules/blocks/tickets/capacity-table/template.js:36
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:44612
msgid "Capacity"
msgstr "Kapazität"
#: src/admin-views/editor/list-row.php:96
msgid "Available:"
msgstr "Verfügbar:"
#: src/admin-views/rsvp-metabox-capacity.php:10
#: src/admin-views/editor/list-row.php:91
#: src/admin-views/tpp-metabox-capacity.php:16
msgid "Capacity:"
msgstr "Kapazität:"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/history.php:33
msgid "Ti"
msgstr "Ti"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/history.php:30
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historie"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:160
msgid "If you do not set an end sale date, %s will be available until the event begins."
msgstr "Falls du kein Enddatum für den Verkauf festlegst, wird das %s bis zum Beginn des Events verfügbar sein."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:111
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:153
msgid "HH:MM"
msgstr "HH:MM"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:92
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:134
msgid "at"
msgstr "um"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:91
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:133
msgid "YYYY-MM-DD"
msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:70
msgid "Show description on front end %s form."
msgstr "Beschreibung im Frontend %sformular anzeigen."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:50
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Beschreibung:"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:48
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Erweiterte Einstellungen"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:45
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Erweitert"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:41
msgid "Start sale date cannot be greater than End Sale date"
msgstr "Das Startverkaufsdatum darf nicht grösser als das Endverkaufsdatum sein."
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:40
msgid "Start sale date cannot be empty."
msgstr "Startverkaufsdatum darf nicht leer sein."
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:802
msgid "Welcome to Event Tickets!"
msgstr "Willkommen bei Event Tickets!"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets_Handler.php:83
#: src/views/blocks/tickets/extra-available-unlimited.php:19
#: src/modules/data/blocks/ticket/options.js:19
#: src/modules/blocks/rsvp/container-header/template.js:87
#: src/resources/js/app/data.js:5196 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:5213
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:41703
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Unlimitiert"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:1612 src/modules/data/blocks/ticket/options.js:16
#: src/resources/js/app/data.js:5193 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:5210
msgid "Set capacity for this ticket only"
msgstr "Kapazität nur für diese Karte festlegen"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:1611
msgid "Shared capacity with other tickets"
msgstr "Gemeinsame Kapazität mit anderen Karten"
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:320
msgid "Failed to delete the %s. Refresh the page to try again."
msgstr "Löschen des %s fehlgeschlagen. Lade die Seite neu und versuche es erneut."
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:221 src/Tribe/Metabox.php:282
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:326 src/Tribe/Metabox.php:367
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:405
#: src/Tribe/Editor/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:66
#: src/Tribe/Editor/REST/V1/Endpoints/Single_Ticket.php:249
msgid "Commerce Module invalid"
msgstr "Commerce-Modul ungültig"
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:276
msgid "Failed to edit the %s. Refresh the page to try again."
msgstr "Bearbeiten des %s fehlgeschlagen. Lade die Seite neu und versuche es erneut."
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:212
msgid "Commerce Provider invalid"
msgstr "Commerce-Anbieter ungültig"
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:208
msgid "Failed to add the %s. Refresh the page to try again."
msgstr "Hinzufügen des %s fehlgeschlagen. Lade die Seite neu und versuche es erneut."
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:198 src/Tribe/Metabox.php:266
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:310
msgid "Invalid parent Post"
msgstr "Ungültiger übergeordneter Beitrag"
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:113
msgid "Invalid Post ID"
msgstr "Ungültig Beitrags ID"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:20
msgid "Check out our %s for developers."
msgstr "Unser %s für Entwickler ansehen."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:18
msgid "Want to dive deeper?"
msgstr "Einen tieferen Einblick erhalten?"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-display.php:28
msgid "The following three fields accept the date format options available to the PHP %1$s function. Learn how to make your own date format here."
msgstr "Die folgenden drei Felder akzeptieren die Datumsformatoptionen, die der PHP-Funktion %1$s zur Verfügung stehen. Lerne hier, wie Du Dein eigenes Datumsformat erstellen kannst."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:496
msgid "%s must be an email address."
msgstr "%s muss eine E-Mail Adresse sein."
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:327
msgid "Clear Selection."
msgstr "Auswahl löschen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:326
msgid "Select all pages"
msgstr "Alle Seiten auswählen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:325
msgid "All items on this page were selected. "
msgstr "Alle Elemente dieser Seite wurden ausgewählt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:252
msgid "Sint Maarten"
msgstr "Sint Maarten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:245
msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe"
msgstr "São Tomé and Príncipe"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:238
msgid "Saint Helena"
msgstr "St. Helena"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:237
msgid "Saint Barthélemy"
msgstr "Saint Barthélemy"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:113
msgid "Curaçao"
msgstr "Curaçao"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:103
msgid "Collectivity of Saint Martin"
msgstr "Kollektivität von Sankt Martin"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:57
msgid "Åland Islands"
msgstr "Åland Inseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:57
msgid "A list of links to the term own, archive and parent REST URL"
msgstr "Eine Liste von Links zu der Begriffs, der Archiv- und übergeordneten REST-URL"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp.php:211 src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:304
msgid "You must have JavaScript activated to purchase tickets. Please enable JavaScript in your browser."
msgstr "Du musst JavaScript aktiviert haben, um Tickets kaufen zu können. Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser."
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:285
msgctxt "list view buy now ticket button"
msgid "Buy Now!"
msgstr "Jetzt kaufen!"
#: src/Tribe/Events/Views/V2/Models/Tickets.php:202
msgctxt "list view rsvp now ticket button"
msgid "%s Now"
msgstr "%s Jetzt!"
#. Translators: %s number of tickets left.
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:269
msgid "%s ticket left"
msgid_plural "%s tickets left"
msgstr[0] "%s Karte verfügbar"
msgstr[1] "%s Karten verfügbar"
#. Translators: %s number of RSVP spots left.
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:266
msgid "%s spot left"
msgid_plural "%s spots left"
msgstr[0] "%s Platz verfügbar"
msgstr[1] "%s Plätze verfügbar"
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:223
msgctxt "list view stock sold out"
msgid "Sold out"
msgstr "Ausverkauft"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:196
msgid "Image Widget Plus"
msgstr "Image Widget Plus"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp.php:168
msgid "Buy now"
msgstr "Jetzt kaufen"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Notices.php:403
msgid "You can always check the status of your licenses by logging in to %1$syour account on theeventscalendar.com%2$s."
msgstr "Du kannst den Status Deiner Lizenz jederzeit überprüfen, in dem du dich auf %1$s in deinem Account auf theeventscalendar.com%2$s einloggst."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Notices.php:284
msgid "It looks like you're using %1$s, but the license key is invalid. Please download the latest version %2$sfrom your account%3$s."
msgid_plural "It looks like you're using %1$s, but the license keys are invalid. Please download the latest versions %2$sfrom your account%3$s."
msgstr[0] "Anscheinend verwendest du %1$s, aber der Lizenzschlüssel ist ungültig. Bitte lade die neuste Version %2$s von deinem Konto%3$s herunter."
msgstr[1] "Anscheinend verwendest du %1$s, aber der Lizenzschlüssel ist ungültig. Bitte lade die neuste Version %2$svon deinem Konto%3$s herunter."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:997
msgid "Please refresh the page and try your request again."
msgstr "Bitte aktualisiere die Seite und versuche es erneut."
#: common/src/Tribe/Ajax/Dropdown.php:249
msgid "The \"%s\" source is invalid and cannot be reached on \"%s\" instance."
msgstr "Die \"%s\" Quelle ist ungültig und kann nicht auf \"%s\" Instanz erreicht werden."
#: common/src/Tribe/Ajax/Dropdown.php:199
msgid "Empty data set for this dropdown"
msgstr "Keine Daten für dieses Dropdown Menü verfügbar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Ajax/Dropdown.php:186
msgid "Missing data source for this dropdown"
msgstr "Fehlende Datenquelle für dieses Dropdown Menü"
#: common/src/Tribe/Ajax/Dropdown.php:38
msgid "Cannot look for Terms without a taxonomy"
msgstr "Kann keine Begriffe ohne Taxonomie abrufen"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:1115
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. %2$s"
msgstr "Es ist eine neue Version von %1$s verfügbar. %2$s"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:1104
msgid "Update now to version %s."
msgstr "Jetzt auf Version %s aktualisieren."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:500
msgid "%1$sBuy a license%2$s for the Event Aggregator service to access additional import features."
msgstr "%1$sKaufe eine Lizenz%2$s für den Event Aggregator-Dienst, um auf zusätzliche Importfunktionen zuzugreifen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:230
msgid "%s must be a whole number."
msgstr "%s muss eine Ganzzahl sein."
