# Translation of Plugins - WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway - Stable (latest release) in German
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway - Stable (latest release) package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-06 11:20:53+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n"
"Language: de\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway - Stable (latest release)\n"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sepa.php:228
msgid "IBAN."
msgstr "IBAN."
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:461
msgid "Billing First Name and Last Name are required."
msgstr "Vorname und Nachname der Rechnungsadresse erforderlich."
#. translators: %d Order ID
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:350
msgid "Order ID %d contains an active Subscription. Personal data retained. (Stripe)"
msgstr "Bestell-ID %d enthält ein aktives Abonnement. Personendaten aufbewahrt. (Stripe)"
#. translators: %d Order ID
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:345
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:382
msgid "Order ID %d is less than set retention days. Personal data retained. (Stripe)"
msgstr "Bestell-ID %d ist kleiner als die gewählten Speicherungstage. Personendaten aufbewahrt. (Stripe)"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:38
msgid "Retains any Stripe data such as Stripe customer ID, source ID."
msgstr "Bewahrt alle Stripe-Daten auf, wie z.B. Stripe Kunden-ID und Source-ID"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:37
msgid "Retain Stripe Data"
msgstr "Stripe-Daten speichern"
#. translators: 1) link
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:206
msgid "Stripe is enabled, but a SSL certificate is not detected. Your checkout may not be secure! Please ensure your server has a valid SSL certificate"
msgstr "Stripe ist aktiviert, aber es wurde kein SSL-Zertifikat erkannt. Ihr Checkout ist möglicherweise unsicher! Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Server ein valides SSL-Zertifikat hat."
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:393
msgid "Stripe personal data erased."
msgstr "Stripe Personendaten gelöscht."
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:365
msgid "Stripe Subscription Data Erased."
msgstr "Stripe Bestelldaten gelöscht."
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:269
msgid "Stripe User Data Erased."
msgstr "Stripe Kundendaten gelöscht."
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:223
msgid "Customer Data"
msgstr "Kundendaten"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:183
msgid "Subscriptions"
msgstr "Abonnements"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:126
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:191
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:231
msgid "Stripe customer id"
msgstr "Stripe Kunden-ID"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:122
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:187
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:227
msgid "Stripe payment id"
msgstr "Stripe Zahlungs-ID"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:118
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "Bestellungen"
#. translators: %s URL to docs
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:95
msgid "By using this extension, you may be storing personal data or sharing data with an external service. Learn more about how this works, including what you may want to include in your privacy policy."
msgstr "Durch die Verwendung dieser Extension speichern Sie möglicherweise personenbezogene Daten oder teilen diese mit einem externen Service. Erfahren Sie mehr über dieses Thema und was Sie in Ihre Datenschutzerklärung aufnehmen sollten."
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:23
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe Data"
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe-Daten"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:20
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:22
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe Customer Data"
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe-Kundendaten"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:17
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe Subscriptions Data"
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe-Abonnements Daten"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:14
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe Order Data"
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe-Bestelldaten"
#. translators: 1. URL link.
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:32
msgid "Stripe requires WooCommerce to be installed and active. You can download %s here."
msgstr "Stripe erfordert es, dass WooCommerce installiert und aktiv ist. Sie können %s hier herunterladen."
#. translators: partial captured amount
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:342
msgid "This charge was partially captured via Stripe Dashboard in the amount of: %s"
msgstr "Diese Belastung wurde teilweise über das Stripe Dashboard erfasst mit dem Betrag von: %s"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:366
msgid "Awaiting Multibanco payment"
msgstr "Erwarte Multibanco-Zahlung"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:250
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:265
msgid "Referencia:"
msgstr "Referencia:"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:247
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:261
msgid "Entidade:"
msgstr "Entidade:"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:244
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:257
msgid "Montante:"
msgstr "Montante:"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:242
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:254
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:259
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:60
msgid "Stripe Multibanco"
msgstr "Stripe Multibanco"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:254
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-eps.php:60
msgid "Stripe EPS"
msgstr "Stripe EPS"
#. translators: 1) last 4 digits of SEPA Direct Debit
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:489
msgid "Via SEPA Direct Debit ending in %1$s"
msgstr "Gezahlt mit SEPA Direct Debit, die auf %1$s endet"
#. translators: 1) dollar amount 2) transaction id 3) refund message
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:524
msgid "Refunded %1$s - Refund ID: %2$s - %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s zurückerstattet - Rückerstattungs ID: %2$s - %3$s"
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:775
msgid "Stripe Payout:"
msgstr "Stripe Auszahlung:"
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:774
msgid "This represents the net total that will be credited to your Stripe bank account. This may be in the currency that is set in your Stripe account."
msgstr "Das ist die Nettosumme, die Ihrem Stripe-Bankkonto gutgeschrieben wird. Dabei kann es sich um die Währung handeln, die in Ihrem Stripe-Account festgelegt ist."
