# Copyright (C) 2017 wpadverts-bp # This file is distributed under the same license as the wpadverts-bp package. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: wpadverts-bp\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:" "1,2,3c;_x:1,2c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;" "esc_html_x:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-10 17:09+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-10 17:16+0000\n" "Language-Team: Deutsch\n" "X-Generator: Loco https://localise.biz/\n" "Last-Translator: Oliver Tschee\n" "Language: de_DE\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "X-Loco-Version: 2.4.0; wp-5.4.1" #: wpadverts-bp.php:46 msgid "" "Install and activate BuddyPress plugin before using " "WPAdverts BP Integration." msgstr "" "Installieren und aktivieren Sie das BuddyPress-Plugin, " "bevor Sie WPAdverts BP Integration verwenden.." #: wpadverts-bp.php:50 msgid "(Without BuddyPress this add-on does not do anything anyway)" msgstr "(Ohne BuddyPress tut dieses Add-on sowieso nichts)" #: wpadverts-bp.php:78 includes/admin-pages.php:118 msgid "Listings" msgstr "Einträge" #: wpadverts-bp.php:79 includes/admin-pages.php:125 msgid "Browse" msgstr "Durchsuchen" #: wpadverts-bp.php:80 includes/admin-pages.php:158 msgid "Create Ad" msgstr "Anzeige erstellen" #: wpadverts-bp.php:81 includes/admin-pages.php:139 #: includes/admin-pages.php:165 msgid "Manage" msgstr "Verwalten" #: wpadverts-bp.php:392 #, php-format msgid "by %2$s" msgstr "von %2$s" #: wpadverts-bp.php:458 #, php-format msgid "Pending User Registration (%s)" msgstr "Ausstehende Nutzer Registrierung (%s)" #: wpadverts-bp.php:461 msgid "Pending User" msgstr "Ausstehender Benutzer" #: wpadverts-bp.php:527 msgid "The private messaging module is disabled." msgstr "Das Modul für das versenden von privaten Nachrichten ist deaktiviert." #: wpadverts-bp.php:580 #, php-format msgid "%3$s posted a new Ad %1$s." msgstr "%3$s veröffentlichte eine neue Anzeige %1$s." #: includes/class-contact-form.php:84 msgid "To" msgstr "An" #: includes/class-contact-form.php:137 includes/class-contact-form.php:166 #: includes/class-contact-form.php:210 msgid "Send Private Message" msgstr "Private Nachricht senden" #: includes/class-contact-form.php:234 msgid "Could not verify your request. Please try again." msgstr "" "Ihre Anfrage konnte nicht verarbeitet werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut." #: includes/class-contact-form.php:241 msgid "There are errors in the contact form." msgstr "Es sind Fehler im Kontaktformular." #: includes/class-contact-form.php:245 #, php-format msgid "%s
" msgstr "%s" #: includes/class-contact-form.php:297 msgid "Your message has been sent" msgstr "Ihre Nachricht wurde gesendet" #: includes/admin-pages.php:66 msgid "Config" msgstr "Konfiguration" #: includes/admin-pages.php:71 msgid "Registration" msgstr "Registrierung" #: includes/admin-pages.php:75 msgid "Use BuddyPress registration system." msgstr "Nutze das BuddyPress Reistrierungssystem." #: includes/admin-pages.php:83 msgid "Private Messages" msgstr "Private Nachrichten" #: includes/admin-pages.php:87 msgid "Show 'Send Private Message' button on Ad details page." msgstr "Zeige \"Sende Private Nachricht\" Schaltfläche auf Anzeigenseite." #: includes/admin-pages.php:95 msgid "Message Type" msgstr "Nachrichten Typ" #: includes/admin-pages.php:99 msgid "" "'Send Private Message' redirects to BuddyPress 'Messages' / 'Compose' form." msgstr "" "\"Sende Private Nachricht\" leitet zu BuddPress \"Nachrichten\" mit " "aufgerufenem Kontakt." #: includes/admin-pages.php:103 msgid "'Send Private Message' shows contact form on Ad details pages." msgstr "" "\"Sende Private Nachricht\" zeigt Kontaktformular auf der Anzeigenseite." #: includes/admin-pages.php:112 msgid "BuddyPress Navigation Titles" msgstr "BuddyPress Navigationstitel" #: includes/admin-pages.php:117 msgid "Top Title" msgstr "Top Titel" #: includes/admin-pages.php:124 msgid "Subtitle Browse" msgstr "Untertitel durchsuchen" #: includes/admin-pages.php:131 msgid "Subtitle Create" msgstr "Untertitel erstellen" #: includes/admin-pages.php:132 msgid "Create" msgstr "Erstellen" #: includes/admin-pages.php:138 msgid "Subtitle Manage" msgstr "Untertitelverwaltung" #: includes/admin-pages.php:146 msgid "BuddyPress Navigation Slugs" msgstr "BuddyPress Navigations Slugs" #: includes/admin-pages.php:151 msgid "Listings / Browse" msgstr "Auflistung / Stöbern" #: includes/admin-pages.php:173 msgid "Listings Tab" msgstr "Registerkarte Auflistung" #: includes/admin-pages.php:178 msgid "Search" msgstr "Suche" #: includes/admin-pages.php:182 msgid "Show search bar." msgstr "Suchleiste anzeigen." #: includes/admin-pages.php:190 msgid "Columns" msgstr "Spalten" #: includes/admin-pages.php:197 msgid "Posts Per Page" msgstr "Beiträge pro Seite" #: admin/options.php:15 msgid "BuddyPress Integration" msgstr "BuddyPress Integration" #. Name of the plugin msgid "WP Adverts - BuddyPress Integration" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin msgid "This module allows to integrate WPAdverts with BuddyPress plugin." msgstr "" #. URI of the plugin msgid "http://wpadverts.com/" msgstr "" #. Author of the plugin msgid "Greg Winiarski" msgstr ""