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:52
msgid "The URL to the term archive page"
msgstr "Die URL zum Begriff Archivseite"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:48
msgid "The number of posts associated with the term"
msgstr "Die Anzahl der mit dem Begriff verbundenen Artikel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:44
msgid "The term parent term if any"
msgstr "Der dem Begriff übergeordneten Begriff, wenn überhaupt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:40
msgid "The term description"
msgstr "Die Begriffsbeschreibung"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:36
msgid "The taxonomy the term belongs to"
msgstr "Die Taxonomie, zu der der Begriff gehört"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:32
msgid "The term slug"
msgstr "Der Begriffsslug"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The term name"
msgstr "Der Begriffsname"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Term_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The WordPress term ID"
msgstr "Die WordPress Begriffs-ID"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Size_Definition_Provider.php:37
msgid "The link to the image in the specified size on the site"
msgstr "Der Link auf das Bild in der angegebenen Größe auf der Website"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Size_Definition_Provider.php:32
msgid "The image mime-type"
msgstr "Das Bild Mime-Typ"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Size_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The image height in pixels in the specified size"
msgstr "Die Bildhöhe in Pixel in der angegebenen Größe"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Size_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The image width in pixels in the specified size"
msgstr "Die Bildbreite in Pixel in der angegebenen Größe"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Definition_Provider.php:45
msgid "The details about each size available for the image"
msgstr "Die Details zu jeder Größe für das Bild"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Definition_Provider.php:41
msgid "The image natural height in pixels"
msgstr "Die Bildhöhe in Pixel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Definition_Provider.php:37
msgid "The image natural width in pixels"
msgstr "Die Bildbreite in Pixel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Definition_Provider.php:33
msgid "The image file extension"
msgstr "Die Bild Dateierweiterung"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Definition_Provider.php:29
msgid "The image WordPress post ID"
msgstr "Die Bild WordPress Post ID"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Image_Definition_Provider.php:25
msgid "The URL to the full size version of the image"
msgstr "Die URL zum Bildes mit der höchsten Auflösung"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Date_Details_Definition_Provider.php:44
msgid "The date seconds"
msgstr "Die Datumsekunden"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Date_Details_Definition_Provider.php:40
msgid "The date minutes"
msgstr "Die Datumsminuten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Date_Details_Definition_Provider.php:36
msgid "The date hour"
msgstr "Die Datumstunden"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Date_Details_Definition_Provider.php:32
msgid "The date day"
msgstr "Der Datumstag"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Date_Details_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The date month"
msgstr "Der Datumsmonat"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Date_Details_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The date year"
msgstr "Das Datumsjahr"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Cost_Details_Definition_Provider.php:34
msgid "A sorted array of all the numeric values for the cost"
msgstr "Ein sortiertes Array aller numerischen Werte für die Kosten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Cost_Details_Definition_Provider.php:28
msgid "The position of the currency symbol in the cost string"
msgstr "Die Position des Währungssymbols im Eintrittspreis String"
#: common/src/Tribe/Documentation/Swagger/Cost_Details_Definition_Provider.php:24
msgid "The cost currency symbol"
msgstr "Das Eintrittspreis Währungssymbol"
#. translators: %1$s: formatted quantity remaining
#: src/template-tags/tickets.php:556
msgctxt "ticket stock message (remaining stock)"
msgid "%1$s available"
msgstr "%1$s verbleibend"
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:169
msgid "Sold"
msgstr "Verkauft"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:83
msgid "Above the event description"
msgstr "Über der Veranstaltungsbeschreibung"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:82
msgid "Below the event description"
msgstr "Unter der Veranstaltungsbeschreibung"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:81
msgid "Above the event details"
msgstr "Über den Veranstaltungsdetails"
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:80
msgid "Below the event details [default]"
msgstr "Unter den Veranstaltungsdetails (Standard)"
#: src/admin-views/attendees.php:59
msgctxt "attendee screen summary"
msgid "%s Details"
msgstr "%s Details"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:112
msgctxt "attendee event actions"
msgid "View %s"
msgstr "%s ansehen"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:111
msgctxt "attendee event actions"
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "%s bearbeiten"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:498 src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:518
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Rückgängig"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:490 src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:499
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:510 src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:519
msgid "Check In"
msgstr "Einchecken"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:120 src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:127
msgctxt "attendee table"
msgid "Check in"
msgstr "Einchecken"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:118
msgctxt "attendee table"
msgid "Security Code"
msgstr "Sicherheitscode"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:117
msgctxt "attendee table"
msgid "Primary Information"
msgstr "Primäre Informationen"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Views/Ticketed.php:59
msgid "Unticketed"
msgstr "Keine Karte erstellt"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Views/Ticketed.php:47
msgid "Ticketed"
msgstr "Karte erstellt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:281 common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:282
msgid "Events Help"
msgstr "Veranstaltungshilfe"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:1698
msgid "Expired license. Consult your network administrator."
msgstr "Lizenz abgelaufen. Wende dich an deinen Netzwerkadministrator."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:1697
msgid "No license entered. Consult your network administrator."
msgstr "Keine Lizenz eingegeben. Bitte den Netzwerk Administrator kontaktieren."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:1696
msgid "A valid license has been entered by your network administrator."
msgstr "Ein gültiger Lizenzschlüssel wurde von deinem Netzwerk Administrator eingegeben."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:553
msgid "Site License Key"
msgstr "Seiten Lizenzschlüssel"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:542
msgid "Check this box if you wish to override the network license key with your own"
msgstr "Option aktivieren, um den Netzwerk Lizenzschlüssel mit dem eigenen zu überschreiben"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:541
msgid "Override network license key"
msgstr "Überschreibe Netzwerk Lizenzschlüssel"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:532 common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:566
msgid "License Key Status:"
msgstr "Status Lizenzschlüssel:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:350
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Abgeschlossen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:349 common/src/Tribe/Main.php:351
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Heute"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:348
msgid "Prev"
msgstr "Zurück"
#: common/src/Tribe/Customizer.php:559
msgid "Use the following panel of your customizer to change the styling of your Calendar and Event pages."
msgstr "Nutze den folgenden Bereich um das Design Deines Kalenders und Deiner Veranstaltungsseiten anzupassen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Extension.php:406
msgid "Unable to run Tribe Extensions. Your website host is running PHP 5.2 or older, and has likely disabled or misconfigured debug_backtrace(). You, or your website host, will need to upgrade PHP or properly configure debug_backtrace() for Tribe Extensions to work."
msgstr "Die Tribe Extensions können nicht ausgeführt werden. Deine Website nutzt PHP 5.2 oder älter und hat vermutlich debug_backtrace() nicht aktiviert bzw. falsch konfiguriert. Bitte aktualisiere (oder dein Website Host) auf eine neuere PHP Version oder konfiguriere debug_backtrace() korrekt, damit die Tribe Extensions ausgeführt werden können."
#: common/src/Tribe/Extension.php:144
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Php_Version.php:60
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Plugin_Download.php:150
msgctxt "the final separator in a list of two or more items"
msgid " and "
msgstr "und"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Php_Version.php:59
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Notice/Plugin_Download.php:149
msgctxt "separator used in a list of items"
msgid ", "
msgstr ","
#: src/views/tickets/orders-rsvp.php:85
msgctxt "order status label"
msgid "RSVP: "
msgstr "Reservierung: "
#: src/views/tickets/email-tickets-moved.php:103
msgid "We wanted to let you know that a ticket you purchased for %2$s has been transferred to %3$s%4$s. Your ticket remains valid and no further action is needed on your part:"
msgid_plural "We wanted to let you know that the following %1$s tickets for %2$s have been transferred to %3$s%4$s. Your existing tickets remain valid and no further action is needed on your part:"
msgstr[0] "Wir wollten Dir mitteilen, dass eine Karte, die Du für %2$s gekauft hast auf %3$s%4$s übertragen wurde. Deine existierende Karte bleibt gültig und es sind keine weiteren Maßnahmen von Deiner Seite erforderlich."
msgstr[1] "Wir wollten Ihnen mitteilen, dass die %1$s Karten, die Du für %2$s gekauft hast auf %3$s%4$s übertragen wurden. Deine existierenden Karten bleiben gültig und es sind keine weiteren Maßnahmen von Deiner Seite erforderlich."
#: src/views/tickets/email-ticket-type-moved.php:115
#: src/views/tickets/email-tickets-moved.php:117
msgid " (taking place on %s)"
msgstr "(Erfolgt auf %s) "
#: src/views/tickets/email-ticket-type-moved.php:101
msgid "We wanted to let you know that your ticket for %2$s has been transferred to %3$s%4$s. Your ticket remains valid and no further action is needed on your part."
msgid_plural "We wanted to let you know that your %1$s tickets for %2$s have been transferred to %3$s%4$s. Your existing tickets remain valid and no further action is needed on your part."
msgstr[0] "Wir wollten dir mitteilen, dass deine Karte für %2$s zu %3$s%4$s übertragen wurde. Die Karte bleibt weiterhin gültig und es sind keine weiteren Maßnahmen erforderlich."
msgstr[1] "Wir wollten dir mitteilen, dass deine %1$s Tickets für %2$s zu %3$s%4$s übertragen wurden. Deine bestehenden Tickets bleiben gültig und es sind keine weiteren Maßnahmen erforderlich."
#: src/views/tickets/email-ticket-type-moved.php:97
#: src/views/tickets/email-tickets-moved.php:99
msgid "Important changes to your tickets"
msgstr "Wichtige Änderungen an deinen Karten"
#: src/admin-views/ticket-type-history.php:21
msgid "Click to hide history"
msgstr "Klicken um den Verlauf zu verstecken"
#: src/admin-views/ticket-type-history.php:20
msgid "Click to view the history"
msgstr "Klicken um den Verlauf anzuzeigen"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:89
msgctxt "move tickets dialog"
msgid "Next »"
msgstr "Nächste »"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:88 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:43599
msgid "Finish!"
msgstr "Erledigt!"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:87
msgctxt "move tickets dialog"
msgid "« Back"
msgstr "« Zurück"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:80
msgctxt "move tickets dialog"
msgid "Please be patient while your request is processed…"
msgstr "Wir bitten um Geduld, während der Antrag verarbeitet wird…"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:72
msgid "Select the ticket type that the tickets should be transferred to:"
msgstr "Wähle den Kartentyp zu welchem die Karte transferiert werden soll:"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:64 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:43584
msgid "Select the post you wish to move the ticket type to:"
msgstr "Wähle aus wohin du den Kartentyp verschieben möchtest:"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:59
msgid "You can also enter keywords to help find the target event by title or description:"
msgstr "Du kannst auch Schlüsselwörter eingeben, um die Veranstaltung anhand des Titels oder der Beschreibung zu finden:"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:54 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:43562
msgid "You can optionally focus on a specific post type:"
msgstr "Du kannst dich optional auf einen bestimmten Beitrag konzentrieren:"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:47
msgid "Move tickets to a different event"
msgstr "Karten zu einer anderen Veranstaltung verschieben"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:43
msgid "Move to a different ticket type within the same event"
msgstr "Zu einem anderen Kartentyp innerhalb der gleichen Veranstaltung verschieben"
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:30
msgid "You have selected %1$s ticket for %2$s. You can move it to a different ticket type within the same event, or to a different event."
msgid_plural "You have selected %1$s tickets for %2$s. You can move them to a different ticket type within the same event, or to a different event."
msgstr[0] "Du hast das Ticket %1$s für %2$s ausgewählt. Du kannst es auf einen anderen Kartentyp innerhalb derselben Veranstaltung oder auf eine andere Veranstaltung verschieben."
msgstr[1] "Du hast %1$s Tickets für %2$s ausgewählt. Du kannst sie auf einen anderen Tickettyp innerhalb derselben Veranstaltung oder auf eine andere Veranstaltung verschieben."
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:25
msgid "You have specified a range of attendees that are managed by different providers. It is not currently possible to move these together."
msgstr "Du hast einen Teilnehmerkreis angegeben, der von verschiedenen Anbietern verwaltet wird. Es ist derzeit nicht möglich, diese zusammen zu verschieben."