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:738
msgid "Stripe Fee:"
msgstr "Stripe Gebühr:"
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:737
msgid "This represents the fee Stripe collects for the transaction."
msgstr "Das ist die Gebühr, die Stripe für die Transaktion einhebt."
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:317
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:278
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:162
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:838
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:238
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sepa.php:373
msgid "Sorry, we are unable to process your payment at this time. Please retry later."
msgstr "Wir konnten Ihre Anfrage leider nicht verarbeiten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmal."
#. translators: 1) Opening anchor tag 2) closing anchor tag
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:191
msgid "If your billing address has been changed for saved payment methods, be sure to remove any %1$ssaved payment methods%2$s on file and re-add them."
msgstr "Wenn Ihre Rechnungsadresse unter gespeicherte Zahlungsmethoden geändert wurde, sollten Sie Ihre %1$sgespeicherten Zahlungsmethoden%2$s entfernen und neu hinzufügen."
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:35
msgid "You will be redirected to Multibanco."
msgstr "Sie werden zu Multibanco weitergeleitet."
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:28
msgid "Multibanco"
msgstr "Multibanco"
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:19
msgid "Enable Stripe Multibanco"
msgstr "Stripe Multibanco aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: Portugal"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: Portugal"
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:35
msgid "You will be redirected to EPS."
msgstr "Sie werden zu EPS weitergeleitet."
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:28
msgid "EPS"
msgstr "EPS"
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:19
msgid "Enable Stripe EPS"
msgstr "Stripe EPS aktivieren"
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:39
msgid "Save payment information to my account for future purchases."
msgstr "Zahlungsinformationen für zukünftige Einkäufe in meinem Konto speichern."
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: Austria"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: Österreich"
#. translators: 1) webhook url
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:24
msgid "You must add the following webhook endpoint %s to your Stripe account settings. This will enable you to receive notifications on the charge statuses."
msgstr "Sie müssen den folgenden Webhook Endpoint %s zu Ihren Stripe Account Einstellungen hinzufügen. Das ermöglicht Ihnen, Benachrichtigungen zu Zahlungen zu erhalten."
#. translators: 1) The reason type.
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:588
msgid "The opened review for this order is now closed. Reason: (%s)"
msgstr "Die offene Überprüfung für diese Bestellung wurde geschlossen. Grund: (%s)"
#. translators: 1) The URL to the order. 2) The reason type.
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:555
msgid "A review has been opened for this order. Action is needed. Please go to your Stripe Dashboard to review the issue. Reason: (%2$s)"
msgstr "Für diese Bestellung wurde eine Überprüfung gestartet. Aktion erforderlich. Bitte gehen Sie zum Stripe Dashboard, um das Problem zu prüfen. Grund: (%2$s)"
#. translators: 1) The URL to the order.
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:296
msgid "A dispute was created for this order. Response is needed. Please go to your Stripe Dashboard to review this dispute."
msgstr "Für diese Bestellung wurde eine Anfechtung erstellt. Antwort erforderlich. Bitte gehen Sie zum Stripe Dashboard, um die Anfechtung zu prüfen."
#. translators: 1) dollar amount 2) transaction id 3) refund message
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:496
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:524
msgid "Pre-Authorization Released via Stripe Dashboard"
msgstr "Pre-Authorization via Stripe Dashboard freigegeben"
#. translators: 1) dollar amount 2) transaction id 3) refund message
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:901
msgid "Pre-Authorization Released"
msgstr "Pre-Authorization freigegeben"
#. translators: 1) link
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:197
msgid "Stripe is in live mode however your test keys may not be valid. Live keys start with pk_live and sk_live or rk_live. Please go to your settings and, set your Stripe account keys."
msgstr "Stripe ist im Live-Modus, aber Ihre Test-Keys sind womöglich ungültig. Live-Keys beginnen mit pk_live und sk_live oder rk_live. Bitte fügen Sie Ihre Stripe-Account-Keys in den Einstellungen ein."
#. translators: 1) link
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:188
msgid "Stripe is in test mode however your test keys may not be valid. Test keys start with pk_test and sk_test or rk_test. Please go to your settings and, set your Stripe account keys."
msgstr "Stripe ist im Test-Modus, aber Ihre Test-Keys sind womöglich ungültig. Test-Keys beginnen mit pk_test und sk_test oder rk_test. Bitte fügen Sie Ihre Stripe-Account-Keys in den Einstellungen ein."
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:513
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:416
msgid "Invalid source ID. A valid source \"Stripe Source ID\" must begin with \"src_\" or \"card_\"."
msgstr "Ungültige Quell-ID. Eine gültige Quelle \"Stripe Source ID\" muss mit \"src_\" oder \"card_\" beginnen."
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:504
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:407
msgid "Invalid customer ID. A valid \"Stripe Customer ID\" must begin with \"cus_\"."
msgstr "Ungültige Kunden-ID. Eine gültige „Stripe Kunden- ID“ beginnt mit „cus_“."
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:501
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:404
msgid "A \"Stripe Customer ID\" value is required."
msgstr "Ein \"Stripe Customer ID\"-Wert ist erforderlich."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:225
msgid "The billing country is not accepted by SOFORT. Please try another country."
msgstr "Dieses Verrechnungsland wird von SOFORT nicht akzeptiert. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einem anderen Land."
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:333
msgid "Card Code (CVC)"
msgstr "Sicherheitscode (CVC)"
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:325
msgid "Expiry Date"
msgstr "Ablaufdatum"
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:314
msgid "Card Number"
msgstr "Kartennummer"
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:220
msgid "The card's expiration year is in the past"
msgstr "Das Ablaufdatum liegt in der Vergangenheit"
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:216
msgid "The card's expiration date is incomplete."
msgstr "Das Ablaufdatum ist unvollständig."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:215
msgid "The card's security code is incomplete."
msgstr "Der Sicherheitscode (CVC) ist unvollständig."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:214
msgid "The card number is incomplete."
msgstr "Die Kartennummer ist unvollständig."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:121
msgid "Select the button type you would like to show."
msgstr "Wähle den Button-Typ, den du anzeigen willst."
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:253
msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry."
msgstr "Aktion fehlgeschlagen. Bitte aktualisieren Sie die Seite und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:606
msgid "OR"
msgstr "ODER"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:284
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:886
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Ausstehend"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:252
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sofort.php:60
msgid "Stripe SOFORT"
msgstr "Stripe SOFORT"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sepa.php:269
msgid "TEST MODE ENABLED. In test mode, you can use IBAN number DE89370400440532013000."
msgstr "TESTMODUS AKTIV. Im Testmodus können Sie folgende IBAN verwenden DE89370400440532013000."
#. translators: statement descriptor
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sepa.php:212
msgid "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing %s and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited."
msgstr "Durch die Bereitstellung Ihrer IBAN und Bestätigung dieser Bestellung, autorisieren Sie %s und unseren Zahlungsdienstleister Stripe eine Anweisung an Ihre Bank zu senden, um Ihr Konto zu belasten. Sie haben Anspruch auf eine Rückerstattung von Ihrer Bank unter den Bedingungen und Konditionen Ihrer Vereinbarung mit Ihrer Bank. Eine Rückerstattung muss innerhalb von 8 Wochen ab dem Tag, an dem Ihr Konto belastet wurde, in Anspruch genommen werden."
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:258
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sepa.php:75
msgid "Stripe SEPA Direct Debit"
msgstr "Stripe SEPA Lastschrift"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:256
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-p24.php:60
msgid "Stripe P24"
msgstr "Stripe P24"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:255
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-ideal.php:60
msgid "Stripe iDeal"
msgstr "Stripe iDeal"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:253
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-giropay.php:60
msgid "Stripe Giropay"
msgstr "Stripe Giropay"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:251
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-bancontact.php:60
msgid "Stripe Bancontact"
msgstr "Stripe Bancontact"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-p24.php:180
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sofort.php:179
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-giropay.php:179
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-ideal.php:179
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-alipay.php:186
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-eps.php:179
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:183
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-bancontact.php:179
msgid "Add Payment"
msgstr "Bezahlung hinzufügen"
#. translators: link
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-p24.php:62
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sofort.php:62
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-giropay.php:62
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-ideal.php:62
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-alipay.php:62
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sepa.php:77
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-eps.php:62
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-multibanco.php:62
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-bancontact.php:62
msgid "All other general Stripe settings can be adjusted here."
msgstr "Alle weiteren allgemeinen Stripe-Einstellungen können hier vorgenommen werden."