#: src/admin-views/move-tickets.php:19
msgid "No attendees specified! Please try again."
msgstr "Keine Teilnehmer ausgewählt! Bitte versuche erneut"
#: src/admin-views/list.php:70
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Verschieben"
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:208
msgid "Sign Up"
msgstr "Registrieren"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:503
msgctxt "attendee export"
msgid "Customer Email Address"
msgstr "Kunden E-Mail Adresse"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:502
msgctxt "attendee export"
msgid "Customer Name"
msgstr "Kunden Name"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:500
msgctxt "attendee export"
msgid "Order Status"
msgstr "Bestellstatus"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:499
msgctxt "attendee export"
msgid "Order ID"
msgstr "Bestell ID"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:317
msgid "You must first select one or more tickets before you can move them!"
msgstr "Du musst zuerst ein oder mehrere Karten auswählen, bevor du sie verschieben kannst!"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:82
msgid "Post type"
msgstr "Beitragstyp"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:116
msgctxt "attendee event actions"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Anzeigen"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:115
msgctxt "attendee event actions"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten"
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:659
msgid "RSVP Ticket"
msgstr "reservierte Karte"
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:658
msgid "RSVP Tickets"
msgstr "reservierte Karten"
#: src/Tribe/RSVP/Attendance_Totals.php:51
msgctxt "attendee summary"
msgid "Not Going:"
msgstr "Nehme nicht teil:"
#: src/Tribe/RSVP/Attendance_Totals.php:50
msgctxt "attendee summary"
msgid "Going:"
msgstr "Nehme teil:"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Attendance_Totals.php:77
#: src/Tribe/RSVP/Attendance_Totals.php:49
msgctxt "attendee summary"
msgid "Total %s:"
msgstr "Alle %s:"
#: src/Tribe/Assets.php:136
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this ticket? This cannot be undone."
msgstr "Möchtest du diese Karte wirklich löschen? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden."
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:398
msgctxt "row action"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:386
msgctxt "row action"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Verschieben"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:376
msgctxt "row action"
msgid "Check In"
msgstr "Einchecken"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:377
msgctxt "row action"
msgid "Undo Check In"
msgstr "Einchecken rückgängig machen"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:119
msgctxt "attendee table"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#: src/Tribe/Attendance_Totals.php:29
msgctxt "attendee summary"
msgid "Deleted Attendees:"
msgstr "Gelöschte Teilnehmer:"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:143
msgctxt "attendee summary"
msgid "Checked in:"
msgstr "Eingecheckt:"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Ticket_History.php:65
msgid "No history available"
msgstr "Kein Verlauf vorhanden"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Ticket_History.php:35
msgctxt "attendee table"
msgid "Hide history"
msgstr "Verlauf verbergen"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Ticket_History.php:34
msgctxt "attendee table"
msgid "View history"
msgstr "Verlauf anzeigen"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:815
msgid "This ticket was moved to %1$s from %2$s"
msgstr "Diese Karte wurde von %2$s nach %1$s verschoben"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:628
msgid "This ticket was moved to %1$s %2$s from %3$s %4$s"
msgstr "Diese Karte wurde von %3$s %4$s nach %1$s %2$s verschoben"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:473
msgctxt "moved tickets success message fragment"
msgid "moved to %s and"
msgstr "nach %s verschoben und"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:466
msgctxt "moved tickets success message fragment"
msgid "assigned to %s"
msgstr "%s zugewiesen"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:457
msgid "%s could not be moved: there was an unexpected failure during reassignment."
msgstr "Das %s konnte nicht verschoben werden: Es gab einen unerwarteten Fehler bei der Neuzuordnung."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:445
msgid "%1$s could not be moved: valid %2$s IDs or a destination ID were not provided."
msgstr "Das %1$s konnte nicht verschoben werden: %2$s IDs oder eine Ziel-ID wurden nicht übergeben."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:231
msgctxt "attendee screen bulk actions"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Verschieben"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:116
msgid "Loading, please wait…"
msgstr "Lade, bitte warten…"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:115
msgid "No ticket types were found for this post."
msgstr "Es wurden keine Karten für diesen Artikel gefunden."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:114
msgid "No results found - you may need to widen your search criteria."
msgstr "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden - verändere die Suchkriterien."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:113
msgid "Unable to update the post list. Please refresh the page and try again."
msgstr "Die Beitragsliste konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Bitte aktualisiere die Seite und versuch es erneut."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:112
msgid "Woops! We could not complete the requested operation due to an unforeseen problem."
msgstr "Hoppla! Wir konnten die angeforderte Operation aufgrund eines unvorhergesehenen Problems nicht abschließen."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:77
msgid "Move Attendees"
msgstr "Teilnehmer verschieben"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:753
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Ticket_Types.php:320
msgid "Changes to your tickets from %s"
msgstr "Änderungen an deinen Karten von %s"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Ticket_Types.php:219
msgid "%1$s type was moved to %3$s from %5$s"
msgstr "%1$s Art wurde zu %3$s von %5$s verschoben"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Ticket_Types.php:121
msgid "%1$s type %2$s for %3$s was successfully moved to %4$s. All previously sold %5$s of this type have been transferred to %4$s. Please adjust capacity and stock manually as needed. %2$s %6$s holders have received an email notifying them of the change. You may now close this window!"
msgstr "%1$s Typ %2$s für %3$s wurde erfolgreich auf %4$s umgestellt. Alle zuvor verkauften %5$s dieser Art wurden auf %4$s übertragen. Bitte passen Kapazität und Bestand bei Bedarf manuell an. Inhaber von %2$s für %6$s haben eine E-Mail erhalten, die über die Änderung informiert. Du kannst dieses Fenster jetzt schließen!"
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Ticket_Types.php:115
msgid "%s type could not be moved: unexpected failure during reassignment."
msgstr "%s-Typ konnte nicht verschoben werden: unerwarteter Fehler während der Neuzuweisung."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Ticket_Types.php:106
msgid "%1$s type could not be moved: the %2$s type or destination post was invalid."
msgstr "Typ %1$s konnte nicht verschoben werden: Der Typ %2$s oder der Ziel-Beitrag war ungültig."
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Tickets.php:258
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Move_Ticket_Types.php:72
msgid "All supported types"
msgstr "Alle unterstützten Typen"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:19
msgid "Each paid add-on has its own unique license key. Paste the key into its appropriate field below, and give it a moment to validate. You know you're set when a green expiration date appears alongside a \"valid\" message. Then click Save Changes."
msgstr "Jedes bezahlte Add-On hat seinen eigenen Lizenzschlüssel. Bitte einfach den Schlüssel in das entsprechende Feld unten einfügen und einen Moment warten, um ihn prüfen zu lassen, erscheint ein grünes Ablaufdatum neben einer gültigen Meldung."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:55
msgid "Event Log"
msgstr "Veranstaltungsprotokoll"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:42
msgid "The details of your calendar plugin and settings is often needed for you or our staff to help troubleshoot an issue. Please opt-in below to automatically share your system information with our support team. This will allow us to assist you faster if you post in our help desk."
msgstr "Die Details deines Kalender-Plugins und der Einstellungen werden oft von deinen oder unseren Mitarbeitern benötigt, um ein Problem zu beheben. Bitte melden dich unten an, um Systeminformationen automatisch an unser Support-Team weiterzuleiten. Dadurch können wir dir schneller helfen, wenn du unserem Support-Team kontaktierst."
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:110
msgid "Côte d'Ivoire"
msgstr "Elfenbeinküste"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support.php:390
msgid "Unique System Info Key Generated"
msgstr "Einzigartiger Systeminfoschlüssel generiert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support.php:376 common/src/Tribe/Support.php:402
msgid "Permission Error"
msgstr "Berechtigungsfehler"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support.php:338 common/src/Tribe/Support.php:343
msgid "Invalid Key"
msgstr "Ungültiger Schlüssel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support.php:319
msgid "Your system information will only be used by the Modern Tribe support team. All information is stored securely. We do not share this information with any third parties."
msgstr "Deine Systeminformationen werden nur vom Modern Tribe Support-Team verwendet. Alle Informationen werden sicher gespeichert. Wir geben diese Informationen nicht an Dritte weiter."
#: common/src/Tribe/Support.php:318
msgid "Yes, automatically share my system information with the Modern Tribe support team"
msgstr "Ja, teile meine Systeminformationen automatisch mit dem Modern Tribe-Supportteam"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Notices.php:458 common/src/Tribe/PUE/Notices.php:501
msgctxt "formatted plugin list"
msgid "%1$s and %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s und %2$s"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Notices.php:361
msgid "You have a license key for %1$s but the key is out of installs. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website%3$s to manage your installs, upgrade your license, or purchase a new one."
msgid_plural "You have license keys for %1$s but your keys are out of installs. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website%3$s to manage your installs, upgrade your licenses, or purchase new ones."
msgstr[0] "Es wurde ein Lizenzschlüssel für %1$s eingegeben, aber der Schlüssel wird schon verwendet. %2$sDie Events Calendar Website besuchen%3$s, um die Installationen zu verwalten, die Lizenz zu aktualisieren oder eine neue zu kaufen."
msgstr[1] "Es wurde Lizenzschlüssel für %1$s eingegeben, aber die Schlüssel wird schon verwendet. %2$sDie Events Calendar Website besuchen%3$s, um die Installationen zu verwalten, die Lizenz zu aktualisieren oder eine neue zu kaufen."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Notices.php:329
msgid "There is an update available for %1$s but your license has expired. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website to renew your license.%3$s"
msgid_plural "Updates are available for %1$s but your license keys have expired. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website to renew your licenses.%3$s"
msgstr[0] "Es ist ein Update für %1$s erhältlich, aber deine Lizenz ist abgelaufen. %2$sBesuche due Events Calendar Website um Deine Lizenz zu erneuern.%3$s"
msgstr[1] "Es sind Updates für %1$s erhältlich, aber deine Lizenzen sind abgelaufen. %2$sBesuche die Events Calendar Website um Deine Lizenzen zu erneuern.%3$s"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:1074
msgid "There is an update for %s. %sRenew your license%s to get access to bug fixes, security updates, and new features."
msgstr "Es gibt ein Update für %s. %sDie Lizenz erneuern%s, um Zugriff auf Fehlerkorrekturen, Sicherheitsupdates und neue Funktionen zu erhalten."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:1017
msgid "There is an update for %s. You'll need to %scheck your license%s to have access to updates, downloads, and support."
msgstr "Es gibt ein Update für %s. Bitte %süberprüfen die Lizenz überprüfen%s, um Zugriff auf Fehlerkorrekturen, Sicherheitsupdates und neue Funktionen zu erhalten."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:980 common/src/Tribe/PUE/Notices.php:344
msgid " (opens in a new window)"
msgstr "(öffnet in einem neuen Fenster)"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:978 common/src/Tribe/PUE/Notices.php:342
msgid "Renew Your License Now"
msgstr "Jetzt Lizenz erneuern"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:337
msgid ": Selected 1 row"
msgstr ": 1 Zeile ausgewählt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:336
msgid ": Selected %d rows"
msgstr ": %d Zeilen ausgewählt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:331
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Zurück"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:330 common/src/Tribe/Main.php:347
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Nächstes"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:329
msgid "All"
msgstr "Alle"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:324
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Suchen:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:323
msgid "No matching records found"
msgstr "Keine passenden Ergebnisse gefunden"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:322
msgid "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)"
msgstr "(gefiltert von _MAX_ Gesamt Einträgen)"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:321
msgid "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries"
msgstr "Zeige 0 bis 0 von 0 Einträgen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:320
msgid "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries"
msgstr "Zeige __START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:319
msgid "No data available in table"
msgstr "Kein Daten in Tabelle vorhanden"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:318
msgid "Show _MENU_ entries"
msgstr "Zeige _MENU_ Einträge"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:316
msgid ": activate to sort column descending"
msgstr ": aktivieren, um Spalte absteigend zu sortieren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Main.php:315
msgid ": activate to sort column ascending"
msgstr ": aktivieren, um Spalte aufsteigend zu sortieren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:58
msgid "Press \"Cmd + C\" to copy"
msgstr "Drücke \"CTRL + C\" um zu kopieren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:57
msgid "System info copied"
msgstr "Systeminformationen kopiert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:56
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:50
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "In die Zwischenablage kopieren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Error.php:38
msgid "An Unknown error occurred"
msgstr "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:42 common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:239
msgid "Event Aggregator"
msgstr "Event Aggregator"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Activation_Page.php:114
msgid "Return to WordPress Updates"
msgstr "Zurück zu WordPress Updates"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Activation_Page.php:114
msgid "Go to WordPress Updates page"
msgstr "Gehe zur WordPress Updates Seite"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Activation_Page.php:106
msgid "Return to Plugins page"
msgstr "Zurück zur Pluginseite"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Activation_Page.php:106
msgid "Go to plugins page"
msgstr "Gehe zur Pluginseite"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:2461
msgid "%s are not available as this %s has passed."
msgstr "%s sind nicht verfügbar, da dieser %s überschritten ist."
#: src/Tribe/Metabox.php:575 src/Tribe/Assets.php:149
msgid "Please enter in without thousand separators and currency symbols."
msgstr "Bitte ohne 1000er Trennzeichen und Währungssymbol eingeben."
#: common/src/Tribe/Support.php:182
msgid "English"
msgstr "Englisch"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:171
msgctxt "Names of required plugins for Community Tickets"
msgid "Event Tickets Plus and Community Events"
msgstr "Event Tickets Plus und Community Events"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:127
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:247
msgid "Filter Bar"
msgstr "Filter Bar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Credits.php:64
msgid "Rate %1$sEvent Tickets%2$s %3$s"
msgstr "Bewerte %1$sEvent Tickets%2$s %3$s"
#: common/src/Tribe/Credits.php:55
msgid "Rate %1$sThe Events Calendar%2$s %3$s"
msgstr "Bewerte %1$sThe Events Calendar%2$s %3$s"
#: src/views/tickets/orders-pp-tickets.php:89
#: src/views/tickets/orders-rsvp.php:104
msgid "Type: "
msgstr "Typ:"
#: src/views/tickets/email-non-attendance.php:263
msgid "Thank you for confirming that you will not be attending the above event."
msgstr "Vielen Dank für die Bestätigung, dass du an der oben genannten Veranstaltung nicht teilnehmen wirst."
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:1406
msgid "You confirmed you will not be attending %s"
msgstr "Du hast bestätigt, an %s nicht teilzunehmen"
#: src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:279
msgid "Login to RSVP"
msgstr "Einloggen um teilzunehmen"
#: src/views/tickets/orders.php:139
msgid "Update %s"
msgstr "%s aktualisieren"
#. Translators: %s: post type label.
#: src/views/tickets/orders.php:86
msgid "View %s"
msgstr "%s anzeigen"
#: src/views/tickets/orders-pp-tickets.php:79
#: src/views/tickets/orders-rsvp.php:80
msgid "Attendee %d"
msgstr "Teilnehmer %d"
#. Translators: %s: date of RSVP.
#: src/views/tickets/orders-pp-tickets.php:60
#: src/views/tickets/orders-rsvp.php:61
msgid " on %s"
msgstr "auf %s"
#. Translators: 1: attendee name, 2: linked attendee email.
#: src/views/tickets/orders-rsvp.php:54
msgid "Reserved by %1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "Reserviert von %1$s (%2$s)"
#. Translators: %s: The name(s) of the type(s) of ticket(s) the specified user
#. (optional) has for the specified event.
#: src/views/blocks/attendees/view-link.php:73
#: src/views/tickets/view-link.php:86
msgid "View your %s"
msgstr "Prüfe deine %s"
#. Translators: 1: number of RSVPs and/or Tickets with accompanying ticket type
#. text, 2: post type label
#. Translators: 1: number of RSVPs and/or Tickets with accompanying ticket type
#. text, 2: post type label.
#: src/views/blocks/attendees/view-link.php:68
#: src/views/tickets/view-link.php:78
msgid "You have %1s for this %2s."
msgstr "Du hast %1s für diese %2s."
#: src/views/shortcodes/my-attendance-list.php:52
msgid "You have not indicated your attendance for any upcoming events."
msgstr "Du hast keine Veranstaltungsteilnahme angegeben."
#: src/views/shortcodes/my-attendance-list-logged-out.php:12
msgid "To see a list of events you're attending, you will need to log in."
msgstr "Um die Liste der Veranstaltungen an denen Du teil nimmst zu sehen musst du dich anmelden. "
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:120
msgid "Login Requirements"
msgstr "Anmelde Voraussetzungen"
#: src/Tribe/Tickets_View.php:912
msgid "This %s is no longer active."
msgstr "Dieses %s ist nicht länger aktiv."
#: src/Tribe/Tickets.php:2511
msgid "There are no %s available at this time."
msgstr "Derzeit sind keine %s verfügbar."
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:955
msgid "Buy"
msgstr "Kaufen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Cost_Utils.php:114 src/Tribe/JSON_LD/Order.php:132
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:1632 src/admin-views/editor/column-body-price.php:18
msgid "Free"
msgstr "Kostenlos"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/RSVP_Importer.php:250
msgid "Recurring event tickets are not supported, event %s."
msgstr "Karten für Terminserien werden nicht unterstützt, Veranstaltung %s"
#: src/Tribe/CSV_Importer/Column_Names.php:34
msgid "Event Name or ID or Slug"
msgstr "Veranstaltungsname, ID oder Slug"
#: common/src/admin-views/event-log.php:117
msgid "Download log"
msgstr "Protokoll herunterladen"
#: common/src/admin-views/event-log.php:100
msgid "The selected log file is empty or has not been generated yet."
msgstr "Die ausgewählte Protokolldatei ist leer oder wurde noch nicht generiert."
#: common/src/admin-views/event-log.php:43
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Methode"
#: common/src/admin-views/event-log.php:21
msgid "Logging level"
msgstr "Protokoll Level"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:160
msgid "%s must contain numbers, letters, dashes and undescores only"
msgstr "%s darf nur Zahlen, Buchstaben, Bindestriche und Unterstriche enthalten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log.php:391
msgid "Full debug (all events)"
msgstr "Alle Fehlermeldungen (alle Veranstaltungen)"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log.php:390
msgid "Warnings and errors"
msgstr "Warnungen und Fehler"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log.php:389
msgid "Only errors"
msgstr "Nur Fehler"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log.php:388
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Deaktiviert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log.php:289
msgid "Cannot set %s as the current logging engine"
msgstr "%s kann nicht als aktuelles Prokollierungssystem verwendet werden"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log/Null_Logger.php:26
msgid "Null logger (will log nothing)"
msgstr "Keine Protokollierung"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log/File_Logger.php:128
msgid "Default (uses temporary files)"
msgstr "Standard (nutzt temporäre Dateien)"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log/Admin.php:148
msgctxt "log engines"
msgid "None currently available"
msgstr "Keine aktuellen verfügbar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Log/Admin.php:133
msgctxt "log selector"
msgid "None currently available"
msgstr "Keine aktuellen verfügbar"
#: src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:191
msgid "Send RSVP confirmation to:"
msgstr "RSVP Bestätigung senden an:"
#: src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:91
msgid "Please fill in the RSVP quantity, confirmation name, and email fields."
msgstr "Bitte fülle Teilnehmeranzahl, Bestätigungsname und E-Mail Feld aus."
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:105
msgid "(%s sold)"
msgid_plural "(%s sold)"
msgstr[0] "(%s verkauft)"
msgstr[1] "(%s verkauft)"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:96
msgid "Global stock level"
msgstr "Niveau des globalen Bestandes"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:86
msgid "Enable global stock"
msgstr "Globalen Bestand freigeben"
#: src/Tribe/Assets.php:142
msgid "It looks like you have modified your shared capacity setting but have not saved or updated the post."
msgstr "Es scheint, dass Du Deine globalen Bestandseinstellungen geändert hast, aber den Beitrag nicht gespeichert oder aktualisiert hast."
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:478
msgid "View order"
msgstr "Bestellung anzeigen"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:52
msgid "Recent Template Changes"
msgstr "Aktuelle Änderungen an Vorlagen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support/Template_Checker_Report.php:115
msgid "Information about recent template changes and potentially impacted template overrides is provided below."
msgstr "Informationen über die jüngsten Änderungen an der Vorlage und potenziell betroffenen Vorlagen Überschreibungen sind unten angegeben."
#: common/src/Tribe/Support/Template_Checker_Report.php:113
msgid "No notable template changes detected."
msgstr "Keine nennenswerten Änderungen an der Vorlage erkannt."
#: common/src/Tribe/Support/Template_Checker_Report.php:97
msgid "based on %s version"
msgstr "basierend auf %s Version"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support/Template_Checker_Report.php:96
msgid "version data missing from override"
msgstr "Versionsdaten vom Überschreiben fehlen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support/Template_Checker_Report.php:92
msgid "Existing theme overrides that may need revision:"
msgstr "Bestehendes Theme überschreibt Punkte, die möglicherweise eine Überprüfung benötigen:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support/Template_Checker_Report.php:82
msgid "Templates introduced or updated with this release (%s):"
msgstr "Vorlagen eingeführt oder aktualisiert mit dieser Version (%s):"
#: common/src/Tribe/Support/Template_Checker_Report.php:78
msgid "No notable changes detected"
msgstr "Keine nennenswerten Änderungen gefunden"
#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid "http://m.tri.be/28"
msgstr "http://m.tri.be/28"
#. Author of the plugin
msgid "Modern Tribe, Inc."
msgstr "Modern Tribe, Inc."