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:257
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-alipay.php:60
msgid "Stripe Alipay"
msgstr "Stripe Alipay"
#. translators: 1) card brand 2) last 4 digits
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:579
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:594
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:482
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:41
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "n. a."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:496
msgid "Refunded via Stripe Dashboard"
msgstr "Im Stripe Dashboard zurückerstattet"
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:461
msgid "This payment has cancelled."
msgstr "Diese Zahlung wurde abgebrochen."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:428
msgid "This payment failed to clear."
msgstr "Diese Zahlung konnte nicht bestätigt werden."
#. translators: last 4 digits of IBAN account
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-sepa-payment-token.php:41
msgid "SEPA IBAN ending in %s"
msgstr "SEPA IBAN Endung auf %s"
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-payment-tokens.php:175
msgid "SEPA IBAN"
msgstr "SEPA IBAN"
#. translators: error message
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:194
msgid "Stripe payment failed: %s"
msgstr "Stripe-Zahlung fehlgeschlagen: %s"
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:95
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:224
msgid "Unable to process this payment, please try again or use alternative method."
msgstr "Leider konnten wir diese Zahlung nicht abschließen. Bitte probieren Sie es erneut oder versuchen Sie es mit einer anderen Zahlungsart."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-customer.php:255
msgid "Unable to add payment source."
msgstr "Zahlungsquelle kann nicht hinzugefügt werden."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-api.php:140 includes/class-wc-stripe-api.php:174
msgid "There was a problem connecting to the Stripe API endpoint."
msgstr "Es ist ein Problem bei der Verbindung mit der Stripe API aufgetreten."
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:449
msgid "Please enter your IBAN account number."
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die IBAN Ihres Kontos ein."
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:448
msgid "Please enter your IBAN account name."
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den Namen des Kontoinhabers ein."
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:306
msgid "Credit or debit card"
msgstr "Kredit- oder Debitkarte"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:39
msgid "You will be redirected to SOFORT."
msgstr "Sie werden zur Zahlung zu SOFORT weitergeleitet."
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:32
msgid "SOFORT"
msgstr "SOFORT"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:23
msgid "Enable Stripe SOFORT"
msgstr "Stripe SOFORT aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:14
msgid "Payment Method Guide"
msgstr "Anleitung"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: Germany, Austria"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: Deutschland, Österreich"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:147
msgid "Enter the height you would like the button to be in pixels. Width will always be 100%."
msgstr "Geben Sie die gewünschte Höhe des Buttons in Pixel an. Die Breite ist immer 100%."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:145
msgid "Button Height"
msgstr "Button-Höhe"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:144
msgid "Payment Request Button Height"
msgstr "Höhe des Payment-Request-Button"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:140
msgid "Light-Outline"
msgstr "Hell mit Rand"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:139
msgid "Light"
msgstr "Hell"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:138
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Dunkel"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:132
msgid "Button Theme"
msgstr "Button-Theme"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:131
msgid "Payment Request Button Theme"
msgstr "Theme des Payment-Request-Button"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:127
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Spenden"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:126
msgid "Buy"
msgstr "Kaufen"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:125
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:119
msgid "Button Type"
msgstr "Button-Typ"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:118
msgid "Payment Request Button Type"
msgstr "Typ des Payment-Request-Button"
#. translators: 1) br tag 2) opening anchor tag 3) closing anchor tag
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:111
msgid "Enable Payment Request Buttons. (Apple Pay/Chrome Payment Request API) %1$sBy using Apple Pay, you agree to %2$s and %3$s's terms of service."
msgstr "Aktivieren Sie Payment Request Buttons. (Apple Pay/Chrome Payment Request API) %1$sMit der Nutzung von Apple Pay stimmen Sie den Geschäftsbedingungen von %2$s und %3$s zu."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:109
msgid "Payment Request Buttons"
msgstr "Payment-Request-Buttons"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:89
msgid "Choose the style you want to show for your credit card form. When unchecked, the credit card form will display separate credit card number field, expiry date field and cvc field."
msgstr "Wählen Sie den Stil für Ihr Kreditkartenformular. Falls nicht aktiviert, wird das Kreditkartennummernfeld, das Ablaufdatumsfeld und das CVC-Feld separat angezeigt."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:87
msgid "Inline Credit Card Form"
msgstr "Eingebettetes Kreditkarteneingabefeld"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:39
msgid "Mandate Information."
msgstr "Information zum Lastschriftmandat."
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:32
msgid "SEPA Direct Debit"
msgstr "SEPA Lastschrift"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:23
msgid "Enable Stripe SEPA Direct Debit"
msgstr "Stripe SEPA Lastschrift aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:14
msgid "Payment Method Guide"
msgstr "Anleitung"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Ireland"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: Frankreich, Deutschland, Spanien, Belgien, Niederlande, Luxemburg, Italien, Portugal, Österreich, Irland"
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:35
msgid "You will be redirected to P24."
msgstr "Sie werden zu P24 weitergeleitet."
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:28
msgid "Przelewy24 (P24)"
msgstr "Przelewy24 (P24)"
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:19
msgid "Enable Stripe P24"
msgstr "Stripe P24 aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: Poland"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: Polen"
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:39
msgid "You will be redirected to iDeal."
msgstr "Sie werden zu iDeal weitergeleitet."
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:32
msgid "iDeal"
msgstr "iDeal"
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:23
msgid "Enable Stripe iDeal"
msgstr "Stripe iDeal aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:14
msgid "Payment Method Guide"
msgstr "Anleitung"
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: The Netherlands"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: Niederlande"
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:39
msgid "You will be redirected to Giropay."
msgstr "Sie werden zu Giropay weitergeleitet."
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:32
msgid "Giropay"
msgstr "Giropay"
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:23
msgid "Enable Stripe Giropay"
msgstr "Stripe Giropay aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:14
msgid "Payment Method Guide"
msgstr "Anleitung"
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: Germany"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: Deutschland"
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:39
msgid "You will be redirected to Bancontact."
msgstr "Sie werden zu Bancontact weitergeleitet."
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:32
msgid "Bancontact"
msgstr "Bancontact"
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:23
msgid "Enable Stripe Bancontact"
msgstr "Stripe Bancontact aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:14
msgid "Payment Method Guide"
msgstr "Anleitung"
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: Belgium"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: Belgien"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:43
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:39
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:43
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:43
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:43
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:39
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:31
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:39
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:43
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:43
msgid "Webhook Endpoints"
msgstr "Webhook Endpoints"
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:39
msgid "You will be redirected to Alipay."
msgstr "Sie werden zu Alipay weitergeleitet."
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:32
msgid "Alipay"
msgstr "Alipay"
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:23
msgid "Enable Stripe Alipay"
msgstr "Stripe Alipay aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:18
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:14
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:18
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:18
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:18
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:14
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:14
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:18
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:18
msgid "Must be activated from your Stripe Dashboard Settings here"
msgstr "Muss in den Einstellungen des Stripe Dashboard aktiviert werden."
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:14
msgid "Payment Method Guide"
msgstr "Anleitung"
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:10
msgid "Relevant Payer Geography: China"
msgstr "Relevante Bezahl-Region: China"
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:179
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:504
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:429
msgid "Payment processing failed. Please retry."
msgstr "Bearbeitung der Zahlung fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut."
#. translators: transaction id
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:417
msgid "Stripe charge awaiting payment: %s."
msgstr "Stripe erwartet Erfassung der Zahlung: %s."
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:353
msgid "customer_name"
msgstr "customer_name"
#. translators: 1) link to Stripe register page 2) link to Stripe api keys page
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:90
msgid "Stripe works by adding payment fields on the checkout and then sending the details to Stripe for verification. Sign up for a Stripe account, and get your Stripe account keys."
msgstr "Stripe funktioniert, indem Bezahlungsfelder beim Checkout hinzugefügt und dann an Stripe zur Verifikation gesendet werden. Legen Sie ein Stripe-Konto an und rufen Sie Ihre Stripe Keys ab."