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:184 src/Tribe/Privacy.php:465
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/form/name.php:31 src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:221
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Vor- und Nachname"
#: src/views/blocks/rsvp/details/availability.php:52
#: src/views/tickets/tpp.php:150 src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:164
msgid "Out of stock!"
msgstr "Ausverkauft!"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:99
#: src/views/tickets/email.php:421
msgid "Purchaser"
msgstr "Käufer"
#: src/views/tickets/email-non-attendance.php:39
#: src/views/tickets/email-ticket-type-moved.php:25
#: src/views/tickets/email-tickets-moved.php:26 src/views/tickets/email.php:35
msgid "Your tickets"
msgstr "Deine Karten"
#: src/views/tickets/attendees-email.php:24
#: src/modules/blocks/attendees/index.js:21
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:48023
msgid "Attendee List"
msgstr "Teilnehmerliste"
#: src/Tribe/Status/Abstract_Commerce.php:331
msgid "Stock"
msgstr "Bestand"
#: common/src/Tribe/Dialog/View.php:222
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/settings.php:112
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:255 src/admin-views/meta-box.php:304
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/cancel.php:23
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/buttons.php:22
#: src/modules/blocks/ticket/dashboard/template.js:24
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:42974 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:47479
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:283
msgid "If you don't set a start/end date for sales, tickets will be available from now until the event ends."
msgstr "Wenn kein Start-/ Enddatum zum Verkauf gesetzt wird, werden die Karten von jetzt bis zum Ende der Veranstaltung erwerbbar sein."
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:279
msgid "When will ticket sales occur?"
msgstr "Wann wird der Kartenverkauf stattfinden?"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:123
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:256
msgid "End sale:"
msgstr "Verkaufsende:"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/advanced.php:78
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:225
msgid "Start sale:"
msgstr "Verkaufsstart:"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/ticket.php:156 src/admin-views/meta-box.php:167
msgid "Sell using:"
msgstr "Verkaufen mit:"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:162
msgid "Edit ticket"
msgstr "Karte bearbeiten"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:161
msgid "Add new ticket"
msgstr "Neue Karte hinzufügen"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/settings.php:98 src/admin-views/meta-box.php:71
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Entfernen"
#: src/admin-views/editor/panel/settings.php:82 src/admin-views/meta-box.php:63
msgid "Select an Image"
msgstr "Ein Bild auswählen"
#: src/admin-views/meta-box.php:60
msgid "The maximum image size in the email will be 580px wide by any height, and then scaled for mobile. If you would like \"retina\" support use an image sized to 1160px wide."
msgstr "Die maximale Bildbreite in der E-Mail beträgt 580px mit beliebiger Höhe und wird für mobile Geräte skaliert. Wenn Du \"Retina\"-Unterstützung wünschst, verwende ein Bild mit einer Breite von 1160px."
#: src/admin-views/list.php:50
msgid "Edit in %s"
msgstr "Bearbeiten in %s"
#: common/src/admin-views/event-log.php:65 src/admin-views/list.php:45
msgid "View"
msgstr "Anzeige"
#: src/admin-views/list.php:31
#: src/modules/blocks/ticket/container-content/attendees-registration/template.js:19
#: src/modules/blocks/rsvp/attendee-registration/template.js:19
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:42373 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:47170
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Anpassen"
#: src/admin-views/price-fields.php:16
#: src/admin-views/legacy-ticket-fields.php:28
msgid "(Current sale price - this can be managed via the product editor)"
msgstr "(Aktueller Verkaufspreis - kann mit dem Produkt Editor angepasst werden)"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/price.php:109
#: src/admin-views/price-fields.php:12
#: src/admin-views/legacy-ticket-fields.php:24
msgid "Sale Price:"
msgstr "Abverkaufspreis:"
#: src/admin-views/price-fields.php:7
#: src/admin-views/legacy-ticket-fields.php:19
msgid "(0 or empty for free tickets)"
msgstr "(0 eingeben oder leer lassen für kostenlosen Eintritt)"
#: src/admin-views/editor/fieldset/price.php:74
#: src/admin-views/editor/column-body-price.php:9
#: src/admin-views/price-fields.php:3
#: src/admin-views/legacy-ticket-fields.php:15
msgid "Price:"
msgstr "Preis:"
#: src/admin-views/attendees-email.php:59
msgid "Send Email"
msgstr "Sende E-Mail"
#: src/admin-views/attendees-email.php:38
msgid "Email Address:"
msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse:"
#: src/admin-views/attendees-email.php:36
#: src/views/modal/registration-js.php:122
msgid "or"
msgstr "oder"
#: src/admin-views/attendees-email.php:6
msgid "Select..."
msgstr "Auswählen..."
#: src/admin-views/attendees-email.php:33
msgid "Select a User:"
msgstr "Nutzer wählen:"
#: src/admin-views/attendees-email.php:27
msgid "Send the attendee list by email"
msgstr "Die Teilnehmerliste per E-Mail versenden"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:760
msgid "Email sent successfully!"
msgstr "E-Mail erfolgreich versendet!"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:753
msgid "Error when sending the email"
msgstr "Fehler beim Senden der Mail"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:752
msgid "Attendee List for: %s"
msgstr "Teilnehmer Liste für: %s"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:716 src/Tribe/Attendees.php:732
msgid "Invalid User ID"
msgstr "Ungültige Benutzer-ID"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:710
msgid "Invalid Email"
msgstr "Falsche Email-Adresse"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:698
msgid "Empty user and email"
msgstr "Leerer Benutzer oder E-Mail"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:675
msgid "Invalid Event ID"
msgstr "Ungültige Veranstaltungs-ID"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:692
msgid "Cheatin Huh?"
msgstr "Unerwarteter Zugriff!"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:641
msgid "attendees"
msgstr "Teilnehmer"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:532 src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:234
#: src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:246
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:348
msgid "You can use Screen Options to select which columns you want to see. The selection works in the table below, in the email, for print and for the CSV export."
msgstr "Über Bildschirmoptionen kannst du auswählen, welche Spalten du sehen möchtest. Die Auswahl funktioniert in der Tabelle unten, in der E-Mail, für den Druck und für den CSV-Export."
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:348
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Spalten"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:313
msgid "Sending..."
msgstr "Senden..."
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:312
msgid "You need to select a user or type a valid email address"
msgstr "Du musst einen Benutzer auswählen oder eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse eingeben"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:210 src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:449
#: src/Tribe/Admin/Columns/Tickets.php:56
#: src/Tribe/Tabbed_View/Attendee_Report_Tab.php:22 src/admin-views/list.php:95
#: src/modules/blocks/rsvp/action-buttons/attendees-action-button/template.js:27
#: src/modules/blocks/tickets/action-buttons/attendees/template.js:25
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:42821 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:44295
msgid "Attendees"
msgstr "Teilnehmer"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees.php:208 src/admin-views/list.php:93
msgid "See who purchased tickets to this event"
msgstr "Anzeigen wer Karten für die Veranstaltung gekauft hat"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1941 src/Tribe/RSVP.php:2376
msgid "Post draft updated."
msgstr "Beitragsentwurf aktualisiert."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1940 src/Tribe/RSVP.php:2375
msgid "Post scheduled."
msgstr "Beitrag eingeplant."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1939 src/Tribe/RSVP.php:2374
msgid "Post submitted."
msgstr "Beitrag abgeschickt."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1936 src/Tribe/RSVP.php:2371
msgid "Post published. %1$s"
msgstr "Beitrag veröffentlicht. %1$s"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1932 src/Tribe/RSVP.php:2367
msgid "Post updated. %1$s"
msgstr "Beitrag aktualisiert. %1$s"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1925 src/Tribe/RSVP.php:2360
msgid "Return to the %1$sAttendees Report%2$s."
msgstr "Zurück zum %1$sTeilnehmerbericht%2$s."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:2954 src/Tribe/RSVP.php:2025
msgid "(deleted)"
msgstr "(gelöscht)"
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:1758
msgid "In order to %s, you must enter your name and a valid email address."
msgstr "Um %s kaufen zu können, musst du mindestens deinen Namen und eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse eingeben"
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:1750
msgid "You can't %1$s more than the total remaining %2$s."
msgstr "Du kannst nicht mehr als %1$s hinzufügen, als die verbleibenden %2$s."
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:1743
msgid "Your %1$s has been received! Check your email for your %1$s confirmation."
msgstr "Ihre %1$s wurde erfolgreich empfangen. Eine %1$s Bestätigung wurde Ihnen per E-Mail zugesendet."
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:1154
msgid "Your tickets from %s"
msgstr "Deine Karten von %s"
#: src/Tribe/RSVP.php:620
msgctxt "Attendee number"
msgid "Attendee %1$s"
msgstr "Teilnehmer %1$s"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:661
msgid "If you have a valid license for one of our paid plugins, you can %s in our premium support forums. Our support team monitors the forums and will respond to your thread within 24-48 hours (during the week)."
msgstr "Wenn du eine gültige Lizenz für eines unserer Bezahl-Plugins hast, kannst du in unserem Support Forum %s. Unser Support Team prüft die Foren und wird wochentags innerhalb von 24-48 Stunden auf deine Anfrage reagieren."
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:656
msgid "Already have Event Tickets Plus? You can %s in our premium support forums. Our support team monitors the forums and will respond to your thread within 24-48 hours (during the week)."
msgstr "Hast Du bereits Event Tickets Plus? Du kannst %s in unseren Premium-Support-Foren erwerben. Unser Support-Team überwacht die Foren und wird innerhalb von 24-48 Stunden (während der Woche) auf Ihren Thread antworten."
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:655 src/Tribe/Main.php:660
msgid "post a thread"
msgstr "Einen Beitrag posten"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:653
msgid "Looking for more immediate support? We offer %1$s with the purchase of any of our premium plugins (like %2$s). Pick up a license and you can post there directly and expect a response within 24-48 hours during weekdays."
msgstr "Brauchst du schnelle Unterstützung? Wir bieten %1$s beim Kauf eines unserer Premium-Plugins an (wie %2$s). Wenn du eine Lizenz kaufst kannst du direkt dort um Hilfe bitten und an Wochentagen innerhalb von 24-48 Stunden eine Antwort erwarten."