#. translators: 1) HTML anchor open tag 2) HTML anchor closing tag
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-apple-pay-registration.php:270
msgid "Apple Pay domain verification failed. Please check the %1$slog%2$s to see the issue. (Logging must be enabled to see recorded logs)"
msgstr "Apple Pay Domain-Verifizierung ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfen Sie die %1$sLog-Datei%2$s für mehr Details. (Logging muss aktiviert sein um aufgezeichnete Logs zu sehen)"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:134
msgid "Select the button theme you would like to show."
msgstr "Wählen Sie das Button-Theme, das Sie anzeigen wollen."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:113
msgid "If enabled, users will be able to pay using Apple Pay or Chrome Payment Request if supported by the browser."
msgstr "Falls aktiviert und vom Browser unterstützt, können Kunden mit Apple Pay oder Chrome Payment Request zahlen."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:94
msgid "Statement Descriptor"
msgstr "Verwendungszweck"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:1009
msgid "Empty cart"
msgstr "Leerer Warenkorb"
#. translators: Do not translate the [option] placeholder
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:503
msgid "Unknown shipping option \"[option]\"."
msgstr "Unbekannte Versand-Option \"[option]\"."
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:1184
msgid "Discount"
msgstr "Rabatt"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:277
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:879
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:1177
msgid "Shipping"
msgstr "Versand"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:269
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:871
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:1170
msgid "Tax"
msgstr "Steuer"
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:746
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:759
msgid "Unable to find shipping method for address."
msgstr "Für die Adresse konnte keine Versandmethode gefunden werden."
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:257
msgid "Cheatin’ huh?"
msgstr "Schummeln, was?"
#. translators: 1) dollar amount 2) transaction id 3) refund message
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:901
msgid "Refunded %1$s - Refund ID: %2$s - Reason: %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s zurückerstattet - Rückerstattungs ID: %2$s - Grund: %3$s"
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:354
msgid "customer_email"
msgstr "customer_email"
#. translators: 1) blog name 2) order number
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:326
msgid "%1$s - Order %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s - Bestellung %2$s"
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-apple-pay-registration.php:195
msgid "Unable to copy domain association file to domain root."
msgstr "Domain-Association Datei konnte nicht in domain root kopiert werden."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-apple-pay-registration.php:189
msgid "Unable to create domain association folder to domain root."
msgstr "Domain-Association Ordner konnte in domain root nicht erstellt werden."
#. translators: error message
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-apple-pay-registration.php:153
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-apple-pay-registration.php:162
msgid "Unable to verify domain - %s"
msgstr "Domain kann nicht verifiziert werden - %s"
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-apple-pay-registration.php:129
msgid "Unable to verify domain - missing secret key."
msgstr "Domain kann nicht verifiziert werden - Secret Key fehlt."
#. Author of the plugin
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid "https://woocommerce.com/"
msgstr "https://woocommerce.com/"
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:167
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe - cURL is not installed."
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe - cURL ist nicht installiert."
#. translators: 1) int version 2) int version
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:153
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe - The minimum WooCommerce version required for this plugin is %1$s. You are running %2$s."
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe - Erforderlich für dieses Plugin ist mindestens die WooCommerce-Version %1$s. Sie verwenden %2$s."
#. translators: 1) int version 2) int version
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:142
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe - The minimum PHP version required for this plugin is %1$s. You are running %2$s."
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe - Die minimale PHP-Version für dieses Plugin ist %1$s. Sie verwenden %2$s."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:223
msgid "An error occurred while processing the card."
msgstr "Bei der Verarbeitung der Kreditkarten-Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:222
msgid "There is no card on a customer that is being charged."
msgstr "Bei der Abbuchung bei einem Kunden ist keine Karte hinterlegt."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:221
msgid "The card was declined."
msgstr "Die Karte wurde abgelehnt."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:219
msgid "The card's zip code failed validation."
msgstr "Die Postleitzahl der Karte konnte nicht validiert werden."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:218
msgid "The card's security code is incorrect."
msgstr "Der Sicherheitscode der Karte ist nicht korrekt."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:217
msgid "The card has expired."
msgstr "Die Karte ist abgelaufen."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:213
msgid "The card number is incorrect."
msgstr "Die Kartennummer ist nicht korrekt."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:212
msgid "The card's security code is invalid."
msgstr "Der Sicherheitscode der Karte ist ungültig."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:211
msgid "The card's expiration year is invalid."
msgstr "Das Ablaufjahr der Karte ist ungültig."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:210
msgid "The card's expiration month is invalid."
msgstr "Der Ablaufmonat der Karte ist ungültig."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-helper.php:209
msgid "The card number is not a valid credit card number."
msgstr "Die Kartennummer ist keine gültige Kreditkartennummer."