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:651
msgid "premium support on our website"
msgstr "Premium Support auf unserer Website"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:649
msgid "If you have tried the above steps and are still having trouble, you can post a new thread to our %s. Our support staff monitors these forums once a week and would be happy to assist you there."
msgstr "Wenn du die obigen Schritte ausprobiert hast und immer noch Probleme hast, kannst Du einen neuen Thread in unseren %s posten. Unsere Support-Mitarbeiter überwachen diese Foren einmal pro Woche und sind Ihnen dort gerne behilflich."
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:648
msgid "open-source forum on WordPress.org"
msgstr "Open Source Forum auf WordPress.org"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:629
msgid "New User Primer"
msgstr "Primer für neue Nutzer"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:612
msgid "Customizing Event Tickets"
msgstr "Event Tickets anpassen"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:611
msgid "Troubleshooting common problems"
msgstr "Lösung allgemeiner Probleme"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:610
msgid "Features overview"
msgstr "Funktionsübersicht"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:609
msgid "Settings overview"
msgstr "Einstellungsübersicht"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:607
msgid "Support for Event Tickets"
msgstr "Unterstützung für Event Tickets"
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:416
msgid "When The Events Calendar and Event Tickets are both activated, The Events Calendar must be running version %1$s or greater. Please %2$supdate now.%3$s"
msgstr "Wenn sowohl The Events Calendar und Events Tickets aktiviert sind, muss The Events Calendar in der Version %1$s oder höher genutzt werden. Bitte %2$sjetzt updaten.%3$s"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:655 src/admin-views/list.php:41
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Entfernen"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:621
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportieren"
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:189 src/Tribe/Privacy.php:470
#: src/Tribe/Privacy.php:566 src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Orders/Table.php:100
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:628 src/views/blocks/rsvp/form/email.php:32
#: src/views/tickets/rsvp.php:229 src/views/v2/rsvp/form/fields/email.php:34
#: src/views/v2/rsvp/ari/form/fields/email.php:33
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:620
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Druck"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:657
msgid "Undo Check in"
msgstr "einchecken rückgängig machen"
#: src/Tribe/Attendees_Table.php:656
msgid "Check in"
msgstr "einchecken"
#: src/views/tickets/email.php:425
msgid "Security Code"
msgstr "Sicherheits-Code:"
#: src/views/tickets/email.php:406
msgid "Ticket #"
msgstr "Kartennummer"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:75
msgid "Purchaser Email"
msgstr "Käufer E-Mail"
#: src/views/tickets/tpp-success.php:72
msgid "Purchaser Name"
msgstr "Käufername"
#: src/Tribe/Commerce/PayPal/Main.php:433
#: src/modules/blocks/tickets/index.js:25 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:45432
msgid "Tickets"
msgstr "Karten"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-network.php:27
msgid "Hide the following settings tabs on every site:"
msgstr "Blende die folgenden Reiter auf jeder Seite aus:"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-network.php:19
msgid "This is where all of the global network settings for Modern Tribe's The Events Calendar can be modified."
msgstr "Hier werden alle Netzwerkeinstellungen für den Modern Tribe Events Calendar eingestellt."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-network.php:15
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "Netzwerk-Einstellungen"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:80
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Mehr..."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:74
msgid "News and Tutorials"
msgstr "Neuigkeiten und Tutorials"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:41
msgid "System Information"
msgstr "System-Information"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:38
msgid "Read more about our support policy"
msgstr "Mehr über unsere Support Richtlinien erfahren"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:37
msgid "Please note that all hands-on support is provided via the help desk. You can email or tweet at us… but we will probably point you back to the help desk 😄"
msgstr "Bitte beachte dass alle praktische Unterstützung über den Helpdesk geleistet wird. Du kannst dich per E-Mail oder Tweet an uns wenden... aber wir werden dich wahrscheinlich an den Helpdesk zurückverweisen 😄"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:33
msgid "%s. There are very few issues we haven’t seen and it’s likely another user has already asked your question and gotten an answer from our support staff. While posting to the help desk is open only to paid customers, they are open for anyone to search and review."
msgstr "%s. Es gibt nur sehr wenige Probleme, die wir noch nicht gesehen haben, und es ist wahrscheinlich, dass ein anderer Benutzer deine Frage bereits gestellt und von unserem Support-Team eine Antwort erhalten hat. Während Beiträge zum Helpdesk nur für bezahlte Kunden zugänglich sind, können sie von jedermann gesucht und überprüft werden."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:32
msgid "Test for a theme or plugin conflict"
msgstr "Auf einen Theme oder Plugin Konflikt prüfen."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:32
msgid "%s. Testing for an existing conflict is the best start for in-depth troubleshooting. We will often ask you to follow these steps when opening a new thread, so doing this ahead of time will be super helpful."
msgstr "%s. Die Prüfung auf einen bestehenden Konflikt ist der beste Anfang für eine gründliche Fehlersuche. Wir werden dich in der Regel bitten, diese Schritte zu befolgen, wenn du einen Thread eröffnest."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:31
msgid "Check our Knowledgebase"
msgstr "Knowledgebase besuchen"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:31
msgid "%s. All of the common (and not-so-common) answers to questions we see are here. It’s often the fastest path to finding an answer!"
msgstr "%s. Alle allgemeinen (und weniger allgemeinen) Antworten auf Fragen sind hier zu finden. Meist ist es der schnellste Weg um eine Antwort zu finden!"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:27
msgid "While the resources above help solve a majority of the issues we see, there are times you might be looking for extra support. If you need assistance using our plugins and would like us to take a look, please follow these steps:"
msgstr "Die oben genannten Ressourcen helfen zwar bei der Lösung der meisten Probleme, die wir sehen, aber es gibt Zeiten, in denen Du vielleicht zusätzliche Unterstützung benötigst. Wenn Du Hilfe bei der Verwendung unserer Plugins benötigst und möchtest das wir einen Blick auf dein Problem werfen, befolge bitte dies folgenden Schritte:"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:26
msgid "Getting More Help"
msgstr "Mehr Unterstützung bekommen"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:21
msgid "list of available functions"
msgstr "Liste der verfügbaren Funktionen"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:15
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:121
msgid "Knowledgebase"
msgstr "Wissens-Datenbank"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:15
msgid "Our website’s %s is a great place to find tips and tricks for using and customizing our plugins."
msgstr "Das %s auf unserer Website ist ein großartiger Ort, um Tipps und Tricks und Infos über das Anpassen unserer Plugins zu finden."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:14
msgid "Getting Support"
msgstr "Unterstützung erhalten"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-help.php:11
msgid "Thank you for using %s! All of us at Modern Tribe sincerely appreciate your support and we’re excited to see you using our plugins."
msgstr "Vielen Dank für die Verwendung von %s! Wir alle bei Modern Tribe wissen Deine Unterstützung aufrichtig zu schätzen, und freuen uns, dass Du unsere Plugins verwendest."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:63
msgid "Debug Bar Plugin"
msgstr "Debug Bar Plugin"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:59
msgid "Enable this option to log debug information. By default this will log to your server PHP error log. If you'd like to see the log messages in your browser, then we recommend that you install the %s and look for the \"Tribe\" tab in the debug output."
msgstr "Aktiviere die Option, um Debug-Informationen zu protokollieren. Standardmäßig wird dies im PHP-Fehlerprotokoll deines Servers protokolliert. Wenn die Log-Meldungen in deinem Browser sehen möchtest, dann empfehlen wir dir, die %s zu installieren und in der Debug-Ausgabe nach dem Reiter \"Tribe\" zu suchen."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:57
msgid "Debug mode"
msgstr "Debuggingmodus"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:39
msgid "Show The Events Calendar link"
msgstr "Den Link zum Veranstaltungskalender anzeigen"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:34
msgid "See an example of the link"
msgstr "Dies ist ein Beispiellink"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:34
msgid "Are you thinking \"Wow, this plugin is amazing! I should say thanks to Modern Tribe for all their hard work.\" The greatest thanks we could ask for is recognition. Add a small text-only link at the bottom of your calendar pointing to The Events Calendar project."
msgstr "Denkst Du: \"Wow, dieses Plugin ist großartig! Ich sollte mich bei Modern Tribe für die harte Arbeit bedanken\". Der größte Dank, um den wir bitten könnten, ist Anerkennung. Füge am Ende deines Kalenders einen kleinen Nur-Text-Link hinzu, der auf das Projekt \"The Events Calendar\" verweist."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:29
msgid "We hope our plugin is helping you out."
msgstr "Wir hoffen, das Plugin gefällt Ihnen."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:24
msgid "Check out the available add-ons"
msgstr "Die verfügbaren Add-ons ansehen"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:24
msgid "Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, custom meta, community events, ticket sales and more?"
msgstr "Wünschst du Dir erweiterte Funktionalität, einschließlich wiederkehrender Veranstaltungen, benutzerdefinierten Meta-Informationen, Community-Veranstaltungen, Kartenverkäufen und mehr?"
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:19
msgid "Optimize your site's event listings with %1$sThe Events Calendar%2$s, our free calendar plugin. Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, user-submission, advanced ticket sales and more? Check out our %3$spremium add-ons%4$s."
msgstr "Optimiere die Anzeige deiner Veranstaltungen mit %1$sThe Events Calendar%2$s, unserem kostenfreien Kalender Plugin. Benötigst du weitere Funktionen inklusive Veranstaltungsserien, Kartenverkauf, öffentliche Veranstaltungserstellung, neue Ansichten und mehr? Schaue Dir unsere %3$sPremium Add-Ons%4$s an."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-general.php:14
msgid "Thank you for using Event Tickets! All of us at Modern Tribe sincerely appreciate your support and we're excited to see you using our plugins. Check out our handy %1$sNew User Primer%2$s to get started."
msgstr "Danke, dass du Event Tickets nutzt! Wir schätzen deine Unterstützung sehr und freuen uns, dass du unsere Plugins nutzt. Schaue dir unseren praktischen %1$sNew User Primer%2$s an, um durchzustarten."
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-display.php:22
msgid "Date Format Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen Datumsformat"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:374
msgid "Wyoming"
msgstr "Wyoming"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:373
msgid "Wisconsin"
msgstr "Wisconsin"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:372
msgid "West Virginia"
msgstr "West Virginia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:371
msgid "Washington"
msgstr "Washington"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:370
msgid "Virginia"
msgstr "Virginia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:369
msgid "Vermont"
msgstr "Vermont"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:368
msgid "Utah"
msgstr "Utah"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:367
msgid "Texas"
msgstr "Texas"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:366
msgid "Tennessee"
msgstr "Tennessee"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:365
msgid "South Dakota"
msgstr "South Dakota"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:364
msgid "South Carolina"
msgstr "South Carolina"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:363
msgid "Rhode Island"
msgstr "Rhode Island"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:362
msgid "Pennsylvania"
msgstr "Pennsylvania"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:361
msgid "Oregon"
msgstr "Oregon"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:360
msgid "Oklahoma"
msgstr "Oklahoma"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:359
msgid "Ohio"
msgstr "Ohio"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:358
msgid "North Dakota"
msgstr "North Dakota"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:357
msgid "North Carolina"
msgstr "North Carolina"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:356
msgid "New York"
msgstr "New York"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:355
msgid "New Mexico"
msgstr "New Mexico"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:354
msgid "New Jersey"
msgstr "New Jersey"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:353
msgid "New Hampshire"
msgstr "New Hampshire"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:352
msgid "Nevada"
msgstr "Nevada"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:351
msgid "Nebraska"
msgstr "Nebraska"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:350
msgid "Montana"
msgstr "Montana"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:349
msgid "Missouri"
msgstr "Missouri"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:348
msgid "Mississippi"
msgstr "Mississippi"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:347
msgid "Minnesota"
msgstr "Minnesota"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:346
msgid "Michigan"
msgstr "Michigan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:345
msgid "Massachusetts"
msgstr "Massachusetts"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:344
msgid "Maryland"
msgstr "Maryland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:343
msgid "Maine"
msgstr "Maine"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:342
msgid "Louisiana"
msgstr "Louisiana"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:341
msgid "Kentucky"
msgstr "Kentucky"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:340
msgid "Kansas"
msgstr "Kansas"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:339
msgid "Iowa"
msgstr "Iowa"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:338
msgid "Indiana"
msgstr "Indiana"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:337
msgid "Illinois"
msgstr "Illinois"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:336
msgid "Idaho"
msgstr "Idaho"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:335
msgid "Hawaii"
msgstr "Hawaii"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:333
msgid "Florida"
msgstr "Florida"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:332
msgid "District of Columbia"
msgstr "Washington, D.C."
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:331
msgid "Delaware"
msgstr "Delaware"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:330
msgid "Connecticut"
msgstr "Connecticut"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:329
msgid "Colorado"
msgstr "Colorado"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:328
msgid "California"
msgstr "Kalifornien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:327
msgid "Arkansas"
msgstr "Arkansas"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:326
msgid "Arizona"
msgstr "Arizona"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:325
msgid "Alaska"
msgstr "Alaska"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:324
msgid "Alabama"
msgstr "Alabama"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:297
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Simbabwe"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:296
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Sambia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:295
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Jemen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:294
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Westsahara"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:293
msgid "Wallis and Futuna Islands"
msgstr "Wallis und Futuna"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:292
msgid "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"
msgstr "Amerikanische Jungferninseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:291
msgid "Virgin Islands (British)"
msgstr "Virgin Islands (Britische Jungfraueninseln)"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:290
msgid "Viet Nam"
msgstr "Vietnam"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:289
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Venezuela"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:288
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:287
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Usbekistan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:286
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Uruguay"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:285
msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:284
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Vereinigtes Königreich"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:283
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:282
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Ukraine"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:281
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Uganda"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:280
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Tuvalu"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:279
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Turks- und Caicosinseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:278
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Turkmenistan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:277
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Türkei"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:276
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Tunesien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:275
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "Trinidad und Tobago"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:274
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Tonga"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:273
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Tokelau"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:272
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Togo"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:271
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Thailand"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:270
msgid "Tanzania, United Republic of"
msgstr "Tansania"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:269
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Tadschikistan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:268
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Taiwan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:267
msgid "Syrian Arab Republic"
msgstr "Syrien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:266
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Schweiz"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:265
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Schweden"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:264
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Swasiland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:263
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"
msgstr "Svalbard und Jan Mayen Inseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:262
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Suriname"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:261
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Sudan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:241
msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr "Saint-Pierre und Miquelon"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:260
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Sri Lanka"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:259
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Spanien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:258
msgid "South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands"
msgstr "Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:257
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Südafrika"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:256
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Somalia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:255
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Salomonen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:254
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Slowenien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:253
msgid "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)"
msgstr "Slowakei"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:251
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapur"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:250
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Sierra Leone"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:249
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Seychellen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:248
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr "Serbien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:247
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Senegal"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:246
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Saudi-Arabien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:244
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "San Marino"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:243
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:242
msgid "Saint Vincent and The Grenadines"
msgstr "St. Vincent und die Grenadinen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:240
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "St. Lucia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:239
msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "St. Kitts und Nevis"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:236
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Ruanda"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:235
msgid "Russian Federation"
msgstr "Russland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:234
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Rumänien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:233
msgid "Reunion"
msgstr "Réunion"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:232
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Katar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:231
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Puerto Rico"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:230
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugal"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:229
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Polen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:228
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Pitcairninseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:227
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Philippinen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:226
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Peru"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:225
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Paraguay"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:224
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Papua-Neuguinea"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:223
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Panama"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:222
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Palau"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:221
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Pakistan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:220
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Oman"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:219
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Norwegen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:218
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Nördliche Marianen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:216
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Norfolkinsel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:215
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Niue"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:214
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Nigeria"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:213
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Niger"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:212
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Nicaragua"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:211
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Neuseeland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:210
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Neukaledonien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:209
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Niederlande"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:208
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Nepal"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:207
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Nauru"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:206
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Namibia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:205
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Myanmar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:204
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Mosambik"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:203
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Marokko"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:202
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Montserrat"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:201
msgid "Montenegro"
msgstr "Montenegro"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:200
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Mongolei"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:199
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Monaco"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:198
msgid "Moldova, Republic of"
msgstr "Moldawien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:197
msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of"
msgstr "Mikronesien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:196
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Mexiko"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:195
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Mayotte"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:194
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Mauritius"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:193
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Mauretanien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:192
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Martinique"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:191
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Marshallinseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:190
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Malta"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:189
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Mali"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:188
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Malediven"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:187
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Malaysia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:186
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Malawi"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:185
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Madagaskar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:184
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Macau"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:183
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Luxemburg"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:182
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Litauen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:181
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Liechtenstein"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:180
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Libyen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:179
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Liberia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:178
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Lesotho"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:177
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Libanon"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:176
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Lettland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:175
msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic"
msgstr "Laos"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:174
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Kirgisistan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:173
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Kuwait"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:172
msgid "Korea, Republic of"
msgstr "Südkorea"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:171
msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of"
msgstr "Nordkorea"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:170
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Kiribati"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:169
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Kenia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:168
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Kasachstan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:167
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Jordanien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:166
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:165
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamaika"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:164
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Italien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:163
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Israel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:162
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Irland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:161
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Irak"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:160
msgid "Iran, Islamic Republic of"
msgstr "Iran"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:159
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Indonesien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:158
msgid "India"
msgstr "Indien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:157
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Island"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:156
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Ungarn"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:155
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "Hongkong"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:154
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Honduras"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:153
msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)"
msgstr "Vatikanstadt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:152
msgid "Heard and McDonald Islands"
msgstr "Heard und McDonaldinseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:151
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Haiti"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:150
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Guyana"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:149
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Guinea-Bissau"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:148
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Guinea"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:147
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Guatemala"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:146
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Guam"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:145
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Guadeloupe"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:144
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Grenada"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:143
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Grönland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:142
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Griechenland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:141
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Gibraltar"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:140
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Ghana"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:139
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Deutschland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:137
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Gambia"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:136
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Gabun"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:135
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:134
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Französisch-Polynesien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:133
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "Französisch-Guayana"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:132
msgid "France"
msgstr "Frankreich"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:131
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Finnland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:130
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Fidschi"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:129
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Färöer"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:128
msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
msgstr "Falklandinseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:127
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Äthiopien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:126
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Estland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:125
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Eritrea"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:124
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Äquatorialguinea"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:123
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "El Salvador"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:122
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Ägypten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:121
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Ecuador"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:120
msgid "East Timor"
msgstr "Osttimor"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:119
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Dominikanische Republik"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:118
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Dominica"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:117
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Dschibuti"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:116
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Dänemark"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:115
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Tschechien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:114
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Zypern"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:112
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Kuba"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:111
msgid "Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)"
msgstr "Kroatien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:109
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Costa Rica"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:108
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Cookinseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:107
msgid "Congo, Democratic Republic of the"
msgstr "Kongo"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:106
msgid "Congo"
msgstr "Kongo"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:105
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Komoren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:104
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Kolumbien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:102
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
msgstr "Kokosinseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:101
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Weihnachtsinsel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:100
msgid "China"
msgstr "China"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:99
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Chile"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:98
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Tschad"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:97
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Zentralafrikanische Republik"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:96
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Caymaninseln"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:95
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Kap Verde"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:94
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Kanada"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:93
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Kamerun"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:92
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Kambodscha"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:91
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Burundi"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:90
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Burkina Faso"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:89
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulgarien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:88
msgid "Brunei Darussalam"
msgstr "Brunei"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:87
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:86
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brasilien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:85
msgid "Bouvet Island"
msgstr "Bouvetinsel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:84
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Botswana"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:83
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "Bosnien und Herzegowina"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:82
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Bolivien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:81
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Bhutan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:80
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Bermuda"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:79
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Benin"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:78
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Belize"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:77
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Belgien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:76
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Weißrussland"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:75
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Barbados"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:74
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Bangladesch"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:73
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Bahrain"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:72
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Bahamas"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:71
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Aserbaidschan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:70
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Österreich"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:69
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Australien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:68
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Aruba"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:67
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Armenien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:66
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Argentinien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:65
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "Antigua und Barbuda"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:64
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Antarktika"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:63
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Anguilla"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:62
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Angola"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:61
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Andorra"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:60
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "Amerikanisch-Samoa"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:59
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Algerien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:58
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albanien"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:56
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afghanistan"
#: common/src/Tribe/Languages/Locations.php:55
msgid "United States"
msgstr "Vereinigte Staaten (USA)"
#: common/src/Tribe/View_Helpers.php:59
msgid "Select a Country:"
msgstr "Land wählen ..."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:467
msgid "Country List must be formatted as one country per line in the following format:
US, United States
UK, United Kingdom."
msgstr "Die Länder-Liste muss als ein Land pro Zeile in der folgenden Weise formatiert sein:
US, United States
UK, United Kingdom."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:453
msgid "%s must be a phone number."