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-stripe-payment-request.php:501
msgid "Sorry, we're not accepting prepaid cards at this time."
msgstr "Entschuldigung, Prepaid-Karten werden zur Zeit nicht angenommen."
#. Description of the plugin
msgid "Take credit card payments on your store using Stripe."
msgstr "Akzeptieren Sie mit Stripe Zahlungen per Kreditkarte in Ihrem Shop."
#. Plugin URI of the plugin
msgid "https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/"
msgstr "https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/"
#. Plugin Name of the plugin
msgid "WooCommerce Stripe Gateway"
msgstr "WooCommerce Stripe-Gateway"
#. translators: transaction id
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:302
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:347
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:399
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:424
msgid "Stripe charge complete (Charge ID: %s)"
msgstr "Stripe-Belastung abgeschlossen (Belastungs-ID: %s)"
#. translators: error message
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:245
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:260
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:276
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:291
msgid "Unable to capture charge! %s"
msgstr "Zahlung kann nicht erfasst werden! %s"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:200
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Support"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:199
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Dokumentation"
#: woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:198
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#. translators: 1) link
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-admin-notices.php:177
msgid "Stripe is almost ready. To get started, set your Stripe account keys."
msgstr "Stripe ist fast bereit. Legen Sie zum Starten Ihre Stripe-Kontoschlüssel fest."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:163
msgid "Save debug messages to the WooCommerce System Status log."
msgstr "Speichern Sie Debug-Meldungen im Protokoll des WooCommerce-Systemstatus."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:161
msgid "Log debug messages"
msgstr "Debug-Meldungen protokollieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:160
msgid "Logging"
msgstr "Protokollieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:155
msgid "If enabled, users will be able to pay with a saved card during checkout. Card details are saved on Stripe servers, not on your store."
msgstr "Falls aktiviert, können Benutzer an der Kasse mit einer gespeicherten Karte bezahlen. Die Karteninformationen werden auf Stripe-Servern gespeichert, nicht in Ihrem Shop."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:153
msgid "Enable Payment via Saved Cards"
msgstr "Zahlung über gespeicherte Karten aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:152
msgid "Saved Cards"
msgstr "Gespeicherte Karten"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:104
msgid "Whether or not to immediately capture the charge. When unchecked, the charge issues an authorization and will need to be captured later. Uncaptured charges expire in 7 days."
msgstr "Bestimmt, ob die Belastung direkt erfasst wird oder nicht. Falls nicht aktiviert, gibt die Belastung eine Autorisierung aus und muss später erfasst werden. Nicht erfasste Belastungen laufen in 7 Tagen ab."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:102
msgid "Capture charge immediately"
msgstr "Belastung direkt erfassen"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:101
msgid "Capture"
msgstr "Erfassen"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:45
msgid "Test Publishable Key"
msgstr "Veröffentlichbarer Testschlüssel"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:52
msgid "Test Secret Key"
msgstr "Geheimer Testschlüssel"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:66
msgid "Live Publishable Key"
msgstr "Veröffentlichbarer Live-Schlüssel"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:47 includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:54
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:68 includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:75
msgid "Get your API keys from your stripe account."
msgstr "Rufen Sie Ihre API-Schlüssel von Ihrem Stripe-Konto ab."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:73
msgid "Live Secret Key"
msgstr "Geheimer Live-Schlüssel"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:40
msgid "Place the payment gateway in test mode using test API keys."
msgstr "Zahlungs-Gateway mithilfe von Test-API-Schlüsseln in den Testmodus versetzen."
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:38
msgid "Enable Test Mode"
msgstr "Testmodus aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:37
msgid "Test mode"
msgstr "Testmodus"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:27
msgid "Pay with your credit card via Stripe."
msgstr "Per Kreditkarte mittels Stripe bezahlen."