msgstr "%s muss eine Telefonnummer sein."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:441
msgid "%s must consist of 5 numbers."
msgstr "%s muss aus fünf Ziffern bestehen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:429
msgid "%s must consist of letters, spaces, apostrophes, and dashes."
msgstr "%s muss aus Buchstaben, Leerzeichen, Apostrophe und Gedankenstrichen bestehen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:415
msgid "%s must consist of letters, numbers, dashes, apostrophes, and spaces only."
msgstr "%s darf nur aus Buchstaben, Zahlen, Gedankenstrichen, Apostrophe und Leerzeichen bestehen. "
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:401
msgid "%s must be a number between 0 and 21."
msgstr "%s muss eine Zahl zwischen 0 und 21 sein."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:357
msgid "%s must be a number or percentage."
msgstr "%s muss eine Zahl oder Prozentsatz sein."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:343
msgid "%s cannot be a duplicate"
msgstr "%s kann nicht vervielfältigt werden"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:341
msgid "%s cannot be the same as %s."
msgstr "%s kann nicht dasselbe sein wie %s."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:334
msgid "Comparison validation failed because no comparison value was provided, for field %s"
msgstr "Der Vergleich ist fehlgeschlagen, weil keine Eingabe im Feld %s gefunden wurde"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:277 common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:289
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:302 common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:322
msgid "%s must have a value that's part of its options."
msgstr "%s muss eine Wert haben, der Teil der Optionen ist."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:250
msgid "%s must be a valid slug (numbers, letters, dashes, and underscores)."
msgstr "%s muss eine gültige Ausgangsform haben (Nummern, Buchstaben, Gedankenstriche und Unterstreichungen)."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:200
msgid "%s must be a positive number or percent."
msgstr "%s muss eine positive Zahl oder ein Prozentwert sein."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:188 common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:212
msgid "%s must be a positive number."
msgstr "%s muss eine positive Zahl sein."
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:146
msgid "%s must contain numbers, letters and dots only"
msgstr "%s darf nur Zahlen, Buchstaben oder Punkte enthalten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:118 common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:132
msgid "%s must contain numbers and letters only"
msgstr "%s darf nur Zahlen und Buchstaben enthalten"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:105
msgctxt "non-existant function name passed for field validation"
msgid "with function name:"
msgstr "mit dem Funktionsnamen:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:104
msgid "Non-existant field validation function passed"
msgstr "Prüfung für nicht vorhandenes Feld durchgeführt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:73 common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:85
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:105
msgid "Field ID:"
msgstr "Feld ID:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:72 common/src/Tribe/Validate.php:84
msgid "Invalid or incomplete field passed"
msgstr "Unvollständig oder fehlerhaft."
#: common/src/Tribe/Support.php:212
msgid "Rewrite rules were purged on load of this help page. Chances are there is a rewrite rule flush occurring in a plugin or theme!"
msgstr "Die Überschreiben Regeln wurden beim Laden dieser Hilfe Seite bereinigt. Es besteht die Chance, dass eine Überschreiben Regeln auf ein Plugin oder Theme angewendet wurde."
#: common/src/Tribe/Support.php:201 common/src/Tribe/Support.php:202
msgid "Unknown or not set"
msgstr "Unbekannt oder nicht gesetzt"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings_Tab.php:222
msgid "There are no fields setup for this tab yet."
msgstr "Es sind noch keine Felder für diesen Reiter definiert."
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings_Manager.php:288
#: common/src/admin-views/tribe-options-licenses.php:57
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "Lizenz"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings_Manager.php:254
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Netzwerk"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings_Manager.php:318
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hilfe"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings_Manager.php:81
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Layout"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings_Manager.php:80
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generelle Einstellungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:647
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Die Einstellungen wurden gespeichert."
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:625
msgid "The above setting was not saved. Other settings were successfully saved."
msgid_plural "The above settings were not saved. Other settings were successfully saved."
msgstr[0] "Die obige Einstellung wurde nicht gespeichert. Andere Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert."
msgstr[1] "Die obigen Einstellungen wurde nicht gespeichert. Andere Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert."
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:624
msgid "None of your settings were saved. Please try again."
msgstr "Die Eintellungen konnten gespeichert werden. Bitte erneut versuchen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:614
msgid "Your form had the following errors:"
msgstr "Dein Formular wies folgende Fehler auf:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:437
msgid "The request wasn't sent from this tab."
msgstr "Die Anfrage wurde nicht von diesem Reiter gesendet."
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:431
msgid "The request was sent insecurely."
msgstr "Die Anfrage wurde unverschlüsselt gesendet."
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:425
msgid "You don't have permission to do that."
msgstr "Du hast nicht die erforderlichen Rechte"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:377
#: src/Tribe/Editor/Attendee_Registration.php:155
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:369
msgid "You've requested a non-existent tab."
msgstr "Du möchtest einen nicht vorhandenen Reiter anzeigen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:355
msgid "%s Settings"
msgstr "%s Einstellungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:254 src/admin-views/editor/panel/list.php:101
#: src/modules/elements/settings-dashboard/element.js:64
#: src/modules/blocks/rsvp/action-buttons/settings-action-button/template.js:26
#: src/modules/blocks/tickets/action-buttons/settings/template.js:20
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:14713 src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:42898
#: src/resources/js/app/blocks.js:44160 src/resources/js/app/elements.js:5654
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:253 common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:273
msgid "Events Settings"
msgstr "Veranstaltungseinstellungen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:177 common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:241
#: common/src/Tribe/Settings.php:242
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Events"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:907
msgid "Hmmm... something's wrong with this validator. Please contact %ssupport%s."
msgstr "Hmmm... irgendetwas stimmt mit diesem Validator nicht. Bitte den %sSupport%s kontaktieren."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:951
msgid "Thanks for setting up a valid key. It will expire on %s"
msgstr "Danke für das Bereitstellen eine gültigen Lizenzschlüssels. Er läuft am %s aus."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:946
msgid "Valid Key! Expires on %s"
msgstr "Gültiger Schlüssel! Erlischt am %s"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:926
msgid "Sorry, key validation server is not available."
msgstr "Sorry, der Lizensierungsserver ist nicht erreichbar."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:920
msgid "unknown date"
msgstr "Unbekanntes Datum"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:653
msgid "License key(s) updated."
msgstr "Lizenzschlüssel aktualisiert."
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:497
msgid "A valid license key is required for support and updates"
msgstr "Für Support und Updates ist ein gültiger Lizenzschlüssel erforderlich"
#: common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:512 common/src/Tribe/PUE/Checker.php:523
msgid "License Key"
msgstr "Lizenzschlüssel"
#: common/src/Tribe/Field.php:641
msgid "No select options specified"
msgstr "Keine Auswahloptionen definiert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Field.php:579
msgid "No checkbox options specified"
msgstr "Keine Checkboxoptionen definiert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Field.php:543
msgid "No radio options specified"
msgstr "Keine Bewertungsoptionen definiert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Field.php:233
msgid "Invalid field type specified"
msgstr "Falsche Feldart definiert"
#: common/src/Tribe/Credits.php:31
msgid "This calendar is powered by The Events Calendar."
msgstr "Dieser Kalender wird durch The Events Calendar generiert."
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:50 common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:51
#: common/src/Tribe/App_Shop.php:72
msgid "Event Add-Ons"
msgstr "Add-Ons"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:888
msgid "Visit the Add-on Page"
msgstr "Die Add-On Seite besuchen"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:883
msgid "Plugin Inactive"
msgstr "Plugin inaktiv"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:881
msgid "Plugin Active"
msgstr "Plugin aktiv"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:875
msgid "Premium Add-Ons"
msgstr "Premium Add-Ons"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:856
msgid "Rating:"
msgstr "Bewertung:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:853
msgid "Active Users:"
msgstr "Aktive Benutzer:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:851
msgid "WordPress "
msgstr "WordPress"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:850
msgid "Requires:"
msgstr "Benötigt:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:847
msgid "Latest Version:"
msgstr "Neueste Version:"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:830
msgid "Install Plugin"
msgstr "Plugin installieren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:830
msgid "Install %s"
msgstr "Installiere %s"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:814
msgid "Upgrade Plugin"
msgstr "Plugin aktualisieren"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:806
msgid "Activate Plugin"
msgstr "Aktiviere dieses Plugin"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:806
msgid "Activate %s"
msgstr "Aktiviere %s"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:441
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:816
msgid "You are up to date!"
msgstr "Du bist auf dem neuesten Stand!"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:441
msgid "You need to upgrade!"
msgstr "Es ist ein Update erforderlich!"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:433
msgctxt "not available"
msgid "n/a"
msgstr "n. a."
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:161
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:272
msgid "Community Tickets"
msgstr "Community Tickets"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:93 common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:263
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:652 src/admin-views/tribe-options-tickets.php:146
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:56
msgid "Event Tickets Plus"
msgstr "Event Tickets Plus"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:144
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:231
msgid "Community Events"
msgstr "Community Events"
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:179
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:223
msgid "Eventbrite Tickets"
msgstr "Eventbrite Tickets"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:214
msgid "Events Calendar PRO"
msgstr "Events Calendar PRO"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:190
msgid " and "
msgstr "und"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:115
msgid "Turbo charge your posts admin for any custom post type with sortable filters and columns, and auto-registration of metaboxes."
msgstr "Versehe deine individuellen Artikel Typen mit sortierbaren Filtern und Spalten und Auto-Registrierung von Metaboxen."
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:111
msgid "Advanced Post Manager"
msgstr "Advanced Post Manager"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:99
msgid "Events Tickets is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily sell tickets for your events."
msgstr "Events Tickets ist ein sorgfältig entwickeltes, erweiterbares Plugin, mit welchem du einfach Karten zu deiner Veranstaltung verkaufen kannst."
#. Plugin Name of the plugin
#: event-tickets.php:62 common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:76
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:95 src/Tribe/Privacy.php:59
#: src/Tribe/Main.php:675 src/Tribe/Admin/Notices.php:90
#: src/admin-views/admin-welcome-message.php:58
msgid "Event Tickets"
msgstr "Event Tickets"
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:83
msgid "The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events."
msgstr "Events Calendar ist ein sorgfältig entwickeltes, erweiterbares Plugin, mit welchem Du einfach Veranstaltungen teilen kannst."
#: common/src/Tribe/Plugins_API.php:25 common/src/Tribe/Customizer.php:558
#: common/src/Tribe/Admin/Help_Page.php:79
msgid "The Events Calendar"
msgstr "Der Veranstaltungskalender"