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:38
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:34
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:38
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:38
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:38
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:34
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:26
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:34
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:38
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:38
msgid "This controls the description which the user sees during checkout."
msgstr "Beschreibungstext, den Benutzer bei der Auswahl dieser Zahlungsart sehen."
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:36
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:32
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:36
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:36
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:36
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:32
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:24
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:32
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:36
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:36
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:20
msgid "Credit Card (Stripe)"
msgstr "Kreditkarte (Stripe)"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:31
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:27
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:31
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:31
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:31
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:27
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:19
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:27
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:31
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:31
msgid "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout."
msgstr "Beschreibungstext, den Benutzer bei der Auswahl dieser Zahlungsart sehen."
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:29
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:25
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:29
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:29
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:29
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:25
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:17
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:25
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:29
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:29
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Bezeichnung"
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:11
msgid "Enable Stripe"
msgstr "Stripe aktivieren"
#: includes/admin/stripe-sepa-settings.php:22
#: includes/admin/stripe-p24-settings.php:18
#: includes/admin/stripe-ideal-settings.php:22
#: includes/admin/stripe-bancontact-settings.php:22
#: includes/admin/stripe-alipay-settings.php:22
#: includes/admin/stripe-multibanco-settings.php:18
#: includes/admin/stripe-settings.php:10
#: includes/admin/stripe-eps-settings.php:18
#: includes/admin/stripe-giropay-settings.php:22
#: includes/admin/stripe-sofort-settings.php:22
msgid "Enable/Disable"
msgstr "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren"
#. translators: transaction id
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:441
msgid "Stripe charge authorized (Charge ID: %s). Process order to take payment, or cancel to remove the pre-authorization."
msgstr "Stripe-Belastung genehmigt (Belastungs-ID: %s). Verarbeiten Sie die Bestellung, um die Bezahlung entgegenzunehmen, oder stornieren Sie den Vorgang, um die Vorautorisierung zu entfernen."
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-order-handler.php:144
#: includes/class-wc-stripe-webhook-handler.php:219
#: includes/payment-methods/class-wc-gateway-stripe-sepa.php:353
msgid "This card is no longer available and has been removed."
msgstr "Diese Karte ist nicht mehr verfügbar und wurde entfernt."
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:619
msgid "Invalid payment method. Please input a new card number."
msgstr "Ungültige Zahlungsart. Bitte geben Sie eine neue Kartennummer ein."
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:418
msgid "Please fill in required checkout fields first"
msgstr "Bitte füllen Sie zunächst die erforderlichen Kassenfelder aus"
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:417
msgid "Please accept the terms and conditions first"
msgstr "Bitte akzeptieren Sie zunächst die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen"
#. translators: link to Stripe testing page
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:267
msgid "TEST MODE ENABLED. In test mode, you can use the card number 4242424242424242 with any CVC and a valid expiration date or check the Testing Stripe documentation for more card numbers."
msgstr "TESTMODUS AKTIVIERT. Im Testmodus können Sie die Kartennummer 4242424242424242 mit einem beliebigen Sicherheitscode und einem gültigem Ablaufdatum verwenden. Weitere Informationen und Kartennummern finden Sie hier."
#: includes/class-wc-gateway-stripe.php:88
#: includes/admin/class-wc-stripe-privacy.php:12
msgid "Stripe"
msgstr "Stripe"
#. translators: 1) card brand 2) last 4 digits
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:594
msgid "Via %1$s card ending in %2$s"
msgstr "Gezahlt mit Ihrer %1$s Karte, die auf %2$s endet"
#. translators: error message
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-pre-orders-compat.php:138
msgid "Stripe Transaction Failed (%s)"
msgstr "Stripe-Transaktion fehlgeschlagen (%s)"
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-pre-orders-compat.php:57
msgid "Unable to store payment details. Please try again."
msgstr "Zahlungsdetails können nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:277
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:240
msgid "Customer not found"
msgstr "Kunde nicht gefunden"
#. translators: minimum amount
#. translators: 1) dollar amount
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-subs-compat.php:224
#: includes/compat/class-wc-stripe-sepa-subs-compat.php:222
#: includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php:230
msgid "Sorry, the minimum allowed order total is %1$s to use this payment method."
msgstr "Es tut uns leid, der Mindestbestellwert für diese Zahlungsart beträgt %1$s."